[langtitle=en]JustBeenPaid-Passive Income!!![/langtitle]


New member

About JSS Tripler

Basically, You Earn 2% per Day or 60% per Month! No sponsoring Requirements. Use Daily Compounding to Increase Your Earnings! Make Daily Withdrawals to Get Your Money Out! This may be one of the easiest and best ways to earn money you've ever seen!

We Regularly Apply the "Cash Acceleration Bonus" (CAB) to Speed Up Your Earnings! Sponsor People to Earn 10% Referral Bonuses on the First Level and 5% on the Second! Withdraw this Money Daily, or Use It to Further Compound and Increase Your Earnings!
Get 2% daily for 150% in Cycler and get another 150% in JSS Matrix when it cycled.
Think of Ad2million until the position reaches 150% ROI and it cycles out to the matrix, but you need to have 4 matured positions as an unit to move into the matrix.
This Tripler is a part of Just Been Paid(JBP), but you don't have to hold upgraded membership in JBP to buy positions in the Tripler program.
The expiration of matured positions will help the tripler stay aflot for a long time.
Every paid position will cycle 40 positions.

Each position is $10 and can compound by repurchasing with the earnings on the account.
Two level referral commission for 10% and 5%.
Minimum withdrawal is $20.

This program has launched February 17th, 2011.
You have to fund JSS Main account from your AP first, then transfer the fund to JSS-Tripler account and buy the positions.
There are many payment proofs posted on other forums from the earliest members, but I'm still repurchasing to increase daily earning.

Join JSS - Tripler

***The links goes to JBP main page. You can signup and go to Tripler section from a link on the left side.
***You don't have to pay an upgrade fee to buy positions on Tripler. But click the JSS(Synergy Surf) link to fund JSS main account, then transfer the fund to Triper account to buy.

The basic formula JSS-Tripler uses is to apply 80% of funds received to pay unexpired positions. This means that every position bought enables JSS-Tripler to pay 40 positions for a day. This makes "cash acceleration" possible. JSS-Tripler has a "Cash Acceleration Bonus" (CAB) feature. From time to time, JSS-Tripler uses CAB to pay extra bonuses to members.

You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune!

The total cash earnings per position is $15 or 150%. The further $15 is paid in the form of JSS positions. When four of your JSS-Tripler positions have matured and earned you $15 each, you get a JSS position that pays you $60 when it cycles. This amounts to $15 per JSS-Tripler position. This is how your money is tripled. You also receive 2 free "placements" per JSS position.

Please read which are not yet convinced of JBP:

The creator, admin and owner Frederick Mann challenges: "Find the Mathematical Flaw in the Design of JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) and JSS-Tripler that Prevents the Combination of These Two Programs Working Together from Being Indefinitely Sustainable, and I Will Pay You $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars)!"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-uPFmipUPw&feature=related"]‪JSS-Tripler.com - Take the $1 Million Challenge!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vJeLft1ugA&NR=1"]‪How to Fund Your Account and Buy JSS-Tripler Positions‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]