New member
[size=+2]iPod Shuffle, Nano, Classic & Touch [/size]
iPod shuffle (3rd Generation)
4GB Rp. 769.000
iPod nano (5th Generation)
8GB Rp. 1.489.000
16GB Rp. 1.719.000
iPod classic
160GB Rp. 2.449.000 Free Fiio E1 iPod Headphone Amp with line control function
iPod touch (3rd Generation)
8GB Rp. 1.969.000
32GB Rp. 3.049.000 Free dbE PR-20 In Ear Monitors
64GB Rp. 4.019.000
Garansi 1 Tahun Apple International
New BlueTech Travel Charger (AC to DC Wall Adapter) Rp. Out Of Stock
(compatible for Cowon MP3, SanDisk Sansa, Samsung MP3 Player, Phillips Mp3 Player, iPod Classic, iPod Nano Chromatic, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iPod Video, Fiio S3 Card Reader Speaker, Fiio N3 Notebook Speaker, Fiio E5 Portable Amp) New!
Verythingpod 4 USB Power Dapter (AC to DC Wall Apater) Rp. 100.000,-
(compatible for Cowon MP3, SanDisk Sansa, Samsung MP3 Player, Phillips Mp3 Player, iPod Classic, iPod Nano Chromatic, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iPod Video, Fiio S3 Card Reader Speaker, Fiio N3 Notebook Speaker, Fiio E5 Portable Amp)
Headphone Amplifier

Good Sound is not Expensive
dbE Accoustics Headphone Amplifier PA-20 / FiiO E3 (Black/White) Rp. 95.000,-

FiiO Headphone Amplifier E5 Rp. 240.000,-
Fiio E1 iPod Headphone Amp with line control function Rp. 200.000,- New!
Headphone Amplifier

iBasso T4 Ultra Portable Headphone Amplifier @ Rp. 1.100.000,-
iBasso D2+ Boa Portable Headphone Amplifier USB-DAC @ Rp. 1.650.000,- New!!
iBasso P3+ Heron Portable Headphone Amplifier @ Rp. 1.800.000,-
iBasso D4 Mamba Portable Amp/ USB-DAC @ Rp. 2.100.000,- New!!
iBasso D10 Cobra High performance Stereo DAC and Headphone Amp @ Rp. 2.750.000,-
Barang Garansi Distributor Indo 1 Tahun

Fiio LOD for Ipod (Line Out cable L1) Rp. 75.000,-New!!

On Tour (White, Black) Rp. Available Soon!
On Tour XTB (Bluetooth Speakers) (White, Black) Rp. Available Soon!
On Stage Micro (White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Aluminum) Rp. Available Soon!
On Stage III (White, Black) Rp. Available Soon!
On Stage IIIP (Compatible with iPhone) (Black) Rp. Available Soon!
Radial Micro (White, Black) Rp. Available Soon!
Radial (White, Black) Rp. Available Soon!
Duet II (Grey) Rp. Available Soon!
Duet 200iD (Black) Rp. Available Soon!
OnStage 200iD (Compatible with iPhone) (Black) Rp. Available Soon!
OnStage 400P (Compatible with iPhone) (Black) Rp. Available Soon!
OnTime 200P (Compatible with iPhone) (Black) Rp. Available Soon!

Go + Play™ High-Performance Portable Loudspeaker Dock for iPod Rp. 3.600.000,-
Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. mohon cek di www.tikijne.co.id
Pembayaran Melalui Rek Bank BCA, Bank BII, Bank Mandiri.

Mangga Dua Mall Lantai 5 Blok C117
Jalan Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta Pusat
Voice 021 99169971, 0815 107 70718 or 08999725820 (SMS only) for faster response!
Senin s/d Jumat jam 11 sd 6 sore. Sabtu jam 11 sd 4 sore, Minggu dan tanggal merah tutup.
YM: kantongkresek@yahoo.com
Email: kantongkresek@gmail.com
** AKG Earphones & Headphones **
AKG Earphones & Headphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Cowon MP3 & PMP **
Cowon MP3 & PMP==>KLIK SINI!!
** dbE Acoustics Earphone, FiiO Headphone Amplifier & FiiO Speaker **
dbE Acoustics Earphone, FiiO Headphone Amplifier & FiiO Speaker==>KLIK SINI!!
** iPod Shuffle, Nano, Classic & Touch **
iPod Shuffle, Nano, Classic & Touch==>KLIK SINI!!
** Maha Powerex Rechargeable Batteries & Charger **
Maha Powerex Rechargeable Batteries & Charger==>KLIK SINI!!
** Monster IEMs & Headphones Beats™ by Dr. Dre™ **
Monster IEMs & Headphones Beats™ by Dr. Dre™==>KLIK SINI!!
** Sanyo Rechargeable Batteries & Charger **
Sanyo Rechargeable Batteries & Charger==>KLIK SINI!!
** SanDisk USB Flash Drives, Memory Cards, MP3 & MP4 **
SanDisk USB Flash Drives, Memory Cards, MP3 & MP4==>KLIK SINI!!
** Sennheiser Earphones & Headphones **
Sennheiser Earphones & Headphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Yuin Earphones **
Yuin Earphones==>KLIK SINI!!
** Testimonial dari Pelanggan **
List Testimonial Pelanggan==>KLIK SINI!
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