Harian KOMPAS pertama kali terbit pada tanggal 28 Juni 1965, yang dirintis oleh dua tokoh utamanya yakni PK Ojong dan Jakob Oetama. Sementara penerbit KOMPAS pada awalnya adalah Yayasan Bentara Rakyat, yang saat ini berganti nama menjadi PT KOMPAS MEDIA NUSANTARA.
KOMPAS saat ini membuka lowongan untuk posisi
Front- end Developer
We are looking for a Front-end developer to join our team. You will be responsible for building the ‘client-side’ of our web applications. You should be able to translate our company and customer needs into functional and appealing interactive applications.If you’re interested in creating a user-friendly environment by writing code and moving forward in your career, then this job is for you.
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in IT
• Proven in front-end developer
• Experience with JavaScript, CSS, JQuery
• Understanding an layout aesthetic and having knowledge in SEO prinsipal
• Familiar with browser testing and debugging
Apply here www.rajajobs.com/rjkompasmn
KOMPAS saat ini membuka lowongan untuk posisi
Front- end Developer
We are looking for a Front-end developer to join our team. You will be responsible for building the ‘client-side’ of our web applications. You should be able to translate our company and customer needs into functional and appealing interactive applications.If you’re interested in creating a user-friendly environment by writing code and moving forward in your career, then this job is for you.
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in IT
• Proven in front-end developer
• Experience with JavaScript, CSS, JQuery
• Understanding an layout aesthetic and having knowledge in SEO prinsipal
• Familiar with browser testing and debugging
Apply here www.rajajobs.com/rjkompasmn