credit to me and anak2 nyit2
yang itu lom pasti bs apa gak
gwa dah isa ngebuad AyoDance jadi Windowed mode
_________________YANG anda cari___________________________
oh iya yg cara buat ayo dance Windowed mode loe2 pada tinggal targetin d mna tugh loe naro auto pathernya sama yg langsungnya
or nanti khan udah ad tugh targetnya trs loe tinggal ganti tempatnya aj
and cara by passing menggunakan CE
General Settings:
Tick Everything except Address list specific
Scan Settings:
[x]Fast scan on by default
[ ] Enable hyperscan when possible
[ ] Don't scan memory that is protected with the No Cache Option
[ ] Keep low memory usage when doing an "Unknown Initial Value scan" with Hyper Scan
[X] Run scan in seperate thread.
File Associations:
Tick Nothing
Code Finder:
[x] Use Debug Registers
[ ] Memory Access Exceptions
[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger
[x] Handle breakpoints not caused by CE
[x] Show disassembler
[x] Show debugger options
[x] Use hardware breakpoints
[ ] Use int3 instructions for breakpoints
[x] Replace incomplete opcodes with nops
[x] Ask for replace with nop
[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger
[x] Query memory region routines
[x] Read/Write process memory
[x] Open Process
[ ] Use APC to inject dll's
[ ] Use APC to create new threads
[ ] Undo changes to CE
[ ] Force memory to be writable in case the standard method is blocked
[x] Enable use of Process Watcher
[x] Use kernel debugger options when possible
[ ] Stealth mode (Usermode)
[x] Stealth mode (Kernelmode)
setting bisa tuk smua engine yg masi undetect
coba ini aj
credit by nyit2
and happy cheat^^
____________-windowed mode_______________
pertama km add aja dolo .exe ayo dance na.....
buka program windowed na...
trus...pilih edit >>> add
tar k buka window baru....
trus kan d window baru ny thu ada kotak kosong trus d kanan ny ada kotak d dlm ny ada ti2k 3 biji... klik yg itu...
kl da d klik tar km masukin address game ayo dance kamu... misal ny C

rogram FIlesAyoDanceAudition.exe
inget audition.exe jgn patcher ny yg kamu masukin...
kl uda d masukin centangin directX 9 sama do not notify on task change...
kl uda smua ok in.. trus km tu2p program window na... trus buka lagi...
nah tar kan ada thu address punya km... km dobel klik aja address na...
trus tinggal buka ayo dance ny... program window na jgn d close....
musti na c jalan kl da keq gt...
k rugian dari pake program ini kadang2 desktop suka nge friz >.<
credit by |3on
_______________ada pertanyaan???aq dah isa pakek CE, dari aq kls 1 SMP tepatnya 2 tahun yang lalu______________________----he3----