Let's have a game

Bls: Let's have a game

hohoho,,, i'm not crazy..just sometimes

the person after me is called musashi
Bls: Let's have a game

me.... beautiful....er......

the person after me has changed the avatar...
Bls: Let's have a game

yups, my kittie's name is bon2 ^^

the person after me is cooking chicken soup
Bls: Let's have a game

Surely, i read ur quotes..

The Person after me is a nice person...:)
But, u've to do 2 things early in the morning,
1st.. pray to God so that u can live
2st.. take a BATH so that others can live....:D
(juz kiddin)
Bls: Let's have a game

hehe i'm not sure

the person after me is watching monitor PC
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Bls: Let's have a game

^ yes, i am, misa missing u miss. rhesi

V the person after me...hmm...very like me...sa soooo much??? :p
Bls: Let's have a game

I LIke durians..
coz durians Is Very Very DeLicious....
what About U?????
Bls: Let's have a game

I LIke durians..
coz durians Is Very Very DeLicious....
what About U?????

(yuhuuu....thank's for your participation joemz..please ask the question above you and let we play "the person after me" game

^ whats?? buff...LOL ok ok, i like durian too

V what do you think 'bout me?

(huaaaaaa..non misa,, miss you so much, hmmm you are nice girl =b=)
hmmm non misa...ssssst..this the place to play "the person after me" game...so, make "the person after me...." statement please.ok.ok.ok:)

V the person after me has taken a bath this morning
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Bls: Let's have a game

thengkyu.....after i sleep at the darkest night.....a dream...dream again...dream again....and finally a wake up with sweat in my clothes....so........YOU RIGHT....i take a bath this morning....star for you...

A person after me make a cup of coffee and drink it slowly.....( srupuut )...
Bls: Let's have a game

^ yap yap yap...yes, i do (hehe how could you know^^)

V the person after me still waiting for me.....^^
Bls: Let's have a game

^ of course!!!! im waiting for you in a long time, my twin!!!!!!

V the person after me is smiling ^^!