harvest moon back to nature

Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Iya nih. Ganti .. hehehe. . .bagus gak??
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Hahehahe, Miyo gak ngerti mksudnya apaan nih. . . .bsa di jelskan lbih mudah gak?? sya kan pemula...!!!!

Trus2, kalo udah 3 tahun itu, persennya harus brpa sih biar bagus??
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Hehehe, enak loh maen yang for girl, coz bisa pake perhiasannya sendiri,

Maksudnya yang gak jelas yang mana?

Persenna q lupa brapa. Namun, asalkan udah baik sama semua warga, dapet banyak power berries, n (ayam ama sapi nya full) plus hatis emua binatang full, kamu pasti lolos dari masalah itu kok. Persenan itu super gampang.
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Udh dulu ya. Habis ini q ama Titto_NMI kmungkinan g' aktif slama bbrp bulan lagi, krn properti untuk internet sudah dicabut.

Bls: harvest moon back to nature

, Baka Yuuji, nih wa masih pegang kq modemnya, , tapi ntar bbrp jam lagi udh dkembalikin sambil ngembaliki HDD ma masang casingnya,
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

ah, mmpung ada kakak!!
Miyo mw nanyak!!
kok miyo gk bsa bkn alat pembuat mayones, benang dll ke tukangnya sih!!
Setiap di kasih batu dr tmbang itu, eh mlah blg terima kasih trus di ambil..!! (ibaratnya malah dikasih). itu harus gmna sih..?
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Baka Yuuji, nih wa masih pegang kq modemnya
Iaaa, atashi baka janai. Anta wa baka!

ah, mmpung ada kakak!!
Miyo mw nanyak!!
kok miyo gk bsa bkn alat pembuat mayones, benang dll ke tukangnya sih!!
Setiap di kasih batu dr tmbang itu, eh mlah blg terima kasih trus di ambil..!! (ibaratnya malah dikasih). itu harus gmna sih..?

Nah, pertama alatnya di kasih di tangan. (klo selainnya macam mayonaise, dll, gak usah).

Q lupa orenya harus dikasih di tangan atau nggak (coz agak kontradiksi ama versi GBA)

Kalo bisa bikin tanpa harus dikasih di tangan, maka gak usah, tapi kalo harus di kasih di tangan ntar kan ada pilihan.
Jangan pilih " give it as a gift" tapi pilih yang satu lagi yang pada intinya tuh ore dibuat untuk making tool (maker).
Nah, habis itu ntar kamu disuruh milih kan mau apa? B'tul gak?

Btw, coba aja dulu bicara tanpa ore ditangan (kayak waktu mau beli brush). Ntar dia bilang apa? Kalo ada pilihan bikin mayonaise maker,dll pilih itu. Kalo ternyata dia bilang harus ditangan maka siapin di tangan sesuai yang di atas tadi. Ok?

Btw, klo mau contact langsung ke Titto_NMI, mending email aja dia. Klo mau ntar q PM email si Titto.

Ja na! (bentar lagi yang punya modem pulang, ahhh kaur ahh, )
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

wah... game ini. udah lama gak main ini. permainan yang gak bakal selesai-selesai. Meski udah tahun, tapi tetep bisa lanjutin. Game seru, nih...^^
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

nih game gak ada habisnya. bingung juga saya kapan habisnya. udah selesai 3 tahun, tapi masih belum selese selese juga
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

wAh, sKaraNg aQ lG maInin Hatvest Moon, aQ siH berMain denGan Won, trus aQ dpT bUnga...,.,.,.,
LAlu bUnga TuH aQ kasig aMA peri Goodess, dia bLang aKn dPt hadia....
Apa YAH hadia iTu....????????????????????? ^_^

I Love Harvest Moon <3 <3 <3
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Hi,,, gmNa yh cRA nGAdapaTin Doctor....?

main Harvest Moon for girl, ya?
Merahin hati doktor dulu. Sering-sering kasih tanaman obat. Kalau perlu tiap hari deh, biar cepet.
Hati-hati kalau pingsan, hatinya tiba-tiba turun, loh.
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

fiuh, syukurlah. masih ada orang yang peduli dgn Harvest Moon Back To Nature.. Miyo mw tanyak lagi deh/...
Bls: harvest moon back to nature

Hi,,, gmNa yh cRA nGAdapaTin Doctor....?
, for girl ya?
Bagi yang udh maen HM BTN (biasa), gak jauh beda kok cara mainnya.
Item yang dulu kamu kasih ke cowok (contoh Grey yang suka ore, wine), maka dia tetep suka benda itu meskipun di versi for girl.

Begitu juga Doctor yang suka poisonous mushrooms, n wine, parah nih orang....

Masalah eventnya wa quote aja dari gamefaqs, coz daripada ntar q salah inget segala :

- First Impressions
Go to the clinic at the first time and Elli will greeted you.
She's looking at your wound at ask if it hurts. You can choose
the first options (it's nothing) and you will be her friend.
The second options (excruciating) will make the doctor your
Choose the second options. Elli will soon tells the doctor and
he will heal your wound. Then he will praise you because you
care about your health.
This event will make doctor's heart goes purple.
- You like babies?
One day at the clinic... it looks like Elli and the doctor has
help a villager to gave birth. Elli will say that the baby is
cute. The doctor will ask Elli if she like babies. Elli thinks
that this is a warning that he will fire her, so she answers
carefully. But what happens next is, the doctor just says that
she's fit to be a mother.
- What happened??
Happened if the doctor has a blue heart. Visit the clinic and
realize that Elli weren't stand behind the table as usual.
Talk to the doctor. He will ask you what's wrong. The first
option (not so well...) will make you receive a bodigizer.
Talk to him again, he will talking about Elli. Talk to Elli
who is hiding from the doctor. She will ask you if the doctor
is good (I don't understand this, she said, ", is
he good?" looks like they are having a fight.)
If you choose the second option(it's nothing) then he will
ignore you. Talk to him again, he will say that he worries
about Elli. Elli will then walks towards you both, tells the
doctor that she's okay now. She is happy that the doctor
thinks about her.
- Boring
Go to the clinic. You will got a scene. Elli feels bored. The
doctor thinks that she's sick and suggest her to rest. Elli
will feel happy because he cares about her.
- Doctor leaving this village?
If Elli and Doctor still not married in the 3rd year, he will
go to the church someday. Bad luck, you're there when he's at
the confession room. He will explain his plan about leaving
the village to the priest. He thinks that his job here is only
help people gaving birth, and Elli can do it herself. When
he's out of that room, he realized that you heard all his
confession. He's not telling much about it and leaving.
If you go to the clinic then, he already tells Elli about his
plan. Elli tried to stop her, and she's succeed. They then
will married in one week.
If you didn't go to the clinic, go to the beach. The doctor is
really to leave now. Elli try to stop him, and at the end
tells her feelings about him. Well, they will have a wedding
in a week... bad news for you?

Source : http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/580223/21443