

This article is only a test. Feel free to add to the story or test things here.

There once were 3[FOOTNOTE=3]3 pigs[/FOOTNOTE] little pigs.
They lived on a farm and were quite wealthy. Each of the pigs was unique intheir own way though
. See what made each pig different below:

Pig #1 : lkujhyljhlku

Pig #2 : jklhg ljkh ljhg lkj lkjh

Pig #3[FOOTNOTE=3]3 pigs[/FOOTNOTE] : lkjh lgy il l ;o; ihj;kjhkljhlkjh​
One little piggy edited this page.

[BOOK]Book Tags[/BOOK]

This is a test

border=1 callspacing=0 cellpadding=7
|One little pig lived here[FOOTNOTE=2] footnote 2 [/FOOTNOTE]
|valign=top colspan=2 rowspan=2|the 2nd Little pig lived here
|The Third little pig lived here
[RAINBOW]what is rainbow[/RAINBOW]
[FOOTNOTE=1]footnote 1[/FOOTNOTE]
[COMMENT]this is comment[/COMMENT]
[SPECIAL]this is special[/SPECIAL]
[HELP]what is help[/HELP]

[SPECIAL]This is a test[/SPECIAL]

The three little pigs had found that bbcode was a great solution to the wikicode problem plaguing most wikis.
The big bad wolf knew that if new users automatically had WYSIWYG as their default editor choice, more users would find the wiki easy to use.



Well hello test!