Lowongan Kerja Front-End Developer di Dokter Cerdas

Dokter Cerdas is a platform created by one bunch of smart creatives for another i.e. the graduates of health sciences. We aim to break the boundaries and current limitations faced through thorough information sharing and spreading. We firmly believe this: Power comes not from knowledge kept but from knowledge shared (Bill Gates). Our website provides updated, complete information that is relevant for both the fresh graduates as well as those who have been working professionals for longer. By doing this, we strive to empower the health sciences graduates to take control over their career path direction and not just picking a job.


  • Understand and have good knowledge about HTML5, CSS3 , Bootstrap and Javascript
  • Have experience working with Photoshop/Illustrator
  • Eager to learn
  • Previous exposure to UI/UX


  • Able to communicate in English
  • Loves tech and constantly keeping up-to-date with the latest trends
  • Agile, self-motivated and a quick learner
  • Upholds integrity in words and actions
  • Fresh graduates are welcome

- See more at: http://id.startupjobs.asia/id/job/1...dokter--cerdas-indonesia#sthash.vtvzJCq7.dpuf