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Efficient Mans Organizer Pro 1.06.19
Program + Crack
Sesuai forum rules, dilarang memasukan software yang kemungkinan ilegal seperti crack, bajakan dan semacamnya. Software freeware dan shareware yang dibagikan/direview secara benar diperbolehkan
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Efficient Man's Organizer, a personal information management package specially designed for men! It has a beyond-cool interface - a choice only of tasty and wise men! Many great features such as time management, contact manager, planner, reminder, diary, notepad, password manager, and more...are integrated in just one package. Efficient Lady's Organizer, a personal information management package specially designed for ladies! It has a fashionable and pretty interface - a choice only of happy and demanding ladies!
It is fairly portable. The portable edition can be put onto a USB flash drive and run directly from there. Various measures such as password protection and automatic backup can guarantee your data security. With the built-in one-click search similar to Google you can quickly find what you want from within your massive personal information. A text editor similar to Microsoft Word is integrated for you to write diary, notes and comments at any time. Besides, official free editions are released at the same time to meet the needs of various friends. A man's day, starts from opening Efficient Man's Organizer.

Program + Crack
Sesuai forum rules, dilarang memasukan software yang kemungkinan ilegal seperti crack, bajakan dan semacamnya. Software freeware dan shareware yang dibagikan/direview secara benar diperbolehkan
Link didelete, thread di closed dan di move ke Archive, jika anda merasa ini kesalahan mohon pm saya
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