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Di sini, di Tickmill, keberhasilan pedagang kami adalah prioritas utama.
Sebagai tim pedagang profesional untuk diri kita sendiri, kita tahu betapa pentingnya wawasan yang solid dan informasi tepat waktu adalah untuk mencapai hasil perdagangan yang luar biasa.
Dengan pemikiran ini, kami telah menciptakan Tickmill Expert Blog - sumber daya berharga di mana para ahli pasar kami yang berpengalaman - dipimpin oleh CEO Tickmill berbagi pengetahuan perdagangan mereka, memberikan pengamatan pasar penting serta memberikan update tentang peristiwa ekonomi yang penting yang akan datang.
Tim blogger 'all-star kami mencakup empat ahli pasar dengan latar belakang mengesankan dalam perdagangan, pengalaman di berbagai pasar keuangan dan track record yang terbukti perdagangan yang sukses. Selain itu, kami selalu terbuka untuk bakat-bakat baru, dan opini dan untuk alasan ini, siapa pun yang menunjukkan pengalaman perdagangan yang solid dan pengetahuan industri dapat bergabung dengan tim ahli kami hanya mengirimkan artikelnya.
Tickmill Ahli Blog adalah tempat utama bagi para pedagang untuk mendapatkan update harian pada Analisa Fundamental dan meninjau perkiraan dalam grafik yang disiapkan oleh ahli Analisa Teknikal kami. guru perdagangan kami berbagi pengalaman pribadi mereka, mengungkapkan terbaik-menyimpan rahasia dan memberikan tips efektif pada perdagangan yang sukses di bagian Psikologi Trading.
Apakah Anda tertarik untuk subjek tertentu dari perdagangan yang belum belum tertutup? Anda bisa mendapatkan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan dalam waktu singkat. Hanya mengirimkan pertanyaan ke salah satu ahli pasar kami dan mereka akan menyiapkan jawaban lengkap dan deskriptif pribadi untuk Anda.
Tickmill Expert Blog adalah alat yang efektif dan mudah digunakan yang akan membantu Anda dalam perjalanan Anda untuk perdagangan yang sukses. Manfaat dari semua pengetahuan bersama - kunjungi Tickmill Ahli Blog sekarang!
TIM Analisa Ahli :
Arthur Idiatulin - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Fundamental analysis involving current macroeconomic data and geopolitical events, analysis of changes in monetary policies, central banks’ minutes, historical analysis of major economic reports, correlation analysis.
Trading style
Risk-seeking aggressive intraday trading with tight money management, momentum trading.
Arthur reckons that a profitable trading strategy is a brainchild of the trader finely combining market knowledge and trading experience.
“The most difficult thing for a rookie trader is to understand that losing trades is part and parcel of consistent profitable trading. Although it is a very simple concept, it takes years of patience and hard work to put this fact into practice.”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/arthur/
Oleg Svirgun - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Time-tested technical analysis combined with candlestick analysis. The graphical approach is enhanced with fundamental analysis to get an overview of how the certain instrument might be moving on a global scale.
Trading style
Oleg strongly believes that following a strict money management is a must in trading successfully. Stop Loss should be a mandatory attribute for every professional trader.
Oleg trades on charts not lower than 4H and prefers to take long movements without the need to always stay by the trading platform. His average monthly profitability is around 10-15%.
“Remember the most important thing in trading – the market is always right!”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/oleg/
Jordan Green - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Jordan employs complex correlation and asymmetric risk-reward strategies on a medium to long-term time horizon.
Trading style
While Jordan has traded FX futures and options products for more than 10 years, he has been more active on the spot FX markets just the past 5 years. He finds the leveraged spot FX markets riskier than the futures markets but at the same time likes the extra profit potential it gives to the disciplined traders.
“I have experienced both ups and downs during my trading career and enjoy sharing this experience with my fellow traders.”
Profile :http://blog.tickmill.com/author/jordan/
Sudhanshu Agarwal - Tickmill CEO
Preferred market analysis
Fundamental Analysis as the basis for the macro environment and picking a list of instruments to trade while the Technical Analysis then gives the entry and exit criteria for the specific trades.
Trading style
The trading styles have changed along with the time commitments to work, my trades have varied in length from short-term to long-term and anything in between. However, the key aspect that stayed the same over the years is that there must be a specific trading plan developed and it should be followed precisely.
“If I see an opportunity and my trading plan suggests that there is a trade, I definitely take it. My trading philosophy has always revolved around risk management.”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/sudhanshu/
Arthur Idiatulin - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Fundamental analysis involving current macroeconomic data and geopolitical events, analysis of changes in monetary policies, central banks’ minutes, historical analysis of major economic reports, correlation analysis.
Trading style
Risk-seeking aggressive intraday trading with tight money management, momentum trading.
Arthur reckons that a profitable trading strategy is a brainchild of the trader finely combining market knowledge and trading experience.
“The most difficult thing for a rookie trader is to understand that losing trades is part and parcel of consistent profitable trading. Although it is a very simple concept, it takes years of patience and hard work to put this fact into practice.”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/arthur/
Oleg Svirgun - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Time-tested technical analysis combined with candlestick analysis. The graphical approach is enhanced with fundamental analysis to get an overview of how the certain instrument might be moving on a global scale.
Trading style
Oleg strongly believes that following a strict money management is a must in trading successfully. Stop Loss should be a mandatory attribute for every professional trader.
Oleg trades on charts not lower than 4H and prefers to take long movements without the need to always stay by the trading platform. His average monthly profitability is around 10-15%.
“Remember the most important thing in trading – the market is always right!”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/oleg/
Jordan Green - Tickmill Market Expert
Preferred market analysis
Jordan employs complex correlation and asymmetric risk-reward strategies on a medium to long-term time horizon.
Trading style
While Jordan has traded FX futures and options products for more than 10 years, he has been more active on the spot FX markets just the past 5 years. He finds the leveraged spot FX markets riskier than the futures markets but at the same time likes the extra profit potential it gives to the disciplined traders.
“I have experienced both ups and downs during my trading career and enjoy sharing this experience with my fellow traders.”
Profile :http://blog.tickmill.com/author/jordan/
Sudhanshu Agarwal - Tickmill CEO
Preferred market analysis
Fundamental Analysis as the basis for the macro environment and picking a list of instruments to trade while the Technical Analysis then gives the entry and exit criteria for the specific trades.
Trading style
The trading styles have changed along with the time commitments to work, my trades have varied in length from short-term to long-term and anything in between. However, the key aspect that stayed the same over the years is that there must be a specific trading plan developed and it should be followed precisely.
“If I see an opportunity and my trading plan suggests that there is a trade, I definitely take it. My trading philosophy has always revolved around risk management.”
Profile : http://blog.tickmill.com/author/sudhanshu/