Electronic Gaming Monthly November 2008


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So what new RE5 info awaits your eager eyes? Well, for starters we're offering up over 20 brand new EGM-exclusive screenshots, including images of new areas and deformed monstrosities that have never been shown before. Assuming those don't get your heart pumping too fast for you to focus, we've also got a lengthy write-up detailing our experiences with the new co-op system, as well as a talk with RE5 producer Jun Takeuchi.

We're not all about teasing alone, though, so we thought we'd pass along a bit of info from the issue here. Plenty has been said about Resident Evil 50s co-op mode is a first for the series since it was revealed at E3, but we dug up some new details. In single-player mode, you'll always play as Chris Redfield, and he will also be the default character for the host of an online co-op session. Thankfully, the game features extremely flexible jump-in, jump-out options, so a buddy can join you at any point along the way or leave without slowing down your progress. Takeuchi also promises a system in place for getting rid of griefers who enter an open game only to mess with your progress.

If that alone doesn't get you intrigued, our full description of our play session should. Be sure to grab the November issue of EGM out of your mailboxes very soon. And if you don't happen to be a subscriber, watch for the issue to hit newsstands in a couple of weeks.


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