harvest moon back to nature

Produk Kualitas Emas
Ternak yang menang dalam lomba akan menghasilkan Gold Milk, Gold Fur, dll tapi setiap tahun dari setiap jenis ternak hanya satu ekor yang bisa menang, bukan? Cara mengakalinya: Buat 2 memory car. Save sehari sebelum festival kemudian pindahkan semua hewan dari jenis yang akan dilombakan, misalnya kuda- kecuali satu ekor yang ingin dilombakan - ke game lain. Setelah menang, tukarkan hewan yang menang ke game yang tidak digunakan dan kembali ke sehari sebelum festival lagi. Ulangi langkah tadi sampai semua hewan menang dan kamu tinggal memindahkan kembali hewan-hewan yang menghasilkan produk kualitas Gold ke permainanmu semula.
gw juga gitu, pas gw udah tahun keenem gw pindahin tuh binatang terutama sapi sama domba...
jadi loe pada udah liat kan???
data harvest moon gw...banyak yang emas hewannya???

Mengontrol cuaca.
Setelah save, periksa cuaca untuk keesokan hari. Kalau ramalan cuma mengatakan stormy (=berbadai atau hujan lebat), bersalju, atau badai salju, ambil diary dan reload game kamu. Periksa cuaca lagi, dan biasanya ramalan cuaca kali ini akan berbeda. Lakukan terus sampai mendapat cuaca yang kamu

bagi-bagi bintang yach

klo itu si...ganti cuacanya bukan untuk bsok...klo kata gw buat lusa baru bisa ke ganti cuacanya
tapi klo cuaca bsok ga bkl bisa ke ganti dah...

gw udah bgitu tapi cuaca tetep aja badai.......pas lagi musim dingin tahun pertama yang hari thanksgiving...gw udah susah2 nungguin eh kaga dapet coklat dah...(hatinya masih biru semua)
nih ada tips sedikit

Cara mendapatkan resep:
Ice cream : beri sebuah telur pada Yodel
Potato Pancakes : berikan bamboo shot pada Gotz
Fries : dalam sebuah botol saat kamu memancing di dermaga
Mixed Juice : berikan Doctor blue medicine plant
"Ohitashi" Greens: berikan Mana sebuah Pink Cat flower
Popcorn: berikan sebuah ear of corn kepada Kai
Pickled Turnips : berikan sebuah ear of corn kepada Saibara
Fruit Latte : berikan sebuah tomat pada Basil
Cheese Fondue : berikan sebuah tomat pada Doug
Pastor's Afternoon Snack : berikan sebuah telur pada Pastor

PAGE 11 sama 12
Eh,,spy tw kalo wrg laen (mis,d0kter) suka or bnci ama kt crany gmana?
Yg kt ajx bwt manen anggur itu, si cliff ato cu2ny saibara?
Tks b4
Eh,,spy tw kalo wrg laen (mis,d0kter) suka or bnci ama kt crany gmana?
Yg kt ajx bwt manen anggur itu, si cliff ato cu2ny saibara?
Tks b4
maksut pertanyaan nya apaan si??


elli klo mao suka kasih bunga aoa aja..

klo dokter kasih aja green grass, blue grass red grass blue magic red
nih ada resep tambahan sedikit

Bodigizer - pot, black grass, orange grass, red magic grass, honey
Turbojolt - pot, white grass, orange grass, red magic grass, honey
resep neh
AEPFE Apple - apple, HMSGB & SUGDW apple
Apple Jam - pot, sugar, apple, Won's apples, honey
Apple Pie - knife, pot, rolling pin, oven, sugar, egg, butter, flour, apple, apple souffle, Won's apples
Apple Souffle - frying pan, sugar, salt, apple, butter, oil
Autumn Sun - egg(X), mayonnaise(X), milk(X), cheese(X), wool(X), yarn(X)
Baked Corn - oven, sugar, salt, butter, corn
Baked Sweet Potato- oven, sugar, salt, sweet potato, butter, stone
Bamboo Rice - knife, pot, salt, soy sauce, bamboo shoot, rice ball
Bodigizer - pot, black grass, orange grass, red magic grass, honey
Bodigizer XL - mixer, Bodigizer, blue grass(can be bought in clinic)
Boiled Spinach - spinach, pot, soy sauce
Boiled Egg - pot, egg, salt
Buckwheat Chips - pot, whisk, rolling pin, soy sauce, buckwheat flour
Buckwheat Noodles - knife, rolling pin, pot, all seasoning, buckwheat flour, noodles, egg, onion, mushroom, bamboo shoot, fish(s,m&L)
Butter - mixer, milk
Cake - oven, whisk, knife, sugar, butter, egg, flour, honey, apple, strawberry, pineapple
Candied Potatoes - pot, sugar, sweet potato, honey
Cheese Cake - knife, pot, whisk, oven, sugar, cheese, honey, egg, milk, wine
Cheese Fondue - pot, knife, whisk, sugar, salt, bread, cheese, wine
Cheese (X) - cheese(s,m,L,G&P)
Chirashi Sushi - knife, vinegar, soy sauce, sashimi, rice ball, scrambled eggs, bamboo shoot, carrot, cucumber, truffle, mushroom
Choco Cookies - rolling pin, oven, sugar, butter, egg, chocolate, flour, honey
Chocolate Cake - oven, whisk, knife, sugar, butter, egg, flour, honey, apple, strawberry, pineapple, chocolate
Cookies - rolling pin, oven, sugar, flour, butter, egg, honey
Corn Flakes - knife, frying pan, rolling pin, milk, chocolate, corn, strawberry, apple, pineapple, wild grapes
Curry Bread - knife, frying pan, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, curry powder, bread, oil, honey, bamboo shoot, onion, mushroom, eggplant
Curry Noodles - knife, pot, rolling pin, all seasoning, flour, curry powder, onion, truffle, egg, eggplant, carrot, sweet potato
Curry Rice - knife, pot, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, curry powder, riceball, egg, onion, carrot, truffle, tomato, apple
Dinner Roll - bread, butter, honey
Egg (X) - egg(reg.,good,high,G&P)
Egg Over Rice - pot, sugar, salt, soy sauce, egg, rice ball
Elli Leaves - knife, frying pan, pot, oven, all seasoning, turbojolt XL, bodigizer XL, 6 failure recipes
Fish Sticks - mixer, salt, fish(L)
French Fries - knife, frying pan, oil, potato
French Toast - frying pan, sugar, bread, butter, oil, egg
Fried Noodles - frying pan, sugar, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, noodles, oil, egg, bamboo shoot, mushroom, cabbage, carrot, onion
Fried Noodles 2 - frying pan, all seasoning, buckwheat noodles, oil, egg, cabbage, carrot, fish(s,m&L)
Fried Rice - frying pan, knife, sugar, salt, soy sauce, egg, spa-boiled egg, oil, rice ball, spinach, carrot, onion, eggplant
Fruit Latte - mixer, sugar, apple, wild grape, pineapple, honey, strawberry, grape juice, milk
Fruit Juice - mixer, sugar, salt, honey, wild grape, apple, pineapple, strawberry
Fruit/Vege. Juice - mixer, knife, sugar, salt, strawberry, pineapple, wild grape, carrot, cucumber, cabbage
Grape Jam - pot, sugar, wild grape, honey
Grape Juice - mixer, salt, sugar, honey, wild grapes
Greens - knife, pot, sugar, soy sauce, spinach, honey
Grilled Fish - frying pan, salt, soy sauce, fish(m), oil
HMSGB Apple - apple, AEPFE & SUGDW apple
Happy Eggplant - knife, frying pan, sugar, soy sauce, miso, eggplant
Hot Milk - pot, sugar, milk
Ice Cream - knife, pot, whisk, sugar, egg, milk, wild grape, apple, honey, pineapple, strawberry
Jam Bun - bread, apple jam, grape jam, strawberry jam
Ketchup - mixer, sugar, salt, vinegar, tomato, onion
Mayonnaise - whisk, vinegar, egg, oil (instant with Mayonnaise maker) *depending on the quality of the egg, mayo can be(s,m,L,G,P,X)
Milk (X) - milk(s,m,L,G&P)
Miso Soup - knife, pot, sugar, salt, soy sauce, miso, mushroom, truffle, egg, turnip, potato, eggplant, corn, carrot
Mixed Juice - knife, mixer, salt, sugar, strawberry, pineapple, honey, wild grape, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, green pepper
Mixed Latte - knife, mixer, salt, sugar, fruit juice, vegetable juice, milk, honey, apple, Won's apples
Moon dumplings - muffin mix, sugar
Mountain Stew - knife, pot, sugar, soy sauce, bamboo shoot, carrot, mushroom, honey, truffle, potato, oil, fish(L)
Mushroom Rice - knife, pot, salt, soy sauce, mushroom, rice ball
Noodles - knife, rolling pin, pot, all seasoning, flour, truffle, onion, mushroom, eggplant, egg, carrot, sweet potato
Noodles w/ Tempura- pot, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, buckwheat noodles, tempura, carrot, eggplant, bamboo shoot, fish(s,m&L)
Omelet - frying pan, salt, whisk, milk, oil, egg
Omelet Rice - frying pan, salt, whisk, milk, oil, egg, rice ball
Pancakes - frying pan, whisk, sugar, flour, honey, oil, butter, milk, egg
Pickles - knife, salt, soy sauce, cucumber
Pickled Turnip - knife, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, turnip
Pineapple juice - mixer, salt, sugar, honey, pineapple
Pizza - knife, rolling pin, oven, sugar, salt, flour, ketchup, cheese, tomato, onion, mushroom, fish(m&L)
Popcorn - frying pan, salt, corn, butter
Potato Pancakes - knife, frying pan, salt, soy sauce, potato, onion, oil, flour, egg
Pudding - knife, pot, oven, sugar, cornflakes, egg, milk, strawberry, wild grape, pineapple, apple
Pumpkin Pudding - knife, pot, oven, sugar, milk, honey, egg, wine, pumpkin
Pumpkin Stew - knife, pot, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, honey, grape juice, wine, pumpkin
Raisin Bread - grape juice, wild grape, honey, bread
Relaxation Tea - pot, sugar, r.tea leaves, honey, black grass, blue grass, purple grass, green grass, indigo grass, white grass
R. Tea Leaves - knife, frying pan, weed, red grass, orange grass, yellow grass, indigo grass, blue grass, purple grass, green grass
Rice Gruel - pot, salt, rice ball, orange grass, blue grass, green grass, indigo grass, white grass, purple grass
Roasted Rice Cake - frying pan, all seasoning, rice cake, butter, oil
Salad - knife, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, tomato, truffle, green pepper, cheese, cucumber, cabbage, potato, mayonnaise
Sandwich - knife, butter, bread, cucumber, tomato, hard-boiled egg, cabbage, cheese, mayonnaise
Sashimi - knife, soy sauce, fish(m&L)
Savory Pancake - knife, frying pan, salt, soy sauce, flour, oil, egg, fish(L), mushroom, carrot, cabbage, eggplant
Scrambled Eggs - frying pan, oil, whisk, egg, butter, mayonnaise
Spring Sun - toy flower, moondrop flower, pinkcat flower, blue & red magic grass
Stew - pot, salt, flour, milk, potato, corn, carrot, fish(s,m&L)
Stir Fry - knife, frying pan, salt, soy sauce, spinach, truffle, oil, cabbage, onion, tomato, carrot, green pepper
Strawberry Jam - pot, sugar, strawberry, honey
Strawberry Milk - mixer, sugar, salt, honey, milk, strawberry
Summer Sun - fish (s,m&L), fish fossil, pirate treasure
Sushi - vinegar, sashimi, riceball
Sweet Potatoes - pot, oven, sugar, butter, egg, sweet potato
SUGDW Apple - apple, HMSGB & AEFPE apple
Tempura - frying pan, salt, soy sauce, flour, oil, mushroom, egg, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, eggplant
Tempura Noodles - pot, salt, soy sauce, miso, tempura, noodles, onion, fish(s&L), truffle, carrot, cabbage
Tempura Rice - sugar, salt, soy sauce, rice ball, tempura
Toast - oven, sugar, bread, butter, honey, strawberry jam, apple jam, grape jam
Toasted Rice Ball - oven, salt, soy sauce, miso, rice ball
Tomato Juice - mixer, salt, tomato
Truffle Rice - salt, soy sauce, truffle, riceball
Turbojolt - pot, white grass, orange grass, red magic grass, honey
Turbojolt XL - mixer, turbojolt, green grass
Vegetable Juice - knife, mixer, sugar, salt, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, carrot
Vegetable Latte - knife, mixer, sugar, salt, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, carrot, milk
Wild Grape Juice - pot, wine, wild grapes, purple grass
Winter Sun - emerald, moonstone, sandrose, diamond, alexandrite, pink diamond, mythic stone
apakah benar waktu thn ke4 banyak festifal baru?kalo ya festifal apa saja?

halo... udah lama kagak dtg2 kesini....
masa sih di thn ke-4 bnyk festival? kayaknya ama aja kayak tahun2 sebelumnya......

oya, btw... ngomong2 ttg yg kita ngelempar buah/sayur whatever itu boong yah? aq udah coba berkali2 tp ga bisa2....
buah gw abis semua.....
tu pasti boong......
