** The Longest Yard - 2005


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The Longest Yard - 2005

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0398165/

Paul "Wrecking" Crewe was a revered football superstar
back in his day, but that time has since faded. But when
a messy drunk driving incident lands him in jail, Paul
finds he was specifically requested by Warden Hazen
(James Cromwell), a duplicitous prison official well aware
of Paul's athletic skills. Paul has been assigned the task
of assembling a team of convicts, to square off in a big
football game against the sadistic guards. With the help
of fellow convict Caretaker, and an old legend named
Nate Scarborough to coach, Crewe is ready for what
promises to be a very interesting game. It's only the
warden and the guards who have no idea who or what
they're up against, with Paul the driving force behind
the new team.

Prison inmates form a football team to challenge the prison guards

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