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yang mau request script template dan wallpaper silakan dsini.....

vBulletin 3.8.1 Final Nulled
vBulletin 3.8.1 Final Nulled
vBulletin 3.8.1

vBulletin 3.8.1 is the first maintenance release of the vBulletin 3.8 series. Maintenance releases will follow our scheduled release policy.

vBulletin 3.8.1 fixes a number of bugs found since 3.8.0 was released. Some of the issues fixed include:

* Rejecting a group transfer requests removes all transfer requests
* Profile privacy only hides information in limited cases
* Column mismatch when disabling social group messages
* Bad social group display when icons are disabled
* JavaScript error when dismissing a notice
* Social group icons not removed from filesystem/"new groups" list properly when deleted
* Birthdays shown on wrong day in specific cases
* Social group home page lacks proper float containment

[SIZE="4"]Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Beta 2[/SIZE]

Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Beta 2

This is the second beta release so please take a moment and read this entire announcement before downloading.

* As this is a beta release there will be bugs and issues with the software. Please report any issues using our bug tracker. Before reporting please first quickly check to see if anyone has already reported your issue.
* This second beta is encoded using IonCube. Beta releases are encoded so we can better control the release and ensure any reported problems are code-related and not due to modifications. Please ensure you are familiar with how to install IonCube encoded PHP software. The final version will not be encoded.
* Technical support is not available for this beta software.
* Do not use this software on a public install. Wait for the final series for your public installs.
* There will be no upgrade path between beta versions.
* You cannot (and should not try to) upgrade from previous versions of the software.
* In general, only download and participate in the beta test if you are comfortable working with beta software.

System Requirements

This beta version of IP.Board 3.0.0 requires PHP 5.1.0 or greater and MySQL 4.1.22 (5.0 or greater preferred) to operate. We have included the Ioncube loaders with the download for 32 bit servers. If your server is running a 64 bit operating system, you will need to visit Ioncube directly to download the loaders.

Testing Help

For this beta release we need your help testing certain key areas of IP.Board 3.0.0. Our preview site has allowed us to test the front-end of the community pretty extensively but the AdminCP of IP.Board 3.0.0 still needs to be thoroughly tested. We thank you for your assistance in ensuring IP.Board 3.0.0 is tested.

Known Issues

* The AdminCP help system is still being populated and styled. The final version will be complete and look much more integrated. It will also be hidden by default.
* Chat Services and Subscription Manager are not included in this beta. They will be available in future betas.
multimedia scripts

[B]Videowatch.pro.v1.3.4 Nulled[/B][/SIZE]

Community Script

Buddy Zone V 2.0

ClearSpace Community 2.5.6

Note: this is not "ClearSpace Community"
- This is the FULL retail version; cracked and nulled!

By far the greatest social networking script available.

This script is very large, its coded in Java, no callbacks, license patched, (just don't check to share your statistics with Jive), but its just a quick license patch, so they wouldn't know if you purchased extra member space for your cluster or not.

Features that make community members happy


* Configurable, widgetized personal homepage
* Content filtering
* People filtering (new!)
* Rich profiles
* Rich-media plug-ins for YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and more

Locating Information

* Dynamic search across spaces, people, content, and attachments (new!)
* Interfaces with existing systems ERP & CRM systems
* Realtime notification tools, including system-wide and local announcements
* Widgets for popular and related content


* Co-created, wiki documents
* Robust version control tools and change history
* Intuitive user comment and rating system
* Upload Word docs, PDFs, and more


* Individual and group blogs
* Control the exact publishing date/time
* Post using multiple types of blog authoring tools
* RSS feeds for all blogs (in addition to all content types)


* Mark threads as questions or general discussions
* Notification system for unanswered questions
* Answers can be rated
* Conversations can be threaded or flat
* One click to convert to a PDF or wiki document


* Shared task creation and management
* Customizable dashboard
* Empower your teams to self-organize
* Integration with enterprise project management tools


* Rich profiles include accomplishments and expertise
* Dynamically created organizational charts
* Status updates (new!)
* Build reputation by creating content

Groups (new!)

* Build dynamic groups around user-defined areas of focus
* Different levels of privacy and membership permissions
* Empower end users to self-organize

Connections (new!)

* Create personal networks of fellow employees
* Follow co-workers and create feeds of their activities
* Create multiple networks based on interests / relationships
* Label connections based on relationship type for easier organization
* Send email notifications to your filtered lists of connections

Conversation Everywhere (new!)

* Create new content of all types by email
* Receive instant updates via e-mail, RSS, dashboards, and more
* Embed dynamic discussions in other web pages and applications
* Leverage work within existing systems (like SharePoint)

These features are all part of an intuitive UI and unified platform built from the ground up to provide a consistent user experience across all content. Users can create and edit content just like they would in common word processing applications and attach virtually any type of file (MS Office, video, images, etc.) within any discussion, document, or blog. Also, if administrators allow, users can grant access to content to someone outside of the community with just one click.

Features that make administrators happy

* Ease-of-use - familiar enterprise authoring experience for end users (new!)
* Windows installer (optional)
* Wizard-based setup
* Web-based administration console
* Multiple database options
* Role-based administration
* Role-based access control

* Advanced moderation
* Rich theming system (new!)
* Reporting
* Clustering
* Built with Open Standards (J2EE)
* Pluggable user, group and authentication systems
* LDAP and Active Directory integration (optional)
* Open schema available for several SQL databases

* Modify language / nomenclature for content types (new!)
* Plugin architecture
* Source code available
* Easily migrate your existing data into Clearspace from Jive Forums or Integrated Server
* Offered as either a licensed/self-hosted model or a hosted (SaaS) model

Okay so let's begin!
please note: this is a bit more tricky than conventional nulled scripts, if you have experience and knowledge of PHP, then it will be alot easier! (java ideal!)

Step 1.
Download the appropriate distribution above!

A. Standalone for Windows
Easy to install for Windows 95, 98, XP, 2000, Vista, you need JDK 1.6+ (Java Deployment Kit)

B. WAR for Java Application Server
(Note: You need TOMCAT enabled on your web host. However, WAR is much easier when you have downloaded the application server. All you would need to do is deploy it and you're done.)

Step 2.
After you have configured and installed everything, I need you to stop the server, or application server!
(Note: This is a very important step, so please do not miss this.)

Step 3.
Download the following patch/crack (see above links)
Note: Server should still be offline...

Step 4.
Copy the patcher.jar file that you just downloaded into the /WEB-INF/lib directory of your application server or server.

(This should have jivebase.jar, or some type of "base" filename, if you don't see it then you're in the wrong directory, there should be a bunch of .jar files.)

Step 5.
Run patcher.jar that you placed using command prompt, or terminal with the following command;
"java -jar patcher.jar"

This is very important, because if you don't run this command properly, nothing will be patched, therefor, nothing will work.
(Note: You have to CD to that directory first though. Keep in mind that the server should still be offline.)

Step 6.
- Take the license file, and copy it to your jiveHome.
- - (jive.license.external is the name of the license file that's in the .rar file you downloaded.)

UPDATE!!! For versions up to v2.5.2 etc... Please follow these updated instructions!
- YOU have to rename the jive.license.external to jive.license in order for it to work also.
- So if you didn't do that then it doesn't know where a license file is, and you can't just enter in any information at the setup page, it should automatically say 65,000+ members per cluster.
- And yes, you can use it over and over per cluster, 65,000 x 2, 3, 4, etc. clusters.

Step 7.
Turn the server back on, and go to
http://www. Your Domain .com/where_ever_you_deployed_the_file

IF REQUIRED, Here is a Evalutation Key:
PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPGxpY2Vuc2Ug aWQ9IjEyMzQ1IiBuYW1lPSJDbGVhcnNwYWNlIiBlZGl0aW9uPSJleHRlcm5hbCIg Y3JlYXRpb25EYXRlPSIwMS8yMS8yMDA5IiB2ZXJzaW9uPSIyLjUuNiIgdHlwZT0i RVZBTFVBVElPTiI+PGNsaWVudCBuYW1lPSJzdWtrYSBsb3R0YS1kaWtjIiBjb21w YW55PSI2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSA2OSIvPjxtb2R1bGUgbmFt ZT0iZm9ydW1zIi8+PG1vZHVsZSBuYW1lPSJ3aWtpIi8+PG1vZHVsZSBuYW1lPSJi bG9ncyIvPjxwcm9wZXJ0eSBuYW1lPSJudW1DbHVzdGVyTWVtYmVycyI+MjwvcHJv cGVydHk+PHByb3BlcnR5IG5hbWU9ImV4cGlyYXRpb25EYXRlIj4wMi8yMS8yMDA5 PC9wcm9wZXJ0eT48cHJvcGVydHkgbmFtZT0ibnVtU2VhdHMiPjI1PC9wcm9wZXJ0 eT48cHJvcGVydHkgbmFtZT0ibnVtQ29waWVzIj4xPC9wcm9wZXJ0eT48c2lnbmF0 dXJlPjMwMmQwMjE0MjUzNzRiMDRmMTc0OGQ4MGViMWE0NDI1ODQyZDFlY2ZlY2E3 NGM0NTAyMTUwMDhhYjJjZWIzYmEyMjQwMmE5ZmEzNmI2MWQwMmE3NDVlOWUzN2E4

Ok if you need Help heres a Support Link:
Advertisment System
Ad co-ordination
User Level / Permission system
Create your own user levels and set user permissions
Allow access to admin panel, enable / disable ads for different user levels
Console home pages
Console specific latest news, top games, articles, latest media
User System
Custom profile fields
VB, SMF, PHPBB [etc.] integration by default.
Admin Control Panel
Complete CCMS Forum System
News System
Print news feature
Ad split in news
Cheats System
File Database
Multiple review categories (review more than just games)
Member Blogs
Media Section
Upload up to 20 images at a time
Optional image watermarking with 1 click
Links Database
Custom Pages
For creating pages with any content you like
Submit System
Users can submit news, files, articles and media
Admin Shoutbox
Rating System
Top Games and game ranks & worst games (optional)
Game Index / Profile Page
Game collection / wishlists
Company profiles
Now Playing
Upcoming Games page
Members Online
Who's online page, and last page viewed
Private Message System
Pop-up notification when a new pm is detected
Comment System for articles, news, files and media
Image thumbnailer for fast loading images (Powered by GD2)
RSS News Output
Member List
Mod_Rewrite for friendly url's
Easy integration into VBulletin/PHPBB
.css style sheets for easier customization
Unique page titles for better SEO
Language friendly
All phrases are located in a single file
Account activation by email
Poll system
Video module
FAQ module
Wii friend code, PSID and Gamerid (w/ tag) displayed in users profile.
Automatic update and install scripts
Kootali 1.5 with all new look and feel is released.
Kootali is a social networking script wherein the members can share their profiles, photos, music, events with friends and others forming a group. Kootali Facebook contains most of the Features of Facebook and few additional features.Kootali is a complete software package which can be used to construct your own social networking site and also to increase the traffic of your existing site by integrating the Kootali Facebook clone. The script is designed in such a way that it has features, that allows members to interact with each others like chatting, Messaging, E-mailing, Voice Chat, Video and File sharing, Blogging, Launching Forums and so on.

Why Kootali
Kootali Face book has characteristics like Easy to Navigate, Search Engine friendly, Scalable, Easy to integrate with existing site. The script can be customized based on your requirements and can be branded for you. We offer you a professional technical support round the clock and provide you free updates. All these features make Kootali a unique Facebook clone currently available in the market.

Kootali 1.5 inherits :
The complete new look & style templates.
The complete CSS based design/layout.
Multiple Language Support.
More improved user friendly version.
API support will come as next free update.​
Linux Server (some old distributions are not supported).
PHP version - 5.2.1
Appache version - 2.2.4
MySQL version - 5.0.33
Red5 version - 0.5​

Kootali Face Book Clone Live Demo Links

Member Login:
User Name: hardmaster@gmail.com
Password: megaunionwarez.com

Admin Login:
User Name: admin - Password: admin

Rar Pass: MeGa.UNioN.WaReZ

By: Www.MegaUnionWareZ.cOm

