Digital Photographic Capture | 8MB | PDF | RS,QS,ES,EGO
The major function of photography is to capture a picture from what is in front of you. Whether a picture of the family pet or advertising spread, the acquisition of the scene is the first step in the digital image process. Digital Photographic Capture takes that first step and it breaks it down in detail so you can understand and better manipulate the mechanics of the process.
As we transition from the silver halide base of photography to an electronic enabled future, we can step to the side and look at the intersection of these processes. Today it is not that one is superior in all situations, but that in the imaging world hybrid imaging maintains uses in unique applications and has certain advantages.
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Digital Photographic Capture
The major function of photography is to capture a picture from what is in front of you. Whether a picture of the family pet or advertising spread, the acquisition of the scene is the first step in the digital image process. Digital Photographic Capture takes that first step and it breaks it down in detail so you can understand and better manipulate the mechanics of the process.
As we transition from the silver halide base of photography to an electronic enabled future, we can step to the side and look at the intersection of these processes. Today it is not that one is superior in all situations, but that in the imaging world hybrid imaging maintains uses in unique applications and has certain advantages.
Digital Photographic Capture explores construction and functions of the various parts and processes used to capture images. Sensors, lenses, creation, storage, and hybrid imaging are all broken down into basic explanations, enabling the photographer to have a basic understanding of the photography today. This is your new introduction to photography.
Dr. Glenn Rand received his Bachelor and Master of Arts from Purdue University with a Doctorate from the University of Cincinnati. He did post-doctoral research as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan. Photographs by Dr. Rand are in the collections of over 20 museums in the United States, Europe, and Japan and is exhibited widely. He has also published his photographs as both editorial illustrations and advertising. He has published and lectured extensively about photography and digital imaging ranging from commercial aesthetics to the technical fine points of black and white photography. His consultant clients have included the Eastman Kodak Company, Ford Motor Company, Photo Marketing Association International, the Ministry of Education of Finland, as well as many other businesses and several colleges.
Presently Dr. Rand teaches in the graduate program at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California.
David Litschel is a noted educator, photographer, author, and consultant to industry and education. He is the Provost at Brooks Institute of Photography with campuses in Santa Barbara and Ventura, California. Prior to taking on his current administrative role, he was a faculty member at Brooks Institute of Photography for over 15 years. He has been active in many professional organisations, including serving as President and a member of the Board of Directors of the Photo Imaging Education Association (PIEA). He previously co-authored a college textbook on photography now in its second edition that is used by schools in all 50 states, Canada, England, Australia, and has been translated into Korean. Mr. Litschel is a member of the Advisory Board for Photographer’s Forum magazine, and has served on the Board of Directors of, in Seattle, WA. He received his MFA from the University of Michigan and his BFA with Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Dr. Robert Davis was the first Digital Technical Sales representative for the Eastman Kodak Company. In his role at Kodak he was involved in the marketing of digital products. Since leaving Kodak he has been involved in various educational endeavours including teaching digital imaging to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. He has also set up educational programs at community colleges and has been a lecturer in the field.
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