OmegLOL on


New member
lucu-lucuan bikin epic omegle yuk disni. Kalau ada yang belum tau apa itu omegle, buka ini:

singkatnya omegle adlah chatting berbasis random. Jadi kamu tidak akan bisa ketemu temenmu, dan itu random. Banyak orang menghabiskan waktunya chat tidak berguna disana. Tapi terkadang ada hal yang inspiratif, yang lucu dan menarik. Cobain aja deh.

mana Log mu?
finnish, start and runing man

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: im you

Stranger: ever heard of don johnson big band?

You: whats that?

You: telephone operator name?

Stranger: a great finnish band... hiphop,pop,rock,jazz,rap,etc

You: ohh

You: finnish

Stranger: yeeaah

You: i never heard about them

You: im start

Stranger: check em out.. running man is one of the best songs

You: its a long way too finish

Stranger: haha

You: what song do you recommend to me?

Stranger: running man

Stranger: or

You: ahh i see

Stranger: l.l.h. (plus the music video)

You: because you are finnish, you recomended running from start.

You: bye then. i'm hopeless

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Hadah Jurus Gombal Gak Ampuh!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: apple
Stranger: hi

Stranger: orange

You: no

You: you must say apple too

Stranger: ?

Stranger: apple

You: apple

Stranger: apple

You: apple

You: cmon! cheer up!!

Stranger: i'm cheery

Stranger: just confused

You: nothing too confused

You: just tell me your asl

You: :p

Stranger: 16 f usa

Stranger: u?

You: 20 m indonesia

Stranger: you're too old!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Bls: OmegLOL on

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: 19
Stranger: female
Stranger: usa
You: hi
Stranger: do you like sex?
Stranger: i love sex
You: sex? yes I like.. :))
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

takut duluan dia.. dodooolz..
Bls: OmegLOL on

chat room selalu kayak gitu. . .

cobain yang video, pas jam2 12 malam GMT jakarta. banyak cowok desperate. . .akwakwkawkakw
Bls: OmegLOL on

You: are you sleepy?

Stranger: ya y ??

You: im sleepy too

Stranger: o kool

You: how about we sleep together

Stranger: im hella high

Stranger: ok

Stranger: sounds fun

You: are you a guy or girl?

Stranger: girl

You: great

Stranger: ya u ??

You: im male

Stranger: o kool

You: how old are you?

Stranger: u first

You: 20

You: is it cool?

Stranger: o shit

You: why shit?

You: where shit?

Stranger: im 150

Stranger: 15

You: its okay

Stranger: k lol

You: doesnt matter to me

You: lets sleep

Stranger: o kool ya same here

Stranger: k sounds good 2 me

You: are you wearing something or not?

Stranger: not

Stranger: wats yr name ?//

Stranger: ??

You: B.J.

Stranger: o kool

Stranger: im alex

You: alex? are you germany?

Stranger: no

You: so you are a girl that named alex

You: just germany who use a girl name with alex

Stranger: r u there

Stranger: k well bye

You: yes

Stranger: k

Stranger: im bored

You: h b counting till 10000000000

You: ill go first

You: 1

Stranger: 2

You: 3

Stranger: 4

You: 5

Stranger: 6

You: 7

Stranger: 8

You: 9

Stranger: 10

You: 11

Stranger: 12

You: 13

Stranger: 14

You: 15

Stranger: oops

You: what?

Stranger: 16

You: 17

Stranger: k this is hella fucking boring

You: so, honestly are you guy or girl?

Stranger: girl

Stranger: u ??

You: guy

Stranger: kool

You: im 20 and you are 15

Stranger: ya

You: where do you live?

Stranger: california

You: ohhh

You: famous cape

Stranger: ya u ??

You: indonesia actually

Stranger: o wow

You: why wow?

Stranger: thats hella far

You: of course, you hella right

Stranger: ya

You: so you know where it is?

Stranger: r thoz guys there hot

Stranger: USA

You: of course

Stranger: kool

You: you can counting on me :D

You: for example

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Bls: OmegLOL on

You: male~
Stranger: male.
You: Damn~
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Bls: OmegLOL on

You: female?
Stranger: yes
You: male here
Stranger: horny?
You: hungry~
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Bls: OmegLOL on

You: female?
Stranger: yes
You: male here
Stranger: horny?
You: hungry~
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



awkakwkawkawkawk. . .banyak banget yang nanya horny. Padahal rata2 itu anak dibawah umur semua. . .entar gw bawain log yang ada hubungannya sama horny
Bls: OmegLOL on

pastikan kamu membuang waktu dengan orang yang benar:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: are you live in pineapple house?
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: like spongebob?
Stranger: i can if u wish
Stranger: i did a while ago
Stranger: (a/s/l)
You: this is PATRICK!!!
You: how do you do!
Stranger: wazzzzaaaa patrick!
Stranger: doing nice
You: sponge bob doesnt sound like nigga
Stranger: chilling around
You: are you prentending to be sponge bob?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wazaaa is not nigga
Stranger: its spongebobish
Stranger: NO
You: but, sometimes nigga does
Stranger: wanna come play in this box?
Stranger: its awesome in it
You: no
You: i will ate your gery
You: actually i ate him already
Stranger: WTF
Stranger: WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: *depreeeesssed*
You: you are stranger
Stranger: no
Stranger: its just that omegle wouldnt let me
Stranger: AND YOU!!!
You: no, im patrick!!! you are the one who prentending!!! we are BFF!! BLUE FILM FOREVER UNION!
Stranger: we are
Stranger: remember?
Stranger: co-presidents of BFF
Stranger: we are both presidents
You: it getting sucks. . .how about a real one :D
You: asl please
Stranger: 20/m
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it getting sux*
You: no shit
Stranger: i asked for asl a while ago
Stranger: u ignored
You: why a waste my time with guy
Stranger: :(
You: 20 m here too
Stranger: u choose
Stranger: i see
Stranger: lol
Stranger: keep looking for puuusyy
Stranger: lol
Stranger: only click on disconnect and ur done
You: i though you are a girl
You: you 1st
You: im too tired to click it
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Bls: OmegLOL on

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

gak ada yang terjadi,,,,,,
takut dimakan, kali,,,,, ^^;
Bls: OmegLOL on

You: male here
Stranger: hello
Stranger: yeah i like dudes
You: You're female?
You: Or gay?
Stranger: both
You: Oh, I'm in the wrong room.. I'm looking for my cat~
Stranger: cool
Stranger: wanna see my penis?
You: Naaaah.. I love mine~ bye~
You have disconnected.

Bls: OmegLOL on

Check this..

Stranger: male?
You: yes
You: u?
Stranger: female from indonesia
You: indonesia??
You: how old are u?
Stranger: yes 17years
Stranger: u?
You: oh nice
You: what are u looking for here
Stranger: apa ya?
Stranger: apa keeeeeeek
You: loh pake bahasa indonesia ya
Stranger: yo mamen
Stranger: taunya indonesia
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Bls: OmegLOL on

tar malem nyoba ah seru kayaknya...

kayak gue aja dal. sediain bublefish juga.

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

gak ada yang terjadi,,,,,,
takut dimakan, kali,,,,, ^^;

wah, kurang beruntung. Coba cari yang di text. Yang di video suka aneh gambarnya. . .

gw juga pengen posting yang aneh ah

kata2 dahsyat biar gampang nyaringnya:
20 M Indonesia. IF you are looking someone near you, get a real!
Last edited:
Bls: OmegLOL on

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

gak ada yang terjadi,,,,,,
takut dimakan, kali,,,,, ^^;

sama kak dai, pertama kali nyoba juga begitu

trus sekarang dua kali berturut-turut dapet partner chinese (ngakunya)
Bls: OmegLOL on

percakapan 3 huruf....

You: f
Stranger: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Bls: OmegLOL on

You: hai
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hai
Stranger: where from
Stranger: ?
You: i'm Cinta Laura from Indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: i'm Nick from india
You: cool
You: hai nick!
Stranger: hi cinta
Stranger: howz goin
You: your name reminds me of backstreet boys
You: i love the boys~
Stranger: i'm big fan of them
You: they are soooooooooooooo cute
You: especially nick
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ur age'
You: 16
You: but i've just realized something recently...
Stranger: i'm 18
Stranger: what have u realized
You: i love girls....
You: do you have sister?
Stranger: no
Stranger: do u
You: no. i wish
You: i'm a lesbian you know...
Stranger: no
You: i told you
Stranger: ok i know it now
You: how beautiful is your mother?
Stranger: most beautiful lady in whole universe
Stranger: it was nice to meet you cinta
You: how rude you are. so you don't think i'm preety?
Stranger: bye i gootta go now
Stranger: you might be
Stranger: but i don't have anything do with that
Stranger: okk bye
Stranger: good nigth
You: good nike
Stranger: i wish u might get ur girl
Stranger: and i hope me to
You: thanks
You: but i don't share my girls
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Bls: OmegLOL on

Stranger: hi
You: Ola
Stranger: im looking for a cute girl to chat with
You: 'Oh, how nice.. me too.. LOL
Stranger: u looking for a girl?
You: You think?
Stranger: im looking for a girl. im 16 m usa
You: I'm looking for a cute nerdy asian girl..
You: Hahaha~
You: I guess it's time to say goodbye now, LOL
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

enak bener ngerjain orang...:mad:)
