Lowongan Kerja di PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi


New member
PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi (AdIns) adalah perusahaan penyedia solusi berbasis teknologi informasi (IT Solution Company) yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Keluarga besar AdIns terdiri dari para profesional muda yang berdedikasi, fun loving dan memiliki kemampuan teknis yang mumpuni dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya secara profesional. AdIns selalu berusaha menciptakan suasana kerja yang fun, tetapi tetap challenging dan profesional untuk memacu kalian untuk selalu melakukan yang terbaik dalam setiap aktifitas kalian.
PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi sedang membuka lowongan untuk posisi

Technical Writer
• Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements
• Create and maintain the information architecture
• Produce high-quality documentation that meets applicable standards and is appropriate for its intended audience
• Write easy-to-understand user interface text, online help and developer guides
• Create tutorials to help end-users use a variety of applications

• Proven working experience in technical writing of software documentation
• Ability to deliver high quality documentation paying attention to detail
• Ability to quickly grasp complex technical concepts and make them easily understandable in text and pictures
• Excellent written skills in English
• Basic familiarity with the SDLC and software development
• University degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent preferred

HR Recruitment Specialist
Job Description :
• Recruit top talent including sourcing, interviewing and reference checking;
• Conduct technical & psychological test;
• Partner with managers to determine requirements for the position;
• Develop HR branding & create advertising to attract new hires;
• Maintain partnership with Universities as one of the talent source.
Requirements :
• Bachelor degree in Psychology major, with min. 1 year experience in recruitment area;
• Strong interpersonal skill and communication skill;
• Able to work individually as well as in a team;
• Self starter and willing to learn;
• Living in Wet Jakarta Area;
• Preferred : previous experience recruiting for IT company.
Programmer Analyst
Requirements :
• S1-Teknik Informatika, IPK. Minimal 3.25, usia maksimal 28 tahun;
• Berpengalaman melakukan analisa dan desain sebuah sistem minimal 2 tahun;
• Menguasai Pemrograman C# (.NET) dan SQL Server lebih diutamakan;
• Menguasai Project Management lebih diutamakan;
• Pernah berpengalaman dalam development dan atau implementasi ERP System lebih diutamakan;

Info selengkapnya kunjungi www.rajajobs.com/adins