ISBN: 9780470170953 | 357 pages | 2008-03-17 | PDF | 16 Mb
Yes, you can turn those great melodies and smokin’ grooves in your head into stunning digital music! And you don’t have to be a musical genius or a computer geek to do it! Composing Digital Music For Dummies shows you everything you need to know to compose great tunes using the hottest digital tools.
This friendly, plain-English guide explains all of the digital music basics, including how to work with the latest hardware and software, use templates from the companion CD-ROM to make a quick start, build your first tune, and save it in different formats. You’ll also find out how to add instruments to your score, set tempos and keys, create chord symbols and show fretboards, add lyrics to your tune, and much more. Discover how to:
* Write and arrange digital music
* Determine what — if any — equipment you need
* Create your own ringtones and mp3s
* Compose with a MIDI controller, or a mouse
* Work with notation software
* Use keyboard shortcuts
* Publish your creations on the Internet
* Build your own tune from scratch
* Extract parts from your score for each instrument
The companion CD-Rom also includes a demo of Sebelius 5, the most popular music notation software, as well as audio files for all music examples in the book. With this step-by-step guide and your computer, you’ll have everything you need to start writing, arranging, and publishing your own digital music — immediately!
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