Memperbaiki File Yang Rusak Dengan File Repair


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Jika anda merupakan pengguna sistem operasi Windows, mungkin anda pernah mengalami ketika file anda rusak dengan beberapa notifikasi kerusakan seperti : “file is not in a recognizable format”, “unable to read file”, “file cannot be accessed”, “application cannot open the type of file represented by filename”, “out of memory errors” dan juga “low system resources errors”.

Kerusakan file tersebut sebagian besar disebabkan oleh beberapa hal seperti infeksi virus, listrik yang tiba-tiba mati saat file diakses, adanya error di network sharing, network interuption, atau bisa juga karena adanya aplikasi yang error. Bagi anda yang mengalaminya, jangan khawatir terlebih dahulu karena sebenarnya anda masih bisa berusaha untuk menyelamatkan dan memperbaiki file anda yang rusak dengan File Repair software.

Usaha dulu baru pasrah... :D


Using File Repair, you can repair:
  • corrupted Word documents (.doc, .docx, .docm, .rtf)
  • corrupted Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xla, .xlsx)
  • corrupted Zip or RAR archives (.zip, .rar)
  • corrupted videos (.avi, .mp4, .mov, .flv, .wmv, .asf, .mpg)
  • corrupted JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG or RAW images (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, .png)
  • corrupted PDF documents (.pdf)
  • corrupted Access databases (.mdb, .mde, .accdb, .accde)
  • corrupted PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pps, .pptx)
  • corrupted music (.mp3, .wav)
Best of all, File Repair is 100% freeware: No ads, no beg screens, no feature or time limits. It is completely free for you to use and enjoy.

Using File Repair, you can repair files got corrupted due to:
  • unexpected power failure
  • network interruption
  • virus infection
  • network sharing
  • application errors
List of the errors to be fixed:
  • file is not in a recognizable format
  • unable to read file
  • file cannot be accessed
  • application cannot open the type of file represented by filename
  • out of memory errors, or low system resources errors
Download File Repair


Download a full version of File Repair, freeware, 1.01 MB
Ditunggu komentarnya, kalo ada sisa repu juga mau;)!


  • 2011-06-09_233541.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 1,026
saya da nyoba repair file zip/rar yg corrupt..tapi kok gak bisa ngerepair ya

corruptnya cocok dengan ini gak den?

Using File Repair, you can repair files got corrupted due to:

  • unexpected power failure
  • network interruption
  • virus infection
  • network sharing
  • application errors
List of the errors to be fixed:

  • file is not in a recognizable format
  • unable to read file
  • file cannot be accessed
  • application cannot open the type of file represented by filename
  • out of memory errors, or low system resources errors

Oh ya dari web resminya juga ada tulisan gini:
You can send us your file for the manual repair of the file. Our repair experts will analyze the file and repair it for you. Once the file has been received, it generally takes 1-24 hours to process. You can send your corrupted file as an attachment to us via email
iya. ketika ga berhasil, malah disuruh kirim manual ke email bersangkutan supaya bisa diperbaiki
Pagi.. Gan And Sist... Data Dalam Flashdisk Saya Hilang Semua Terformat Oleh Aplikasi Rufust. Bagaimana Cara Ngembaliin nya lagi ya.. Makasih...
Coba install app 'disk digger' cptw bisa nulung. kalo file di fd dpt dari inet ya mending donlut lagi.
bnyk kok aplikasinya untuk restore deleted data, asal memory ny belom corrup ataupun ketimpa file lain
saya da nyoba repair file zip/rar yg corrupt..tapi kok gak bisa ngerepair ya
emang yg dipakai repair alatnya apa?
banyak di inet file2 rar/zip yg korup kalo dibuka pakai winrar.. soalnya pas ngebuatnya kompresor yg dipakai bukan win-rar/zip.(B1 archiever, zip/rar android, dll dll)
solusi buka pakai app yg sesuai.(biasanya B1-archiever yg dipakai)