English Conversation Club

Bls: English Conversation Club

@ Popoi: *catches the star* Well, thank you ^_^ What can I call you by the way?

@ Redbastard: ...You didn't spell my name right, and I catch stars instead of giving them out... So I guess I'll pass this time :p

@ Resi: Another correction, which would be the word correction itself... Should be "thanks for your correction"... :p

Anyway... How can I see where I get my stars from?
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Bls: English Conversation Club

@StarCatcher1858: [<:) thanks for your correction,,(again) hehe so If any fault, word please correct me,,
@giapianawati: hy hy hy..nice to meet you,,,i'm fine miss gia
Bls: English Conversation Club

@ Redbastard: ...You didn't spell my name right, and I catch stars instead of giving them out... So I guess I'll pass this time

no matter what you say,,

give me a star
Bls: English Conversation Club

@ Popoi: *catches the star* Well, thank you ^_^ What can I call you by the way?

Anyway... How can I see where I get my stars from?

just call me popoi like everybody did...

you can't.. all you can do is just keep an eye on your posts to see if anybody gave you one...or maybe more
Bls: English Conversation Club

mmhh.. nice to meet you too..

it's not secretive.. but.. we just can't see who did gave us... lack of tools maybe..
or.. maybe it's just wrong answer from the wrong person.. xixixixi....
i'm just telling you my experiences.. neither can i.... 'till now..

and resi... where's my star..??
Bls: English Conversation Club

Well, it might be like that... *ponders* Hm, can't we at least see where (or in what thread) we get the star from?

So, what can we talk about now?
Bls: English Conversation Club

xixixxii.. great idea....why don't you ask to admins here to improve with that kind of useful tools..

anything.. just start.. this thread is badly needed some one who could initiate subjects

and.. please... correct me like you did to resi... will you..??
Bls: English Conversation Club

Hee, okay. But to be honest, your English is pretty good and you haven't made any mistakes, or as far as I see. :p And I'm not an English master, either. Anybody can have more knowledge about this language than me...

Hm, let's see. Why are you interesed in the English language?
Bls: English Conversation Club

sorry.. just arrived..
mmhh.. at first.. it's a curse to me.. more like a cruel torture...
my mother forced me to study english... or else.. i can't play with my friends

then i start to feel how lucky i was... having better understanding in english language when i start entering middle high school.
when most of my friends just start to study this language...
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Bls: English Conversation Club

Nah, it's okay ^^

Well, sure you are lucky xD How old are you by the way? Sometimes you sound young but at times you sound rather old... :p

I learnt English since childhood, almost naturally as my mother taught me how to speak and count in English, watch English videos (such as Disney's Magic English xD) with me and read books to me :p

Uh... and what did you mean by 'just arrived'? I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to catch what you meant... And I think the term "Junior High School" is more correct, or "Senior High School", if that is what you meant :p And "when most of my friends just started to study this language"...xP
Bls: English Conversation Club

yups.. i mean junior high school.. thanks..
just started..

and.. just arrived.. mmhh.. i just having conversation with three of our II fellows.. through Yahoo Messenger...
and then.. i came back to saw if there's any updates here...

and.. i give you three stars for your correction...
Bls: English Conversation Club

hhmmmm... randomness.. i didn't get what you mean with that word.. can you explain it a little bit more..?
Bls: English Conversation Club

Well, randomness is, erm, things you do when you're being random, or things made randomly, or something like that :p
Bls: English Conversation Club

well.. things i did... hhmmmm... when i'm being random.. i usually looking for something to read...
or.. i just go anywhere... looking for things i've never saw...
Bls: English Conversation Club

Hm, nah, what I meant was not what do you do in your free time, but what do you think about randomness instead. Sorry for the misunderstanding...

Never mind, though. Out of my current randomness of the day, I thought up for another topic... :p
What would you eat if you lived in a world which only contains the food you dislike?
Bls: English Conversation Club

xixixi.. for that case.. any food i like.. off course if i live in that world, i wouldn't dislike the food i dislike here.. xixixixi..