mandarin Akt: Vicki Zhao Wei

justru dari awalnya ndak pernah di gembar gemborkan, jadi pas cerai malah diem diem bisa juga...

kok kita jadi ngomong muter muter

Shot at 2010-12-21
mereka mo main film bareng.. acara jumpa pers ntuk promosiin film..
acara tuh tanggal 21-12-10 kemaren..

gw lupa nama filmnya.. ada romantisnya ada tentang time travellernya..
ndak ngerti deh gimana filmnya.. apa mirip future cops ato apa. kita liat ntar..

secara kan HXM nunggu zhao wei udah lama, tetep aja zhao wei ndak mau sama cowok ganteng, setelah zhao wei nikah, dia baru cari pacar
nih dia beritanya

Zhao Wei Announces New Film

After devoting an entire year to her family, actress Zhao Wei has announced her comeback role, actually two roles.

Zhao Wei will play two roles in "Underground Resistance" ("Shi Kong Di Dao"), a film that involves romance and time travel, the actress said Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at a press conference held for the film in Tianjin.

"But I can't say more at the moment. The scripts are still undergoing some changes," Zhao Wei was quoted in a report on

The film, directed by Li Xin ("Dazzling"; 2002), will also star actor Huang Xiaoming ("Sacrifice"; 2010), Zhao Wei's classmate from the Beijing Film Academy.

It will be the first collaboration between them, who are both now A-listed stars.
Shooting is scheduled to start in February, with a release date set in the second half of 2011.

Zhao Wei, whose notable films include "Painted Skin" (2008) and "Mulan" (2009), disappeared from the public eye in late 2009 after finishing her part in Daniel Lee's martial-arts film, "14 Blades". She gave birth to her first child, a baby girl, this April.
nih ada liputan waktu zhao wei hadir di acara

12 Dec 2010, 'Enilghten your Soul' Charity Bazaar Event pictures


By null at 2010-12-25


By null at 2010-12-25


By null at 2010-12-25


By null at 2010-12-25

yah sambil menyelam minum air tuh wartawan, mumpung Wei Wei lagi sumringah siapa tahu keceplosan ngomongin anak he he
mentang2 brand Marie France, langsung langsing tuh kakki dah kayak capung.
udah ndak marie france lagi.. sekarang marie chia..
tapi ngefek lho zhao wei.. dia dapat tawaran itu kan abis melahirkan, makanya sekarang kurus banget..

kayaknya lebih kurus dari belum melahirkan