duhh.. erorr. nee..


New member
alooww.. alll..

gw ada problem nee..

gw kan lagi pake 98 nee.. .. lha.. pertama2.. aman2 aja.. tp.. bis..gw install yahoo messenger versi beta yang baru .. terus.. muncul application errorr...

" the exception privileged instruction. (0xc0000096) occured in the application at location 0x7503c71c. Click on OK to terminate the program, Click on CANCEL to debug the program "

begitu ... ...

gimane donk. ne.. boss.. what can i do about that.. ???

masa mesti gw install lagi .. OS nya..

kan .. capeee... .

please help mee...
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yg eror kan aplikasi yahoonya, ya remove aja yahoonya sekalian clean registrynya. beres toh.
Sebaiknya jangan menginstall YM versi terbaru dan beta pada Win 98, belum tentu compatible, mending pake gaim aja