VanDyke ClientPack 6.1.2 Build 409

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VanDyke ClientPack 6.1.2 Build 409 - 7.6 Mb

VanDyke ClientPack 6.1.2 Build 409 - is a set of command-line utilities for securely automating your routine file transfer, shell, and public key administration tasks on a variety of Windows, Linux, and UNIX platforms. Secure automation increases compliance with security policies and practices.
The command-line utilities in the VanDyke ClientPack include:
vsftp: an interactive SFTP command-line utility providing quick, easy, and secure. file transfer operations.
vsh: a command-line shell utility.
vcp: a command-line file transfer utility.
vkeygen: a public/private key generator utility.
vpka: a command-line tool for uploading keys to the Secure Shell server.

Key Features:
- Wide range of authentication methods: All the VanDyke ClientPack applications support password, public-key (RSA, DSA, and Smart Cards using X.509), Kerberos 5 (via GSSAPI), and keyboard-interactive when connecting to SSH2 servers. vsh supports connections to SSH1 servers using password, public-key, and TIS authentications.
- Extensive support for encryption ciphers: The VanDyke ClientPack applications support 3DES, RC4, Blowfish, Twofish, AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 ciphers when connecting to SSH2 servers. The maximum 2048 bits length of DSA keys under SSH2 provides more secure encryption. For SSH1 servers, DES, 3DES, RC4, and Blowfish are supported.
- Windows and UNIX platform support: The VanDyke ClientPack is available for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista, Red Hat Enterprise v2.1 and v3, Red Hat Linux 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x (Intel x86), Solaris 8 (SPARC), FreeBSD 5.4, 5.3, and 4.8 (Intel x86), HP-UX 11, Mac OS X 10.2, and AIX 5.3.
- Secure Shell: Secure Shell encrypted logon and session data, including support for the following:
- vsh port forwarding secures TCP/IP data
- X11 forwarding
- FIPS Mode uses a validated cryptographic library and only allows approved algorithms
- File transfer utilities: vcp and vsftp command-line utilities secure file transfers using SFTP.
Changes in the VanDyke ClientPack 6.1.2 (Official) - November 6, 2008:
- vsh: vsh crashed when attempting to connect to an SSH1 server if the hostname was invalid.

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