UInvest, Saham Dividen Tinggi di Bisnis Real 10-20% per Bulan


New member

Saatnya menambah keranjang investasi agan di UInvest
UInvest perusahaan terpercaya dan legal dengan profit pasti!

About UInvest

about uinvest said:
UInvest acts as a financial mediator between companies and investors. Founded in 2007, UInvest now has over 20 employees and offices in Ukraine and the United States. Since that time, UInvest has processed over $60 million in total assets among more than 5,000 investors.

UInvest helps business owners and investors meet each other online, creating a convenient platform for their mutual benefit. Our site’s innovative features allow potential investors to become shareholders in a business with just a few mouse clicks. Investors can also review business materials, study financials, interact with other investors, purchase or sell shares of the businesses and even take management decisions. All online, in a real time mode!

UInvest adalah penghubung antara pemilik usaha dan investor sebagai pemilik dana. Didirikan pada tahun 2007, memiliki 20 karyawan dan kantor di Ukraina dan USA. Sampai saat ini telah memproses lebih dari $60 million total aset dan memiliki lebih dari 5.000 investor.

UInvest bertujuan untuk mempertemukan antara pemilik usaha dengan investor melalui media online yang menguntungkan antara kedua belah pihak. Fitur inovatif ini, membuat calon investor menjadi pemegang saham di bisnis real dengan beberapa klik mouse. Investor dapat me-review ruang lingkup bisnis, keuangan, berinteraksi dengan investor lain, membeli atau menjual saham dan mengambil keputusan manajemen. Semua dilakukan secara online dan real time!

UInvest – Innovative Financial Marketplace Created for You!

UInvest memiliki kantor di Ukraina dan USA, perusaahaan terdaftar & legal

UInvest Evolution

UInvest terdaftar di Ukraina

UInvest terdaftar sebagai perusahaan di California, USA
EIN is 45-2545679, Entity Number is C3385516.

UInvest terdaftar juga sebagai member di Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce
(Kamar Dagang Beverly Hills)

Silahkan kunjungi dan hubungi UInvest

Alasan berinvestasi di UInvest

1. Perusahaan Jelas Gan
Sudah ane jelasin di atas gan
UInvest telah terdaftar dan memiliki legalitas usaha di 2 negara
UInvest berdiri dari tahun 2007 secara offline dan tahun 2010 secara online

2. Profit Bulannya, Mantap dan Modal bisa disesuaikan dengan kantong Agan
Profit antara 8 s.d 20% per bulan sangat lanyak untuk dipertimbangkan
Min. pembelian saham 1 lembar dengan harga bervariasi dari $11 s.d $4.000/lembar
Hanya Rp. 110rb, Agan sudah bisa menjadi UInvestor :)

3. Sistem Keamanan Tingkat Tinggi

Web dilindungi Comodo

Web dilindungi Trustwave

PIN hanya diketahui UInvestor untuk Withdraw

IP Protection

Login dengan IP address berbeda akan di konfirmasi melalui email

4. ADD fund dan WD
Add fund dan Withdrawal kapan saja
Withdrawal tidak dibatasi, mau WD sedikit atau banyak lancar jaya gan
ADD/WD melalui Liberty Reserve atau Wire tranfer
Bisa juga melalui Registered Financial Partner untuk Non LR/ Wire Transfer

5. Best Service
Semua pertanyaan, komplain, mengenai UInvest, Saham dan Lainnya
Bisa dilakukan real time dengan chat, video chat, management chat atau
Mengambil ticket dengan respon yang cepat dan memuaskan gan

6. Bukti kepemilikan
Bukti kepemilikan saham bisa di dapat dengan ongkir $100 via DHL
Daripada bayar ongkir, mending di invest aja gan :)

7. Rating Scam adviser

8. Kontrol Saham di Tangan Agan
Semua pembelian dan penjualan dilakukan agan sendiri
Dapat monitor portofolio dan pergerakan harga saham

Segera hubungi ane :

0812 8121 7373|| Pin BB 29C878C9


Last edited:
Proof Dividen

KEUNTUNGAN Bergabung Dibawah Ane (ID UInvest : jewe)
Ane UInvestor dari Juni 2011

1. Cash Back dari Ane
Untuk pembelian saham pertama agan, ane kasih 10% dari total modalnya
Pembelian kedua dan seterusnya, ane kasih cash back 8%

2. Beli LR dengan harga Murah atau Jual LR dengan harga kompetitif
JW Changer

3. Financial Partner UInvest - Pencairan langsung ke rekening Bank
Tanpa melalui withdrawal ke Liberty Reserve tapi langsung dari UInvest ke Bank
Melalui JW Changer (salah satu Registered Financial Partner UInvest)

4. GUN Authorization

5. Full Support dari Ane gan

0812 8121 7373|| Pin BB 29C878C9


Chat di UInvest dengan Id : jewe


1.Silahkan agan create account disini. Free! atau melalui https://uinvest.com.ua/?amigosid=2284

2. Membuka account Liberty Reserve (bagi yang belum punya)
Silahkan klik disini

3. Deposit Dana Rupiah ke LR
Beli LR

4. Melakukan proses ADD Fund dari LR ke UInvest
Dengan cara :
Login UInvest > Money Management > Add Fund > UInvest > Liberty Reserve dst

5. Memilih saham yang Diinginkan
Dengan cara :
Assets Management > Pilih Saham > Invest > Masukan jumlah pembelian > Buy

6. Menunggu Profit setiap bulan sesuai tanggal Beli

Permintaan RCB

Silahkan konfirmasi pembelian saham di thread ini, untuk mendapatkan cash back dari ane.
User Id agan, beli saham apa, harga berapa dan No LR nya

Khusus member baru, cash back 10% dari ane dan pembelian berikutnya 8%
Ane dapat email konfirmasi dari UInvest, segera ane kirim cash back-nya

Khusus Referral Ane yang telah register via JEWE :

1. RCB dari UInvest akan diberikan ke agan dengan konfirmasi di thread ini
2. RCB berdasarkan email konfirmasi dari UInvest (24 jam setelah add fund)
3. RCB berdasarkan pembelian saham dari dana baru (add fund) baik dari LR atau Wire
4. RCB dihitung dari pembelian saham baru
5. Pembelian saham dengan dana reinvest (compound) tidak diperhitungkan oleh UInvest
6. Pembelian saham baru dr pembelian via Financial Partner tidak diperhitungkan oleh UInvest

Tips supaya dapat Cash Back :
1. Tidak melakukan reinvest dari profit
2. Tidak melakukan pembelian dari Financial Partner
3. Melakukan withdrawal profit melalui LR & kemudian lakukan Add fund kembali

Proof Profit dan RCB

Risiko dan Tips
jewe said:
Ane hanya member/ investor yang mewanti-wanti :
Risiko di investasi khususnya online, sangat tinggi. Risiko terburuk adalah modal Anda hilang. Jadi bijaksanalah dalam berinvestasi online karena tidak ada jaminan apapun.
TS tidak bertanggung jawab atas risiko yang ditimbulkan di UInvest

Bagi yang takut hilang dananya, disarankan untuk tidak berinvestasi online.

Tips :
- Gunakan uang Anda, bukan dari pinjaman
- Diversifikasi keranjang investasi Anda
- Seberapa besar dana investasi Anda adalah seberapa besar Anda siap u/ kehilangannya

What can I lose?
Any investment contains an element of risk. Univest seeks to minimize risk by offering business opportunities that are viable and quickly profitable. By becoming a manager in your own business, courtesy of uinvest, your decisions influence the potential success and sustained profitability of your investment. Simply stated: you control the scope and direction of your investment. Period. You can also sell your business, or withdraw profits directly into your bank account. As always, the professionals at uinvest are available to answer any questions you may have about a featured business.

Financial Risks :

Fluctuations of Earnings
Please note that a business cannot perform the same all the time, earnings and share value may fluctuate. Uinvest make you able to monitor these processes to make informative decisions in time.

How can I believe that u pay?
You may have a look at Our Payment proofs

Security Funds
All projects are required to deposit the security fund. If it is listed - it deposited some money to the fund

Uinvest disappears or shareholder dies
1) Uinvest disappears. A shareholder can sell shares or continue to receive dividends (monthly earnings) in this sitution ?
2) A shareholder dies. What happens with his shares in this situation ?

1) You can be sure that UInvest is reliable company with good reputation. Over that time UInvest proceeds over $60 millions in total assets among more than 5,000 investors. Our business growth every year and this is a good index. Bankruptcy is impossible scenario for successful business.
2) With shares used general operations as for other securities.

What would happen to investors’ money in case of business bankruptcy?
A business cannot go bankrupt immediately. If a business doesn't perform well investors may easily notice it by observing a decrease in earnings and share value. Shareholders may sell their shares at that moment, without having to wait for the worst scenario. Moreover, every business deposits some funds into our account to secure investors' funds in case they fail to pay one day. These tools allow us to keep your income stable.

High Risk, High Return

jewe said:
Investasi FAQ

Halaman ini menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang proyek.

1. Apa tujuan situs ini?

Situs ini adalah panduan untuk peluang investasi, dengan penekanan pada bisnis yang berkelanjutan yang menghasilkan keuntungan menguntungkan.

2. Bagaimana cara kerja situs?

uinvest.tv adalah cara yang dimengerti, nyaman dan sangat dihargai untuk mengidentifikasi peluang investasi di seluruh Eropa. Proses ini mudah diikuti, seperti dijelaskan dibawah.

a) Mendaftar untuk membuka rekening investasi online dengan uinvest.tv
b) Pilih peluang investasi dari daftar usaha kami.
c) Menetapkan ukuran investasi Anda.
d) Tempatkan investasi Anda.
e) Berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan bisnis Anda.
f) Pendapatan Anda masuk ke akun investasi online Anda.
g) Menarik uang dari investasi Anda ke rekening bank Anda.

3. Apakah Anda memiliki beberapa contoh dari proses ini?
Tentu saja. Anda dapat menemukan contoh di sini .

4. Berapa banyak yang dapat saya peroleh?
Tidak ada batas untuk penghasilan Anda.

5. Apa yang bisa saya kalah?
Setiap investasi mengandung unsur risiko. Univest.tv untuk meminimalkan risiko dengan menawarkan peluang bisnis yang layak dan cepat menguntungkan.

6. Apakah ada investasi minimal? Apakah ada satu maksimum?

Setiap bisnis memiliki fitur pada uinvest.tv minimum sendiri dan persyaratan investasi yang maksimal. Kami menawarkan beragam peluang bisnis, dari usaha kewirausahaan untuk perusahaan skala besar.

7. Apakah ini peluang bisnis investasi yang sah?

uinvest.tv hanya bekerja dengan bisnis yang layak yang memiliki rencana yang jelas untuk menghasilkan keuntungan. Kami menjaring tiap bisnis berdasarkan kriteria kita sendiri yang luas. Setelah mendaftar dengan uinvest.tv, Anda dapat mengakses semua informasi - termasuk setiap analisis yang relevan - tentang bisnis fitur.

8. Berapa biaya masuk? Apakah ada biaya keanggotaan?

Pendaftaran adalah gratis. Setelah mendaftar dengan uinvest.tv, Anda dapat memilih investasi yang memenuhi minat khusus Anda. Biaya minimal kita - 10% dari pendapatan yang Anda terima dari investasi Anda - hanya mengaktifkan ketika bisnis Anda mulai menghasilkan keuntungan. Model bisnis ini merupakan insentif lebih lanjut bagi para profesional di uinvest.tv untuk hanya peluang investasi yang paling menarik.

9. Apakah UINVEST memiliki program kemitraan untuk mempromosikan kesempatan yang anda tawarkan?

Ya, Anda perlu membuat uinvest account dan kemudian mendaftar sebagai afiliasi, juga (di bagian bawah halaman). Anda akan mendapatkan link afiliasi Anda

WEEWWW... RCB SUPERRR DUPERRR WUZZ WUZZZ langsung nyungsep d LR ane..

dkasih jempol 10 deh buat servicenya sm minum dawet bareng..

:2thumbup:2thumbup:2thumbup:2thumbup:2thumbup :toast :toast​

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Congratulation UInvest

Dear JEWE,

We're delighted to inform you that UInvest acquired ukrainian broker dealer "Financial Company Gefest" (license #617819) and now we are fully licensed to conduct directly all operations with securities and investments. Under the license we can:

- buy/sell stocks, options, bonds, futures, derivatives
- accept investments from uinvestors
- guarantee safety of uinvestors' funds

Own broker dealer is our next step to creation of global investment marketplace, safe and reliable place to make money online for everyone!


UInvest Support Team


Dengan bangga kami infokan bahwa UInvest memperoleh Ukrainian Broker Dealer "Financial Company Gefest" (license #617819) dan kami memiliki lisensi untuk dapat beroperasi di sekuritas dan investasi. Lisensi tersebut berlaku untuk :

- Jula/ Beli stocks, options, futures, derivatives
- Menerima investasi dari UInvestor
- Jaminan keamanan dana UInvestor

Own broker dealer adalah langkah selanjut kami untuk mencipatkan tempat investasi, aman dan dapat diandalkan untuk mendapatkan uang secara online bagi setiap orang


UInvest Support Team

UInvest menjadi Registered Broker (Sekuritas Resmi) di negaranya

Agan2 yang berminat berinvestasi dan mendapat bonus cash back yang tinggi dari ane. Monggo register disini gan :)

Bonus Cash Back 8 s.d 10% dari Modal
Klik Banner

UInvest Conference


As you know, on October 30th we invite everyone on the first global UInvest Conference in Los Angeles which will be dedicated to crowdfunding (read recent press release here). This is significant event for all of uinvestors and revolution for all others since UInvest celebrates 5th anniversary of being involved in crowdfunding and indeed has a lot to present. Still wondering whether to take the chance to visit this event? Hurry up until it is too late, registration for the UIC2012 ends in 30 days! Here is the link to see details http://www.uinvestconference.com
Friday Newsletter

Palm Oil Project Verification

You know that UInvest always cares about your confidence in the investment in any project, that is why This week one of UInvest team members is travelling to Indonesia in order to verify the details of the Palm Oil Project. We will report about the results of this trip upon our return but so far everything is going great! Meanwhile you can browse new pictures we received from a recently verified project from Uganda here

New Project posted

UInvest is happy to announce a new project: A Brewing Plant in Ukraine (Kyiv Region).
The Brewing Plan has been in business for 11 years. Although it was sold out quite quickly you still have a chance to buy its shares via the UInvest Share Exchange. You will find more information about this project in your "Asset Management" section once you log into your account.

Financial Partners Contest - your chance to Win $10,000!

UInvest respects business of Financial Partners, therefore we want to award the most active of them. During the period of Oct 1st 2012 - Feb 1st 2013 we will be able to watch them in action in real time mode HERE!. We will award the most active financial partner of a month with $2,500, every month starting from November. Go, go FP!

Article of the Month: Jobs Act - The Future of American Crowdfunding

With the new JOBS act signed into law this April, many companies in the US have been preparing for big changes in the ways startups and private businesses are financed. We believe that a long due detailed overview of the JOBS act will help uinvestors gain a perspective on how UInvest crowd funding model fits into American market and what advantages UInvest has over other US companies by being in business of crowd funding on the international level for nearly five years. Click here to read more


Next letter will be issued on Friday 12th of October. Stay tuned!

UInvest Support Team
Friday Newsletter

UInvest's participation in СrowConf2012

We are proud to inform you that UInvest participation in СrowConf2012 met the best expectations and and was held according to the highest professional standards. At the conference the UInvest stand was exposed, at which our qualified representative answered all multiple questions of those great number of people who showed interest in our company. Our special thanks to uinvestor Peter Lanchmann for the most active participation in the conference. If you woud like to see the pictures of the СrowConf2012, please use the following link

Halloween Contest

Are you ready for Halloween? The party is starting in UInvest community! Please send us the cutest, funniest, and the most scary pictures of yourself in Halloween costumes for a chance to get a valuable prize and share fun in our friendly community. The pictures should be sent to the email address pr@uinvest.com.ua no later than November 2. The winner will get an intriguing prize. Just get ready!

Latest Improvements on PIN Option

Dear Uinvestors, we are pleased to inform you that the PIN option has been successfully tested and implemented for our financial partners.We are also happy to let you know that from now on all share orders will be financially secured, i.e. there will be no opportunity to order shares without sufficient funds.

Anticipated Infrastructure Investments in Ukraine

In 2013 the amount of 12 billion dollars is expected to be invested in infrastructure projects in various regions of Ukraine. Funds from national, local, and private investments will get involved and efficiently allocated. Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov specified that building of modern cultural, sports and leisure centers in districts centers and small towns would be a priority..

Next letter will be issued on Friday 2d of November. Stay tuned!


UInvest Support Team
trus bagaimana dgn :
-years in bussines
-investment periode
- project start date
*pertanyaan : apakah saham yg kita beli ada masa expire/mature/aktif(hangus)nya setelah periode berakhir?

-saham/project A :
Years in business:5 years
Amount needed: $1,820,000
Earnings monthly:$297,500
Investment period:2 years
Project start date:1/3/2012

maka project tersebut akan expire/hangus pda : 1/3/2014 ?

minta pencerahannya?

nih ada yg nanya di pm ane jawab disn aja ya gan

years in business : lamanya perusahaan menjalani bisnisnya
investment periode : lamanya proyek di UInvest berjalan
project start date : tanggal mulai proyek di UInvest berjalan

misal :
Investment period:2 years
Project start date:1/3/2012
harga perdana / di IPO : 1000$
harga beli investor : 1100$

saham/ proyek di publish dan berjalan di UInvest pada tgl 3 Januari 2012
saham akan expired 2 tahun setelahnya di 2 Januari 2014

jika saham masih dipeggang sampai masa expired, maka saham bisa dijual atau di buy back ke UInvest seharga IPO yaitu 1000$ gan

intinya adalah action, profit bulanan yg di dapat sebagian dibeliin saham lagi. lama2 passive income per bulannya makin naek.

Sapa yang nyangka ane mulai dari 200$ di bulan juni 2011, dengan sistem compound plus add fund baru, per bulan ane udah berkali lipat dari 200$ itu:cendols
UInvest @yahoo



source :

UInvest, Inc. Announces Partnership With WestPark Capital, the USA Full Service Investment Banking and Securities Brokerage Firm

UInvest is proud to announce that the company has entered into a consulting partnership with the investment banking firm WestPark Capital, Inc., that will be UInvest's primary U.S.-based investment industry advisor.

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., March 29, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - According to the letter of intent signed by WPC and UInvest in March 2013, WPC, as a primary U.S. based broker dealer consultant, will help Uinvest on creating a funding portal, as officially recognized by U.S. government - crowdfunding platform. Moreover, WPC has become an advisory partner of our company at UInvest International Conference 2013 that will take place in April 29 - May 1 in Los Angeles, CA. "Crowdfunding - is the future of our globalized business world, it's a logical evolution, and we are happy to find a partner across the ocean who shares these thoughts with us." - Eugene Rubin, UInvest CEO said.

Background information

UInvest is an international investment management company that makes the business cooperation between private investors and small/ medium size businesses easy and efficient. It was founded in 2007 in Ukraine, Eastern Europe. For the past six years, Ulnvest has been connecting private investors with small and medium size businesses and facilitated investment transactions with over a hundred companies resulting in more than 220 million US dollars in successful investments. Ulnvest is also known to be a regional leader in financial planning, investment, and consulting.

Uinvest's advisory partner, WestPark Capital, Inc. (http://www.wpcapital.com/), is a full service investment bank, which among other categories is focused on emerging growth sectors such as healthcare, software, technology, biotechnology, financial services, manufacturing, consumer products, media and telecom industries. WestPark provides a comprehensive range of corporate finance services, including initial public offerings, follow-on offerings, private placements and corporate finance advisory services. WestPark is committed to forging lasting partnerships with emerging growth companies and the investors who back them. It is a member of FINRA/SIPC.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/3/prweb10584815.htm

ruar biasa..... UInvest ROCKS
cash back sistem baru


UInvestor sejak Juli 2011, saat ini adalah RM, VIP Member dan FP

1. Cash Back dari Ane
Berlaku mulai 2 April 2013

*Add fund dan pembelian saham pertama agan, ane kasih 10% dari modal agan dengan 2x tranfer.

cash back 1 (5%)
paling cepat 3 hari setelah add fund baru dan pembelian baru, maks. 30 hari

cash back 2 (5%),
akan di transfer 30 hari setelah cash back pertama di kirim

*Addfund dan pembelian kedua dan seterusnya, ane kasih cash back 7% dari modal agan

khusus addfund kelipatan $1000 akan mendapatkan tambahan bonus % dari ane (maks. $5000)

Sejak pertengahan 2011, telah memberikan cash back ke UInvestor diatas $30.000

Terpenting status ane adalah green coridor (join diatas 6 bulan), artinya RCB yang terima antara 36 jam s.d 30 hari dari downline addfund baru dan beli saham.

bukan red coridor (join dibawah 6 bulan), artinya RCB yang diterima paling cepat 30 hari dari downline addfund dan beli saham.

2. Beli LR dengan harga Murah atau Jual LR dengan harga kompetitif
JW Changer

3. Financial Partner UInvest - Depo atau WD via rekening Bank
Tanpa melalui Liberty Reserve tapi langsung dari UInvest ke Bank dan sebaliknya
Melalui JW Changer Balance UInvest (Financial Partner UInvest) atau Chat di UInvest dengan ID ane : JEWE

4. RM Indonesia - GUN Authorization

5. Full Support dari Ane gan

0812 8121 7373|| Pin BB 29C878C9


Chat di UInvest dengan Id : jewe

6. VIP Member
Fasilitasnya adalah dapat bocoran saham yang akan keluar dari ane :)


1.Silahkan agan create account disini. Free! atau melalui https://uinvest.com.ua/?amigosid=2284

2. Membuka account Liberty Reserve (bagi yang belum punya)
Silahkan klik disini

3. Deposit Dana Rupiah ke LR
Beli LR

4. Melakukan proses ADD Fund dari LR ke UInvest
Dengan cara :
Login UInvest > Money Management > Add Fund > UInvest > Liberty Reserve dst


Deposit / add fund dari bank lokal (bca. mandiri, bri, bni, panin) langsung ke UInvest tanpa via LR :





dan kemudian isi jumlah dolar yg masu dibeli dan isi pin nya

untuk selanjutnya baca disini

atau ajak chat ane di UInvest (id : jewe)

5. Memilih saham yang Diinginkan
Dengan cara :
Assets Management > Pilih Saham > Invest > Masukan jumlah pembelian > Buy

6. Menunggu Profit setiap bulan sesuai tanggal Beli

7. Profit dapat bisa di WD via LR atau Bank Lokal
Profit yang dikenai pajak 10%

Permintaan RCB

Silahkan konfirmasi pembelian saham di thread ini, untuk mendapatkan cash back dari ane.
User Id agan, beli saham apa, harga berapa dan No LR

Khusus member baru, cash back perdana 10% dan pembelian berikutnya 7% dari ane

Untuk cash back perdana akan di transfer 2x

cash back 1 (5%),
paling cepat 3 hari setelah add fund baru dan pembelian baru, maksimal 30 hari kemudian

cash back 2 (5%),
akan di transfer 30 hari setelah cash back pertama di krim

Khusus Referral Ane yang telah register via JEWE :

1. Cash Back akan diberikan ke agan dengan konfirmasi di thread ini
(id uinvest, jumlah add fund baru, beli saham apa, beli harga berapa dan no LR)
2. Cash Back akan dikirim setelah menerima email konfirmasi RCB dari UInvest
3. Cash Back berdasarkan pembelian dari depo/ add fund baru
4. Melakukan pembelian saham dari depo/ add fund baru
5. Pembelian dengan dana reinvest (compound) tidak diperhitungkan
6. Cash back dikirim paling cepat 36 jam sejak add fund & pembelian baru


Untuk mencegah pemain ingus/ RCB :
Khusus yang ingin bergabung dibawah ane, harap mengirimkan:

1. KTP yang masih berlaku
2. No HP
3. Pin BBM/ Whatsapp/ YM
4. No LR
5. No Rekening Bank (BCA/MANDIRI/BNI/BRI) (nama harus sesuai dengan KTP)

Dikirimkan ke jewe83@gmail.com

Jika tidak mengirimkan, maka cash back tidak kami berikan
Berlaku untuk downline lama atau baru
Berlaku sejak tgl. 2 Februari 2013

Terima Kasih

Proof Profit dan RCB

TOP Affiliate

TOP 3 Agen UInvest Januari 2013


Dilarang berbuat CURANG (cheating) di UInvest
UInvest Conference 2013

UInvest Conference 2013 - 29 April s.d 1 Mei 2013 di Amrik
Adapun venue nya sbb :



The Beverly Hills Crown Plaza Hotel is the venue of choice for the UInvest 2013 International Crowdfunding Conference.

We have chosen this location with our attendees’ comfort in mind. The hotel is located in the heart of Beverly Hills, a few blocks from Rodeo Drive and the Uinvest US Office. It offers fast and easy access to freeways, restaurants, shopping, and museums.

The atmosphere of the hotel is upscale and chic, at the same time it is very cozy, informal, and comfortable. The staff is extremely friendly and ready to help with all your needs.


Uinvest Establishes Consulting Relationship with U.S.-Based Broker-Dealer WestPark Capital, Inc.
Wednesday, 00:00
03 April 2013

Uinvest is writing to bring clarity in the type of cooperation with WestPark Capital, Inc., the U.S. broker-dealer and investment bank, originally stated in the March 27, 2013 announcement. We are to affirm that WestPark will act as Uinvest’s primary U.S.-based Investment Industry Advisor, not as partnership.

The advisory consulting arrangement between Uinvest and WestPark will allow UInvest to provide its services to U.S. customers in the future. According to the letter of intent signed by WestPark and Uinvest in March 2013, both companies will work together on creating a crowdfunding platform that will fully comply with appropriate SEC and state regulations. Moreover, WestPark will participate in our conference, the UInvest International Conference 2013, that will take place April 29 – May 1 in Los Angeles, CA. "Crowdfunding is the future of our globalized business world, it's a logical evolution, and we are happy to find a company across the ocean who shares these thoughts with us." - Eugene Rubin, UInvest CEO, said.

Background information :

UInvest is an international investment management company that makes the business cooperation between private investors and small/ medium size businesses easy and efficient. It was founded in 2007 in Ukraine, Eastern Europe. For the past six years, Ulnvest has been connecting private investors with small and medium size businesses and facilitated investment transactions with over a hundred companies resulting in more than 220 million US dollars in successful investments. Ulnvest is also known to be a regional leader in financial planning, investment, and consulting.

WestPark Capital, Inc., (www.wpcapital.com) is a full-service investment bank focused on emerging growth sectors such as healthcare, software, technology, biotechnology, financial services, manufacturing, consumer products, media and telecom industries, among other categories. WestPark provides a comprehensive range of corporate finance services, including initial public offerings, follow-on offerings, private placements and corporate finance advisory services. WestPark is committed to forging lasting partnerships with emerging growth companies and the investors who back them. WestPark is a Member of FINRA/SIPC.