Why do people mix Bahasa Indonesia with English?


New member
Some said, their reason is arrogance.

Some said, they have no discipline in talking in Bahasa Indonesia.

For me, I personally can understand why... Because it is hard to master the language that is not our mother's tongue.... We have to memorize many words. When I worked in an office that use English as daily language, sometimes I'm having trouble when I'm trying to express something in Bahasa Indonesia. I am so used to use English that sometimes I forgot the word in Bahasa. Not to mention when I add another language to my knowledge. I learn france. I was so active in using france, that sometimes I mix 3 languages in a single conversation!! What a disaster...

There, you've got my reason. Do you have the same problem or experience as I have?
yeah you right, our brain need to translate words from english to indonesia and the reverse, so our brain need more time to load and understand it

but if we usually speak english every day and every time its more easy to understand and less time to think

a years a go i am active at english forums from weak up until i sleep, then what happened?? i forget how to speak indonesia language!! :D
Have you heard many people complain when others mix English and Bahasa Indonesia all together? They said, that kind of people betray indonesia's culture and pride... They have no discipline in speaking Bahasa Indonesia...

I don't think so. I think it is ok to adjust our culture to a better form than have it stuck to an old way of thinking and behaving. Even Javanese culture adjust to people's way of life. And we have nothing wrong with that. We cannot force ourselves to majority. We follow the flow. If it is for the better way of living, why not. If we want the younger generation to "perform" better than their predecessor, they have to allow this young generation to form the culture to a better way of living, don't you think?

Well, that's another topic I guess
I agree with you. What you have feel, is also same like I do. I often mix the indonesian language when I talk in english because I don't know how to say it in english. and it's makes me need some times to think about that (I mean how to say one or more sentences in english, cause I need to think first).

Please warn & correct me if my grammar are not correct. thks alot
I agree with you. What you have feel, is also same like I do. I often mix the indonesian language when I talk in english because I don't know how to say it in english. and it's makes me need some times to think about that (I mean how to say one or more sentences in english, cause I need to think first).

Please warn & correct me if my grammar are not correct. thks alot

Wah, I am not an expert in English. I cannot do correction. If you wish to learn, let's chat in English about anything. So you can learn by doing. What do you think? Interrested?
I think it's okay when we mix English and Bhs. Indonesia in our conversation,, BUT, it's depend of whom we talking to.. right?

well, sometimes I mix three language,, english, bhs. Indonesia, and Japanese.. hahaha!
I never think of Indonesian when I speak English (pardon my grammar ) I don't know why? When I speak English I speak English and vice versa. I always try to speak very clear Indonesian so people will understand.
But this phenomena not always happened in Indonesia, It does happened in Europe as well. Some reason why this happen as language is progressing. There are new words which can be difficult to translate it in our mother language, then we use the common term by using most likely English.
When in my casual time I speak bilingual and sometimes it does mixed as well.
or for some reason people just like mixture foreign language with Indonesian to gain respect or to show the intelligentsia of the speaker, or it is hard to find correct mean in Indonesia in order to express special word
Those mentioned above are just illustrated to see the possibilities why people mix Indonesian and English (or any other languages) when they speak
I never think of Indonesian when I speak English (pardon my grammar ) I don't know why? When I speak English I speak English and vice versa. I always try to speak very clear Indonesian so people will understand.
But this phenomena not always happened in Indonesia, It does happened in Europe as well. Some reason why this happen as language is progressing. There are new words which can be difficult to translate it in our mother language, then we use the common term by using most likely English.
When in my casual time I speak bilingual and sometimes it does mixed as well.
or for some reason people just like mixture foreign language with Indonesian to gain respect or to show the intelligentsia of the speaker, or it is hard to find correct mean in Indonesia in order to express special word
Those mentioned above are just illustrated to see the possibilities why people mix Indonesian and English (or any other languages) when they speak

Whenever I speak english with foreigners, I can speak it without problem. But when I speak Bahasa with Indonesian, then it become a problem, because I keep mixing it with English for some expressions. Perhaps I'm so used to express it in English, that I forgot what to say it in Bahasa.... But then, when we talk, we tend to do it quickly. If we delay, it feels stupid & odd... You see, whan we talk & suddenly we forgot what to say it in bahasa, & we have to stop & think... think.... try to find the correct word in bahasa.... The person will left us out of boredom.... :D
I think it's because some Indonesian words are so obscure that some people only know their English equivalents which are heard more often.