Berbagi Pengalaman Dengan FBS Holdings Inc.

Registration for “999” is open

Dear traders!

We are happy to announce that registration for «999» demo contest in now open. It takes place from 10.01.12 to 23.01.12.

The idea of “999” is very simple: each participant gets a demo account with 9999 USD balance and 1:100 leverage in it. You can trade 28 currency pairs and EAs are allowed.

The winners of “999” contest will be 3 participants with the highest deposits by the end of the contest period. They will receive money prizes from FBS (555 USD, 333 USD and 111 USD). These prizes may be withdrawable from your account any time. The contestant with the lowest deposit by the end of the contest will get a special encouraging prize from FBS — FBS MasterCard.

Contest period: 24.01.12-24.02.12
Registration for the contest: 10.01.12 – 23.01.12

ayo ayo ayo kita daftar demo kontes lagi

yang penting daftar saja, mau di tradingkan atau pun tidak itu masalah belakangan
Registration for “999” is open

Dear traders!

We are happy to announce that registration for «999» demo contest in now open. It takes place from 10.01.12 to 23.01.12.

The idea of “999” is very simple: each participant gets a demo account with 9999 USD balance and 1:100 leverage in it. You can trade 28 currency pairs and EAs are allowed.

The winners of “999” contest will be 3 participants with the highest deposits by the end of the contest period. They will receive money prizes from FBS (555 USD, 333 USD and 111 USD). These prizes may be withdrawable from your account any time. The contestant with the lowest deposit by the end of the contest will get a special encouraging prize from FBS — FBS MasterCard.

Contest period: 24.01.12-24.02.12
Registration for the contest: 10.01.12 – 23.01.12

ayo ayo ayo kita daftar demo kontes lagi

saatnya melakukan pendaftaran demo kontes yang baru saja di buka
belum ada lagi yang terbaru..,, dan sepertinya beberapa kontes sudah ditiadakan yaa ?

kontes mingguan masih ada


Dear friends!

Correct answer for our weekly “Add FBS as Friend” contest is: 1:33.

The winner who gets 10 USD from FBS to his trading account is Dent Officek.

Kind regards,

kontes mingguan masih ada


Dear friends!

Correct answer for our weekly “Add FBS as Friend” contest is: 1:33.

The winner who gets 10 USD from FBS to his trading account is Dent Officek.

Kind regards,


ternyata masih ada.. dan pemenang yang sama kembali hadir
selamat buat anda mister =b= =b=
ada yang sudah coba untuk trading di GOLD di broker FBS ??
minimal modal berapa untuk bisa bertransaksi disini
kontes mingguan masih ada


Dear friends!

Correct answer for our weekly “Add FBS as Friend” contest is: 1:33.

The winner who gets 10 USD from FBS to his trading account is Dent Officek.

Kind regards,


asik dapet $10 lagi dari FBS, om dent officek benar pencari modal atau pencari hadiah yang sangat ulung.
bagi bag dunk denga kita hehehe
ada yang sudah coba untuk trading di GOLD di broker FBS ??
minimal modal berapa untuk bisa bertransaksi disini

saya belum coba, tapi ingin berbagi sedikit cerita disini


Gold is a highly profitable asset which constantly grows in price. Constant turmoil in financial markets and the global economic crisis make gold a very attractive tool for investors. In today's world, gold is one of the most reliable ways to keep your funds safe.

Gold price has grown 6 times in the last 10 years. In other words it is 600% in 10 years or 60% a year!
saya belum coba, tapi ingin berbagi sedikit cerita disini


Gold is a highly profitable asset which constantly grows in price. Constant turmoil in financial markets and the global economic crisis make gold a very attractive tool for investors. In today's world, gold is one of the most reliable ways to keep your funds safe.

Gold price has grown 6 times in the last 10 years. In other words it is 600% in 10 years or 60% a year!

makasih banyak info tentang gold ini
mungkin karna harus mempunyai modal yang cukup utk trading di gold bro belu masuk kesini
asik dapet $10 lagi dari FBS, om dent officek benar pencari modal atau pencari hadiah yang sangat ulung.
bagi bag dunk denga kita hehehe

iya om dia bsa menang lagi. apa karna peminatnya dikit ya hehehe

apakah minggu depan beliau bisa menang lagi?
kita tunggu saja hasil berikutnya

semoga saja ada orang lain yang berhasil memenangkan kontes ini
full lot ketika di awal kontes pasti sangat menyenangkan kalau arahnya benar.
dan biasanya bisa berada di posisi urutan atas

saya tidak pake strategi full lot untuk di awal
mungkin nanti ketika sudah mendekati minggu ketiga haha