RS.com | English | 2008 | PDF | 6.5 MB
Meet the REAL President Barack Obama
Front man for the ELITE and NEW WORLD ORDER
There are two books in this torrent, both by Webster Tarpley:
Book #1 - Barack Obama: Unauthorized Biography
Product Description from Amazon.com
Written by the author of the legendary 1992 expose of Bush the elder, this book works from a New Deal point of view.
Obama is exposed as a foundation operative and agent of Wall Street finance capital, controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mother was an official of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all indications, Obama was identified for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's secret lost years. Obama has worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund, and the Annenberg Foundation as a community organizer - a poverty pimp, a cynical opportunist who uses suffering people as a political commodity. The foundation strategy is divide and conquer, pitting blacks against whites against Hispanics against Asians, to prevent any challenge to Wall Street. Racist provocateurs like Wright and Pfleger, along with Weatherman terrorist bombers Ayers and Dohrn, Obama's best friends, are cast in this mold. Rezko, Auchi, and Al-Sammarae represent the cesspool of Chicago graft and corruption in which Obama cavorts. Schooled in Nietzsche and Fanon, Obama qualifies as a postmodern fascist. An Obama administration would strive for brutal economic sacrifice and austerity to finance Wall Street bailouts, and for imperialist confrontation with Russia and China.
Book # 2 - Barack Obama: The Post Modern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate
Product Description from Amazon.com
Barack Obama is a deeply troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by the intelligence agencies, using fake polls, mobs of swarming adolescents, super-rich contributors, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-circuit normal politics and seize power. Obama comes from the orbit of the Ford Foundation, and has never won public office in a contested election. His guru and controller is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the deranged revanchist and Russia-hater who dominated the catastrophic Carter presidency 30 years ago. All indications are that Brzezinski recruited Obama at Columbia University a quarter century ago. Trilateral Commission co-founder Brzezinski wants a global showdown with Russia and China far more dangerous for the United States than the Bush-Cheney Iraq adventure. Obama's economics are pure Skull & Bones/Chicago school austerity and sacrifice for American working families, all designed to bail out the bankrupt Wall Street elitist financiers who own Obama. Obama's lemming legions and Kool-Aid cult candidacy hearken back to Italy in 1919-1922, and raise the question of postmodern fascism in the United States today. Obama is a recipe for a world tragedy. No American voter can afford to ignore the lessons contained in this book.
These books deal with this to a certain extent, but I'll also put this out there - Obama is a CIA asset at the minimum, and quite possibly an agent.
---Obama's mother was a CIA officer/asset (Worked for two known CIA fronts, The Ford Foundation and USAID)
---Obama was one of 8 students selected to study sovietology in Columbia's IR program under Brzezinski, one of the CIA's top-ranking officers.
---Obama went to work for a known CIA front, Business International Corporation (one of whose specialties was recruiting leaders of domestic left-wing organizations as CIA assets).
---Obama ran for state office and his opponent quit the race before the election. Obama ran for US Senate, and his opponent quit the race before the election.
---Obama ran for Pres., and his foreign policy chief was, who else, one of the CIA's top officers, Brzezinski...
Does Obama have CIA ties.... Oh, I don't know !
Let's also not forget that no one in the mainstream knows much of anything about Barack Obama -
His college records and transcripts from Occidental College... sealed, not released.
His college records and transcripts from Harvard... sealed, not released.
His college records and transcripts from Columbia... sealed, not released
His former Client List at the Law Firm he worked for... sealed, not released.
His official birth certificate... sealed by the Governor of Hawaii, not released.
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