Filosofi Hidup

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Forget the bad memories, face the present with faith, prepare for your future and appreciate those who are always there for you.
For every up there is a down, for every frown there is a smile, for every night there is a day and for every problem there is a way.
Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next.
I'd rather have an enemy who says that they hate me, than to keep a friend whose mission is to put me down secretly.
Today is all you have, you will never get this day back, so give it all you got, be all you can be and have fun just being.
I was always told that disappointment in life is a sign from GOD that He has something better for your future.
Nobody teaches the sun to rise, a fish to swim, a bird to fly, a plant to grow, a child to cry, & nobody teaches me to love you, I just do.
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