[langtitle=en]Causes double reply and Indonesian language text mess[/langtitle]


New member
[lang=en]Sometimes ii experiencing errors. I use ii pages in English, when I was to make a reply, I pressed the icon "Berikan Jawaban Saya", but there is no information that my writing is included. Then I pressed the "Lebih Lanjut" and then pressing "Masukan Jawaban". This is what causes the occurrence of double reply and for users of English, the text will be contained in the Indonesian language.

This is my share and information if there are questioned : D[/lang]
bukan hanya reply, tapi juga jika edit post, bagian selanjutnya yang menggunakan ajax/javascript tidak muncul

masalah ini sudah teratasi sebelumnya, bisa kasih tahu lagi kalau ada yang mengalami seperti ini lagi