Mandarin Series: Cousin Ji Xiang




* Title: 表妹吉祥 / Biao Mei Ji Xiang
* Also known as: Cousin Ji Xiang / 老房有喜 (Lao Fang You Xi) / Old House Has Joy
* Genre: Romance, drama
* Episodes: 25
* Broadcast year: 1999


Xiao Peng follows his grandpa's instructions to claim back their estate, the property in which Ji Xiang lives in. But instead of completing his duty, he falls head over heels for the beautiful and kind-hearted Ji Xiang. As their feelings deepened, the inevitable happened: Xiao Peng's arranged fiance comes. Soon, one obstacle stumbles upon another. And a great shock greets them: Xiao Peng and Ji Xiang are cousins...

Entertwined within the youthful romance is a forbidden love between Su San and Li Mei, whose families are adversaries. Will they overcome their impediment? And how are they related to Xiao Peng and Ji Xiang?

* Alec Su as Xiao Peng and Su San
* Vicki Zhao as Ji Xiang and Li Mei

Production Credits

* Screenwriter: Lai Jian Guo
* Producer: Ma Zhong Jun
* Director: Ding Yang Guo

ini abis sukses Putri Huan Zhu, masih influence influence na trus bikin ni :) kesannya agak maksa sih kalo menurut gue.. :)
Bls: Mandarin Series: Cousin Ji Xiang

he he serial wei wei paling kacrut, dah capek2 nonton tahunya...sodaraan, capek deh!
Bls: Mandarin Series: Cousin Ji Xiang

boro2 endless love, ini mah gak ada setengahnya he he bener2 drama khas mainland yg tokohnya segabruk, lebih banyak scene orang ngobrol ngalor ngidul gak jelas. scene alec ma wei wei malah minim.
mereka jadi sepupu (kan juduknya cousin Ci Xiang), ternyata bokapnya Ci Xiang anaknya kakeknya si alec yg dah lama kepisah. yg bikin menarik paling flash backnya pake setting jaman dulu yg maen jadi kakeknya alec waktu muda ya alec sendiri, kalo neneknya ci xiang ya.. wei wei juga he he