Zbarre - z-barre.com


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Start Make cash on Z-Barre.com. Earn money, gifts, codes easily while surfing internet!!

The ZBarre is a small program to download and install on your computer. Start ZBarre whenever you're connected to the internet and earn ZPoints.

Download Z-Barre and start earn ZPoints. Every month, ZPoints will be transform in ZEuros and you will be able to ask a Payment or a gift ...

In the near future, others possibilities to earn ZPoints will be added. So you can make more ZEuros!!!

>>>Refer your friends and make more ZPoint. For every ZPoint won by your refered friends, you will earn 0.25 ZPoint. More? Therea are 3 referals levels, it's so easy to make more ZPoint and ZEuros!!.

>>>You : 100% >>> Level 1 Referers : 25% >>> Level 2 Referers : 15% >>> Level 3 Referers : 10%

Payment Minimum €10.00
Accept Bank Transfer, Paypal and Hipay.

What do i win with Z-Barre?

For every action you do on Z-Barre, you earn ZPoints. Each month, these are converted into ZPoints ZEuros that will allow you to order gifts in our shop

I am registered, I installed the Z-Barre, now what?

Nothing more simple, start Z-Barre whenever you are connected to the internet. ZPoints more you earn, the more you earn ZEuros and more gifts you can order. Do not hesitate to visit the other sections of Z-bar to always win more!

Z-Barre - Earn Money, gifts online while surfing!

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Convert your ZPoints in ZEuros when you want!

You no longer have to wait for the first day of the month to convert your ZPoints in ZEuros, it is you who decide when you want to convert your ZPoints. The rate is shown in real time.
