The Morning After [fanfic]


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Hi teman2, ini karya fanfiction gw seperti yang sudah gw post di website Gw pilih posting ini dulu berhubung ini cerita yang paling pendek yang pernah gw post dan yang bisa dibilang paling ringan dibanding cerita2 gw yang laen.

Mohon baca pengumuman dan peringatan berikut sebelum membaca cerita (biar semua formalitas dikelarin dulu sebelon baca) :D

Title: The Morning After
Genre: Humor/Romance
Category: Fanfiction (Fandom: Battlestar Galactica - re-imagined, 2003)
Pairings/characters: Kara Thrace (Starbuck) / Lee Adama (Apollo)

RATING: T (suitable for teens 13 years and older with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes) - source

This is a story that I wrote under my pen-name Tomato-cheeks on To view this story in fanfiction website please go to

Please note that I've edited this version to fix spelling mistakes and grammartical/wording errors I spotted (but remains unfixed on - I will get to it sometimes soon)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own BSG and/or its characters. I'm just borrowing them. The following story is based on Ron D Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003.

Time line: Season 3.

Spoilers: the base of this story was taken from episode "Unfinished Business"

Summary: The morning after Kara and Lee's night together on New Caprica - What if Kara didn't run off and marry Sam after her night with Lee?

You may not post this story on other website/s without my permission.

If you are posting this story on other website/s you must put in the original link

Sorry for all of that, but I need to cover my basis :) Now that we got all that out of the way, please continue on to the story :) Selamat membaca.
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iya belum pernah nonton, jadi belum terlalu mengerti jalan ceritanya. Terutama bahasanya :)) bahasa inggris

Tapi keren juga gaya tulisanya, reppu yaaa :D
iya belum pernah nonton, jadi belum terlalu mengerti jalan ceritanya. Terutama bahasanya :)) bahasa inggris

Tapi keren juga gaya tulisanya, reppu yaaa :D

Makasiiiiih yah :) Kalo kapan2 berniat nonton seri-nya, ati2 ketagihan :D Mungkin lain kali buat kalo gw post fanfic lagi gw tulis sedikit background dari serinya :)

Btw... asli, gw penasaraaaaaaan banget... reppu artinya apa ya? Gw sempet liat beberapa kali gitu tapi gak ngerti >:>
Awesome :D love the story so much. Can i say you could re-draw the role-play deeply into each character. And oh shit your word that you use, that's freakin' out.

Reputation send non :)
Awesome :D love the story so much. Can i say you could re-draw the role-play deeply into each character. And oh shit your word that you use, that's freakin' out.

Reputation send non :)

Aaaaw thank you very much :) :) :) Happy to know that you enjoyed it, and thank you for the reputation :)

wah bagus banget ya? tapi aku belum nonton filmnya gimana ya, apa harus nonton filmnya dulu?

Seperti yang selalu gw bilang ke temen2 gw kalo nonton ati2 ketagihan. Hehe :D Sebelon gw nge-post cerita yang ini gw ga kasih latar belakangnya sih buat yang belon nonton, tapi di cerita gw yang satu lagi ada kalo mau baca dulu :) Link untuk latar belakangnya ada di sini (post no. 2).