Rahasia GOOGLE yang Belum Diaktifkan! Kalo Diaktifkan akan Terjadi KIAMAT INTERNET


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Pada Oktober 2007, Google mengumumkan kalau mereka mencari implementor dark fiber networks di dasar laut antara U.S. dan Asia untuk kebutuhan bandwidth mereka. Dan Google juga telah membeli dark fiber dengan kuantitas yang sangat-sangat banyak. Konon kabarnya, Google saat ini memiliki Dark Fiber lebih banyak dari dark fiber perusahaan manapun di seluruh dunia.



Kemunculan “dark fiber” dimulai dari adanya keberadaan sebuah data yang sangat besar. dalam hal ini yaitu Arizona State University (ASU) dan pusat riset genetic institute terletak berjarak 10 mil antara satu sama lain, Sehingga untuk melakukan sinkronisasi data jika menggunakan kabel tembaga, maka perbedaan datanya akan berjarak 7 hari sedangkan jika menggunakan dark fiber perbedaan datanya akan berbeda hanya sampai 1 jam. Hal itu dimungkinkan karena Dark Fiber memiliki kecepatan 8.000 Gigabytes/ jam atau 8 TB/jam.

APA yang akan dilakukan Google dengan DARK FIBER?

Meski memiliki dark fiber yang sangat banyak di dunia, menurut informasi orang dalam, google sama sekali belum mengaktifkan dark fibernya tersebut. Jika Google mengaktifkannya maka Google akan mampu membajak dan memonopili semua lalu lintas internet, bahkan lebih jauh dari itu.
Dengan teknologi yang semakin berkembang dan kebutuhan bandwith yang semakin besar maka penyedia layanan Internet (ISP) akan berjuang untuk memenuhi tuntutan peningkatan bandwidth. Misalnya saja, saat ini situs penyedia download film semakin bertebaran di internet, begitu juga streaming online televisi dan video, dan download lagu/mp3.
Untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan itu jelas diperlukan peningkatan bandwith besar-besaran. Hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan implementasi Dark Fiber yang memiliki kecepatan 8.000 Gigabytes/jam


Ketika ISP mencapai kapasitas mereka, mereka tak punya pilihan lain kecuali meminta bantuan kepada Google. Dengan dark fiber yang dimilikinya, google akan mengatasi semua keterbatasan bandwith dunia.
Bahkan, Google tidak hanya akan memonopoli lalu lintas internet, dengan dark fibernya, maka Google akan menjadi perusahaan telepon, perusahaan TV kabel, sistem stereo dan digital video recorder untuk rumah kita semua. Hal itu sangat mungkin terjadi. Dan Google pun akan menguasai dunia.


Kita tidak akan pernah tahu.Maka bersiap-siaplah jika suatu saat nanti kehidupan kita akan sangat bergantung pada Google
Hehehehe...teori konspirasi soal ini sudah lewat masanya Mas. 4 tahun atau 5 tahun lalu, isu ini masih sangat laku, dan membuat orang bertanya2 apa yang akan dilakukan oleh google dengan membeli dark fiber dengan kuantitas yang banyak. Dan setahun lalu sudah terjawab, isu soal konspirasi google ini adalah hoax...
Mungkin artikel dibawah ini perlu dibaca dan disebarkan...:))
February 11, 2010
Google's Dark Fiber Mystery – We Have Our Answer

Google started picking up massive amounts of dark fiber back in 2005, but what was it going to do with it? Conspiracy theories abounded over Google’s intended dark fiber use. The one that made the most sense was that Google was preparing additional infrastructure for its own use because it purchased enough dark fiber to provide high-bandwidth connectivity between its data centers. Another possible explanation was that Google was considering creation of a voice network that would help with call quality.

Five years later, we have our answer. Google purchased the dark fiber back in 2005 so that it can provide its own broadband Internet access. The company plans to accept responses to its request for information from communities and municipalities interested in participating in what it calls its “Google Fiber for Communities” venture.

Google claims it will provide 1-gigabit-per-second fiber-to-the-home connections, offering speeds that are 100 times better than that available to most Americans. Its stated purpose is to provide more people the opportunity to achieve greater success that requires faster Internet connections, try new methods for deploying fiber optic networks and to provide and “open access” network that makes multiple service providers available to those seeking high-speed Internet access.

Starting a few years ago, Google began buying thousands of miles of so-called “dark fiber”--fiberoptic communications wiring that was installed in the ground but going unused. The fiber was historically cheap thanks to a fiberoptic building boom that had gone bust, allowing the Mountain View search giant to acquire large amounts of it for pennies on the dollar.

All this wiring represents more high-speed bandwidth than even Google can use right now, generating speculation about what the company will do with it, and theories range from innocent internal-data transport to world domination. Following are Google’s official story and three alternate theories about how the company might light up its cache of dark fiber.

The Official Story

Google head of special initiatives Eric Sacca has said the fiber helps Google avoid long-haul transport costs for traffic that needs to get to, say, peering points that connect to the AT&T network. Google also uses formerly dark fiber to interconnect its massive data centers and perform mundane tasks like replicating its search index to Google sites worldwide.

One Google observer who has also worked with the company thinks the Official Story is also the most likely, since Google historically tries to build and operate its own, self-contained infrastructure.

“The less external dependencies, the better. Fiber reduces some of the dependencies, but you still need peering, points of presence, etc. ... Google invests heavily in long-term capital expenditures ... [and] has a good record getting these things to pay off.”

But it can’t just want to make its own operations slightly cheaper and smoother, right? Hasn’t Google taken Microsoft’s place as the company that’s Trying to Take Over the World? It’s easy to find alternate theories about Mountain View’s intentions.

Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) Theory

First floated by Robert Cringely with a nod to Brewster Kahle, this theory works off the Official Story: Google has paid people to design the most powerful, robust data center that could fit into a standard shipping container—the plain steel boxes you see on oceangoing freighters or tractor-trailers. Google can then move these data centers next to the 300-odd peering points around the world. Creating and using these data-centers-in-a-box increases Google’s redundancy, reduces users’ latency, and generally makes the Google network less crashable, for $3 billion or perhaps less.

While one analyst called this scheme an over-romanticization by someone who had read too much Neal Stephenson, the resulting characteristics of such a system—fast, always-on IP performance—would also make the emerging Google Desktop behave as much like software residing on your PC as possible. It could herald the long-awaited arrival of software-as-a-service (SaaS), where most of your day-to-day software becomes a medium for displaying Mountain View’s ads (not just your Web browser).

SaaS Theory, World Domination Edition

Google using fiber to strengthen its grip on your desktop might not be enough for the more wide-eyed Google conspiracy theorists. Robert Cringely gave them welcome ammunition when he posited that Google also plans a “Google cube” that’s essentially a cheap, universal electronic connecting device: a simple box with jacks and connections for “USB, RJ-45, RJ-11, analog and digital video, S-video, analog and optical sound, etc. Additional [input/output includes] Wifi and Bluetooth.” Overnight, Google becomes “a major phone company, a major video entertainment provider, a major player in home automation and even medical telemetry.” For example, there’s a lot of video content lying around not making any money, and if Google can bring distribution costs down to a penny or two an hour, it can rule online video and even make money in the process . Excelling in these fields would require a lot of bandwidth, although it’s unlikely that Mountain View would enter any of them without its usual thorough planning and preparation.

A Google-Branded Telecom Network

A job posting on Google supports this theory . But some observers wonder whether Google wants to pay to light up all that dark fiber on the way to creating such a network; there’s supposedly plenty of wholesale, high-speed telecom capacity lying around that’s already “lit,” reducing the economic incentives for Google to enter what is already a highly competitive business. Besides, telecom is subject to regulation and taxation, which Google historically avoids where it can. One analyst sees a continuing need to increase U.S. broadband capacity, however, given that the country has fallen to number 37 in broadband deployment—behind Turkey. So perhaps a Google Bell isn’t as far-fetched as it seems.


Kalopun ada yang perlu ditakutkan, bukanlah google tapi Obsidian Strategics...:D

suka atau enggak, kenyataannya,, Google memang telah menguasai lalu lintas internet di dunia maya.. mereka mendownload dan menyalin.. dan akan terus begitu... jadi masalah keamanan privasi yang bakal menjadi isu hangat kembali setelah dahulu pernah terjadi ketika Google baru meluncurkan Gmail ;)
iya iyalah ini HOAX... dilihat dari analogi bandwidth kabel dan nirkabel saja jelas beda jauh, masa mau pasang kabel dark fiber baru antar negara :D