ABC of Awareness: Personal Development as the Meaning of Lif


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Juerg Rohrer “ABC of Awareness: Personal Development as the Meaning of Life"

BookSurge Publishing | 2007-11-29 | ISBN: 1419680625 | 142 pages | PDF |

What drives us as human beings? Why do we exist? What do we strive for? This book explains human development on the basis of easily-understood examples and simple models. It is intended to arouse thinking about your own life and to offer help as to how we can specifically change our lives. The author describes how we can achieve constant harmony and inner peace. The right choice and deliberate pursuing of our own, self-selected goals take on a key role in this so that we can achieve our own goals and not let ourselves be manipulated by others. This book shows ways of achieving a life full of meaning, mental tranquility and the joy of living. And this not as some kind of dropout from any sort of civilization, but rather in the center of daily life - and also not just in a special environment for a few weeks in the year but rather in the middle of our private and professional day-to-day lives as a completely normal human being.

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