OmegLOL on

Bls: OmegLOL on

di post dong bang musthaf9 :D

aku tau uda ada thread ini barusan, sampe repost malahan den (ntah dah dihapus blm)
laen kali deh

You: hai
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hai
Stranger: where from
Stranger: ?
You: i'm Cinta Laura from Indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: i'm Nick from india
You: cool
You: hai nick!
Stranger: hi cinta
Stranger: howz goin
You: your name reminds me of backstreet boys
You: i love the boys~
Stranger: i'm big fan of them
You: they are soooooooooooooo cute
You: especially nick
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ur age'
You: 16
You: but i've just realized something recently...
Stranger: i'm 18
Stranger: what have u realized
You: i love girls....
You: do you have sister?
Stranger: no
Stranger: do u
You: no. i wish
You: i'm a lesbian you know...
Stranger: no
You: i told you
Stranger: ok i know it now
You: how beautiful is your mother?
Stranger: most beautiful lady in whole universe
Stranger: it was nice to meet you cinta
You: how rude you are. so you don't think i'm preety?
Stranger: bye i gootta go now
Stranger: you might be
Stranger: but i don't have anything do with that
Stranger: okk bye
Stranger: good nigth
You: good nike
Stranger: i wish u might get ur girl
Stranger: and i hope me to
You: thanks
You: but i don't share my girls
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


wadyuh, ati-ati lho non klo nyamar jadi orang non-fiksi, ntar dikiranya Cinta Laura lesbi beneran