Pelampung Leher, buan si kecil biar cepet bisa berenang nih !


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Swimming Neck Ring, merupakan ban renang bayi yang dapat membuat ayah dan ibu happy, karena si kecil jadi bisa bermain bersama saat di kolam.

Oh ya, Neck Float ini special loh untuk baby 2 tahun kebawah, jadi buat yang pengen bayinya cepet bisa berenang, bisa nih training pakai neck ring ini, karena neck ring ini tidak mengganggu aktivitas gerak kaki dan tangannya si kecil, sehingga secara tidak langsung dapat melatih si baby gerakan renang pada tangan dan kakinya.

Modelnya lucu, karena pemakaiannya di leher. Tapi jangan takut bayinya tercekik ya, karena produk ini memang dikhususkan untuk membantu bayi agar dapat bebas berenang.

The benefits of swimming :
- Swimming helps to develop the heart and lungs of the baby,
- Increase food digestion and absorption, increasing the immunity of the baby.
- Develops the neurotics and intellectuals
- Helps newborn/baby to develop regular sleep
- Reduce newborn/baby crying and improve relationship between parents and the baby
- Develops newborn/baby’s motor skills and flexibility
- Swimming is not just about coming into contact with water, but it trains the sight, hearing, touch and balance of the baby.

Swimming enables newborn to grow physically and mentally, cause ;
- To a newborn, it is very important for them to eliminate the fear of a new environment. When a newborn starts to swim, it is as though they are back to the mother’s womb, allowing them to move freely, helping them to adapt to the “outer world” via the “inner world” environment.
- Swimming helps to develop newborn’s brain development. A newborn's brain is very fragile, however it grows very fast. Due to the rapid development of the brain, the stimulation of the brain during the first 2 years of a newborn is extremely important. The stimulation of the brain works best of newborn 0-6 months. The skin is extremely sensitive to touch and stimulation via swimming. Swimming helps the newborn to be aware of his/her surroundings, which inertly develops his/her sight, hearing, and balance.
- Swimming helps newborn/baby to grow better. Other than a healthy diet, exercise is also a key factor for newborn/babies growth. For newborn/baby, swimming is the most natural and effective form of exercise. During swimming, newborn/baby learns to use his/her arms to paddle. The ripple on the newborn/baby’s skin and the water pressure develops the chest muscles. Swimming develops newborn/baby’s motor skills and flexibility.

sumber : ;

Lihat video di side utk lebih jelasnya

ok, ditunggu deh ordernya ;D
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nanti kalo gak kuat nahan, gimana ya?

nyemplung deh, kasian dede-nya
Bls: Pelampung Leher, buan si kecil biar cepet bisa berenang nih !


Klo ke Bandung ada ongkir nya ga. atau minta alamat cabang bandung.
Trus mau tanya untuk bayi 2 bulan bisa ga?
Satu lagi ya pertanyaannya, kolam renang nya yg dari plastik/karet ga skalian di tag?