Mohon Pertolongannya ......


New member
Salam bwt semuanya ...
Bwt rekan-rekan senior, saya mohon pertolongannya ....
Kompie rekan kerja saya kena Virus "Antivirus.exe" (ceritanya lagi surfing terus iseng klik tombol Pop Up Banner yg muncul, yg otomatis menginstal Malware yg bernama "Antivirus.Exe").
Terus Tuch kompie saya scan pake AVG (Safe Mode), kena Virusnya-deleted- tapi pas reboot, gak bisa masuk "Windows" (winboot.ini - rusak) akhirnya dengan berat hati itu kompie Aq Intall ulang pake Windows XP SP2.

nach sekarang yang jadi permasalahannya adalah :
Kompie tsb gak bisa Shutdown secara benar, jadi kalau Aq shutdown itu kompie lampu Powernya masih tetap nyala, aktifitas CPU aja yg berhenti. masih bisa nyala hanya dengan memijit tombol reset. seharusnya kan kalau shutdown, semua OFF, dan untuk menyalakannya lagi harus memijit tombol power.
Mohon pencerahnnya, semoga para senior bisa membantu permasalahan saya.
terima kasih sbelumnya ........

Coba pake tweaking registry. Caranya :

  1. Jalankan program regedit
  2. masuk ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Desktop.
  3. Klik ganda key WaitToKillAppTimeout
  4. Perkecil nilainya jadi 1000
  5. Klik Ganda HungAppTimeout dan ubah nilainya menjadi 100 klik Ok
  6. Masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control
  7. Klik ganda WaitToKillServiceTimeout, lalu ubah nilainya jadi 1000

Mudahan bisa membantu...>8|>8|
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Coba pake tweaking registry. Caranya :

  1. Jalankan program regedit
  2. masuk ke HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelDesktop.
  3. Klik ganda key WaitToKillAppTimeout
  4. Perkecil nilainya jadi 1000
  5. Klik Ganda HungAppTimeout dan ubah nilainya menjadi 100 klik Ok
  6. Masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
  7. Klik ganda WaitToKillServiceTimeout, lalu ubah nilainya jadi 1000

Mudahan bisa membantu...>8|>8|

Makasih, saya coba ya .... Mudah-mudahan bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan saya .....:)
(tambahan : cuma windowsnya aja yg Off, komputer tetep On meskipun udh semaleman dimatiinnya)
Coba pake tweaking registry. Caranya :

  1. Jalankan program regedit
  2. masuk ke HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelDesktop.
  3. Klik ganda key WaitToKillAppTimeout
  4. Perkecil nilainya jadi 1000
  5. Klik Ganda HungAppTimeout dan ubah nilainya menjadi 100 klik Ok
  6. Masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
  7. Klik ganda WaitToKillServiceTimeout, lalu ubah nilainya jadi 1000

Mudahan bisa membantu...>8|>8|

udah dicoba Bos .................. masih tetep power on ......... meski windowsnya udah Shutting Down ................... (jadi kaya PAke Windows'95 dahulu kala) .......................

Kenapa ya? apa Power Failure (ato Settingan HArdware ada yg salah?) ........
mohon pencerahannya kepada para senior ......
ini ada artikel mengenai problem bro, mudahan bisa membantu
?Powerdown issues? are quite distinctive from ?shutdown issues.? I define a shutdown problem as one wherein Windows doesn?t make it at least to the ?OK to shut off your computer? screen. If Windows gets that far, or farther, then it has shut down correctly. However, the computer may not powerdown correctly after that. This is a different problem, and I encourage people reporting these issues to make a clear distinction in their labeling.

When Windows XP won?t powerdown automatically, the APM/NT Legacy Power Node may not be enabled. To enable this, right-click on the My Computer icon, click Properties | Hardware | Device Manager | View. Check the box labeled ?Show Hidden Devices.? If it?s available on your computer, there will be a red X on the APM/NT Legacy Node. Try enabling it and see if this resolves the powerdown problem (Tip from Terri Stratton). Or, to check the other side of the APM/ACPI coin, open the Power Options applet in Control Panel. If there is an APM tab, make sure the ?Enable Advanced Power Management Support? box is checked. (MSKB 313290)

This should resolve the powerdown issue in most cases. However, other factors can sometimes interfere with correct powerdown functioning. In that case, consider the following tips:

Try some of the solutions on my Shutdown & Restart Shortcuts page. If you really have a hardware inability to powerdown, these won?t solve it; but for some other underlying causes of powerdown failures, they just might.

If you change the default power settings in the BIOS, it can lead to a powerdown problem. Restoring all BIOS power settings to default will likely fix it. (Tip from Kelly Theriot)

Sometimes, not all appropriate Registry settings are made when you enable all the right power management settings in Windows. You can force the critical Registry setting with the ?ShutNTdown? Registry patch. Please follow sensible Registry editing protocol. Backup your Registry before the change (or run System Restore to create a restore point). After installing it, test Windows shutdown. If the fix doesn?t work for you, remove it by restoring the Registry to its prior state. (For those who want more background information, the fix provided by this patch is based on information contained in MS Knowledge Base article 155117 for Windows NT 4.0.)

On some hardware, power management features simply don?t work right. This is exceedingly rare on Windows XP when compared to any earlier version of Windows but, on some machines, especially if no BIOS upgrade is available, there seems no conclusion to reach except, ?Yes, you?re right, it doesn?t work, so don?t use that feature.? Accordingly, several correspondents have noted that their Win XP computers will not powerdown correctly unless they have Turn Off Monitor, Turn Off Hard Disks, and System Standby all set to ?Never? in Control Panel | Power Options. (Tip from Dan Mitchell & others)

How old is your power supply? Correspondent Andrew Walsh had a computer that wouldn?t power down after a Win XP shutdown until he replaced the power supply that was a few years old. Presto! His problem was gone.

Correspondent ?Snake? restored powerdown functioning by disabling his CD-ROM?s AutoRun feature. The fastest way to do this is with the ?Disable AutoRun? Registry patch that you can download here.

If you have Office XP installed, the culprit may be CTFMON.EXE. This module provides the Alternate Language Bar and provides text input service support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation, and other alternative user input technologies. When you close all Office programs, this module stays active. Removing it can cause serious problems with your Office XP products, but you can effectively disable it by setting the installation state to Not Available in Office XP Setup. This isn?t as easy as it sounds though ? several steps are involved. For full instructions, plus more information on the file and its function, see What Is CTFMON and What Does It Do? (Tip from Jay Jones)

VIA Apollo Pro 133 motherboards have a ?USB Keyboard support? BIOS setting that can interfere with proper power management function if it is enabled ? especially with respect to preventing powerdown during attempted shutdown, and also preventing the computer from waking from Stand-by. SOLUTION: Disable it. This was originally reported on the Chaintech 6ATA2, and confirmed on other VIA Apollo Pro 133 boards. (Tips from ?Zef,? The Netherlands, & Robert Lin)

Toshiba laptop (model not specified). Problems of Windows XP not powering off nor going into standyby were solved by uninstalling (then reinstalling) the Toshiba Power Saver software and Toshiba Hotkey for Display Devices. After doing this and a reboot, the problem was gone. (Tip from David Flitterman)

Atau biar lebih jelas bisa kunjungi situsnya langsung di sini
Terimakasih bwt "ak4037" Permasalahan saya telah selesai atas petunjuk anda...
Ternyata benar ada yg dihiden sama komputer, (klik kanan my Computer, klik Device Manager dan show hidden ) setelah di enable...semua jadi lancar.
Makasih banyak Bro... Ilmu saya bertambah. Semoga thread ini bisa membantu ekan-rekan yg lain
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Gini Bos!!!
-Masuklah ke menu Run di pilihan Start
-Ketik msconfig dan pilih menu startup hentikan kerja program2x yang tak berguna atau centangkan 1 process saja yaitu "ctfmon" lalu tekan ok maka anda akan di suruh restart
-setelah masuk ke windows centengkan kata "Don't show......"
-Jika tak pulih juga bukalah CPU anda dan buka memori RAM nyadan ambil penghapus dan gosoklah ke bagian kuningan di RAM denga sangat Hati2xxx
-Lalu Pasanglah Cassing
-Jika Tidak Bisa berarti ada sistem yang sudah tidak valid/mendukung