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[size=+2]Cowon MP3 & PMP[/size]

Cowon MP3
Cowon D2+ Premium MP3 Player 8GB - Black Rp. 1.800.000,-
Cowon D2+ Premium MP3 Player 8GB - Silver Rp. 1.800.000,-
Cowon D2+ Premium MP3 Player 16GB - Black Rp. Out of Stock!New!!
Cowon D2+ Premium MP3 Player 16GB - Silver Rp. Out of Stock!New!!
Cowon S9 The Ultimate Mp3 Player 16GB - Chrome Black Rp. Out of Stock!
Cowon S9 The Ultimate Mp3 Player 16GB - Titanium Black Rp. Out of Stock!
Cowon PMP
Cowon O2 PMP 16GB Rp. 2.800.000,-
Garansi 1 Tahun Distributor Indonesia.
Cowon D2/D2+ Leather Case by Tomato Rp. out of stock (include stylus, screen guard, cable winder]
Cowon D2/D2+ Silicon Case by Tomato (1 pcs White + 1pcs Grey + Arm Band + Cable Winder + Chain + Screen Guard) out of stock
Cowon D2/D2+ Shield Case Original Rp. out of stock
Cowon D2/D2+ AV Cable Original Rp. 100.000,-
Cowon D2/D2+ AC Charger Original Rp. 175.000,-
Cowon D2/D2+ Line in Cable 3.5mm Original Rp. 55.000,-
Cowon S9 Leather Case by Tomato Rp. 195.000,-
Cowon S9 Silicon Case by Tomato Rp. out of stock
Cowon S9 Shield Case Original Rp. 150.000,-
Cowon S9 AV Cable Original Rp. 110.000,-
Cowon S9 Speaker Dock Rp. 475.000,-
Cowon 02 Leather Case by Tomato Rp. 215.000,-
Cowon 02 Silicon Case by Tomato Rp. out of stock
Cowon 02 Shield Case Original Rp. out of stock
New BlueTech Travel Charger (AC to DC Wall Adapter) Rp. 65.000,- (compatible for Cowon MP3, SanDisk Sansa, Samsung MP3 Player, Phillips Mp3 Player, iPod Classic, iPod Nano Chromatic, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iPod Video, Fiio S3 Card Reader Speaker, Fiio N3 Notebook Speaker, Fiio E5 Portable Amp) Not compatible for: Creative Zen-V Plus, n MP4 Creative ZEN
Verythingpod 4 USB Power Adapter (AC to DC Wall Adapter) Rp. 100.000,-
(compatible for Cowon MP3, SanDisk Sansa, Samsung MP3 Player, Phillips Mp3 Player, iPod Classic, iPod Nano Chromatic, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iPod Video, Fiio S3 Card Reader Speaker, Fiio N3 Notebook Speaker, Fiio E5 Portable Amp) Not compatible for: Creative Zen-V Plus, n MP4 Creative ZEN
SDHC Memory Cards
** SanDisk Memory Cards **
SanDisk Memory Cards==>KLIK SINI!!
** Transcend Memory Card **
Transcend Memory Card==>KLIK SINI!!
Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. mohon cek di www.tikijne.co.id
Pembayaran Melalui Rek Bank BCA, Bank BII, Bank Mandiri.
Dwi Mitra Selaras
Harco Mas Mangga Dua Lantai 3 no. 50-51 (belakang Mangga Dua Mall)
Jl. Mangga Dua Lantai 3 no. 50-51, Jakarta Pusat
Esia (021) 99169971, Satelindo (0815) 10770718, Three 08999725820 (SMS only) untuk mendapatkan response yang lebih cepat
Shop Business Hour: Senin s/d Jumat jam 1 sd 6 sore. Sabtu, Minggu dan tanggal merah tutup.
Email: kantongkresek@gmail.com
YM: kantongkresek@yahoo.com
** AKG Earphones & Headphones **
AKG Earphones & Headphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Cowon MP3 & PMP **
Cowon MP3 & PMP==>KLIK SINI!!
** dbE Acoustics Earphone, FiiO Headphone Amplifier & FiiO Speaker **
dbE Acoustics Earphone, FiiO Headphone Amplifier & FiiO Speaker==>KLIK SINI!!
** Maha Powerex Rechargeable Batteries & Charger **
Maha Powerex Rechargeable Batteries & Charger==>KLIK SINI!!
** Monster IEMs & Headphones Beats™ by Dr. Dre™ **
Monster IEMs & Headphones Beats™ by Dr. Dre™==>KLIK SINI!!
** Sanyo Rechargeable Batteries & Charger **
Sanyo Rechargeable Batteries & Charger==>KLIK SINI!!
** SanDisk USB Flash Drives, Memory Cards, MP3 & MP4 **
SanDisk USB Flash Drives, Memory Cards, MP3 & MP4==>KLIK SINI!!
** Sennheiser Earphones & Headphones **
Sennheiser Earphones & Headphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Yuin Earphones **
Yuin Earphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Testimonial dari Pelanggan **
List Testimonial Pelanggan==>KLIK SINI!