Lowongan Kerja Rocket Marketing di NUTVEGG

Healthy food delivery service specialized with Slow-Carb Diet and Raw Vegan Food in Indonesia.


As a rocket marketing, you will be a leader on the team responsible for telling the world (and company) the story of our product. You will be expected to be our chief advocate for a specific feature set and its benefits. Additionally, you will be charged with crafting the strategy around the messaging and marketing for new launches.


Degree or equivalent working experience.
Past experience in digital marketing, product marketing, and/or product management.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills -- there is a heavy amount of writing and presenting/selling ideas in this role.
Proficiency in content management systems. You will be expected to build product pages, optimize the conversion paths on those pages, and use dynamic calls-to-action to create and test buyer stage-specific calls-to-action.
Prefer working in a collaborative, cross-team capacity. This role requires you to work across functions and departments to bring the product to life. You are at the center of our entire organization, constantly interacting with teammates and prospects.

- See more at: http://id.startupjobs.asia/id/job/1...keting-nutvegg-indonesia#sthash.SAtZ9Dz9.dpuf