Sind3ntosca - 3 Mini Album [2008]


New member

Sindentosca - Rhythm Harmony


Band yang hanya beranggotakan 1 orang ini cukup sederhana dalam menghasilkan karya-karyanya, hanya membutuhkan 1 ruangan, 1 perangkat komputer, 1 gitar, dan 1 buah mic condenser, mic khusus untuk komputer seperti terlihat di background. Bukan karena ingin terkesan independen dengan faham-faham do-it-yourself akut, namun lebih kepada keadaan si Jalu a.k.a the one and only pekerja seni di band ini yang emang sederhana. Namun dengan niat yang sungguh-sungguh, apapun kesulitan yang menghadang lambat laun mulai bisa dilalui. sindentosca terbentuk awal 99 dengan 3 orang personil, Jalu-vocal, Andre-gitar, dan Danny-bass. Kemudian awal 2001 seorang drummer cewek bernama Ree gabung, menjadi satu-satunya makhluk cantik di band ini. Lalu sindentosca terpecah, hanya tinggal Jalu dan Ree, sajodo. Dan setelah berjuang habis-habisan (maksudnya berkerumun aja di kamar doang :p) Ree keluar dari sindentosca tahun 2003. Akhirnya Jalu sendirian dan sampai sekarang lumayan sibuk mengharumkan nama sindentosca 90% melalui internet (dasar pemalas): bikin situs resmi sindentosca, bombardir e-mails, nyerang milis-milis, debat chatting, ngelobi di friendster dll, sampai mendapat tawaran manggung dan interview dari beberapa media cetak dan radio, juga diinterview dan dimuat di, situs asal Seattle, Amrik.

ketengan :

Sundaceltic is the core genre of sind3ntosca, it consist liquid lyric that heard differently each time it sang. Usually the nuance of the music is often mixed between sundanese and celtic (ireland) sound. Sundaceltic language or lyric didn't have meaning, sometimes it's like english, sometimes it's like traditional language, but it completely different language. Sundaceltic found by Jalu, the leading man of sind3ntosca.

"This album contains 8 sundaceltic songs that I’ve recorded each in different years, only with my vocal and guitar. Recorded only one take, created without any preparation, just play my guitar and create the melody of the vocal "on the fly" inside my soul, and walla! And that’s why the lyric kinda “blur” as hell! :p. This recording is really raw, it’s not clean, a bit noisy. "

"You know what? It’s ok to record your song with a bit noise, at least you’re honest. It’s ok to have different genre, at least you are who you are. It’s ok if you cannot sell your record and the radio wouldn’t play your songs. At least make it usefull, give it for free! You wouldn’t regret. And for me? I never try to sell my sundaceltic…yet. I just want to give it to you, hope this is something that you looking for. If you didn’t dig it, give it to someone else. That’s simple, and thank you anyway."

01 - sind3ntosca - Tag Along
02 - sind3ntosca - Sunda Opu
03 - sind3ntosca - Dayang
04 - sind3ntosca - Dayun
05 - sind3ntosca - Ikutaku
06 - sind3ntosca - Find Tomorrow
07 - sind3ntosca - Pase
08 - sind3ntosca - Sinkayo



[CENTER][B][U][size="5"]2008 - Sind3ntosca - Tiduran, Tertidur + Bertelur ++ [light Version][/size][/U][/B]


[I]Jalu said ; This album is a light version of its full 17 tracks album. Made using computer (FL STUDIO) and guitar, recorded in my bedroom, all by myself. Enjoy.[/I]

01 - sind3ntosca - Ryu
02 - sind3ntosca - My Name Is Bathroom
03 - sind3ntosca - 2nd Hand Smoker
04 - sind3ntosca - In and Out
05 - sind3ntosca - Gaunusukni Mulun
06 - sind3ntosca - Just Look At Me

