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During the holiday season, when the animals of the Central Park Zoo are preparing for Christmas, Private, the youngest of the penguins notices that the Polar Bear is all alone. Assured that nobody should have to spend Christmas alone, Private goes into the city for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Along the way, he gets stuffed into a stocking. His fellow penguins venture after him after noticing his absence, and try to save him. Written by Joe Patrick Doyle
One of the Madagascar penguins feels sorry for a lonely polar bear at Christmas, so he goes to buy him a present from the town. However after being mistaken for a toy and being bought by an elderly lady, the three other penguins must save him from the evil wrath of the lady's small dog, who appears cute and cuddly on the outside, yet is evil, with menacing eyes and dagger-like teeth on the inside. The chaos and fun ensues from there, in this hilarious short by Gary Trousdale. Written by Ben
The penguins from "Madagascar" escape from the zoo to get back one of their group who has gone in search of a X-Mas present for the Polar Bear in NYC, The Old Lady has mistaken him for a toy and taken him home...now they have to rescue him.
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