PT Pupuk Sriwidjaya (Persero) kembali membuka lowongan kerja lagi
Preferably Male with max age 28 years old
Fluent in oral and written English (TOEFL > 450)
Mastering in the computer software applications in related field
Motivated, energetic and able to work together in teams
Informasi lebih detail mengenai lowongan kerja PT Pupuk Sriwidjaya (Persero) silakan klik di sini
Preferably Male with max age 28 years old
Fluent in oral and written English (TOEFL > 450)
Mastering in the computer software applications in related field
Motivated, energetic and able to work together in teams
Informasi lebih detail mengenai lowongan kerja PT Pupuk Sriwidjaya (Persero) silakan klik di sini