Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces Series


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Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 001 - Mustang Aces of the Eighth Air Force



Unquestionably the best American fighter of World War 2,
the North American P-51 Mustang served in large numbers
with the USAAF’s Eighth Air Force from late 1943 until VE Day,
and was the mount of most aces in-theatre. Charged with the
responsibility of escorting huge formations of B-17
Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator bombers on daylight raids
deep into Germany, the P-51 pilots of the various fighter
groups within the ’Mighty Eighth’ went head to head with
the cream of the Luftwaffe’s fighter squadrons for
control of the skies over the Third Reich.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 002 - Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean



Totally outnumbered throughout their short two-year sojourn
in the Western Desert, the crack fighter pilots of the handful
of Jagdgeschwader in-theatre fought an effective campaign in
support of Rommel’s Afrika Korps against the British and
American forces. Relying almost exclusively on the Luftwaffe’s
staple fighter of World War 2, the Messerschmitt Bf 109,
the battle-hardened aces used the aircraft’s superior performance
to achieve incredible scores against the Allies.
Similarly, once pushed out of North Africa, these units continued
to take the fight to the RAF and USAAF from makeshift bases
in northern Italy.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 003 - Wildcat Aces of World War 2



Arguably the most important piston-engined single-seat fighter
design ever to see service with the US Navy and Marine Corps,
the aesthetically inelegant F4F Wildcat achieved much acclaim
during its bloody frontline career. Thrown into combat at
Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal, the handful of Wildcat units
of the Navy and Marine Corps took on large numbers of fighters
and bombers and came out victorious. On the European front,
the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm also put the fighter to effective
use from escort carriers, protecting Atlantic convoys from
Luftwaffe attacks.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 004 - Korean War Aces



The first virtually all-jet war, the conflict in Korea saw
F-86 Sabres of the USAF take on MiG-15s of the North Korean
and Chinese air forces. Although the Allied pilots were
initially taken aback by the ability of the communist fighter
in combat, sound training and skilful leadership soon enabled
Sabre pilots to dominate the dogfights over the Yalu River.
In all 39 F-86 pilots achieved ace status, and a number of
these are profiled in this volume, as are notable pilots
from the US Navy, Marine Corps and Royal Navy and,
for the first time, the handful of MiG-15 aces.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 005 - Late Mark Spitfire Aces 1942–45



Although the Spitfire is undoubtedly best known for its
exploits against the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain,
its later war service with Fighter Command on all fronts
against the Axis alliance was equally as important. This volume
features the exploits of pilots who turned the tide against the
Luftwaffe on the Western European and Mediterranean fronts,
as well as the Japanese in the Far East, flying
Spitfire Mk VIs, VIIs, VIIIs, IXs XIIs and XIVs. Names like
Johnnie Johnson, Neville Duke and Donald Kingaby, plus a myriad
of lesser known British, Polish, Canadian, American, Australian,
Czech, Free French, New Zealand and Norwegian pilots,
and their aircraft, are all covered in this book.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 006 - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Russian Front



Of all the fronts fought on by the Jagdflieger during World War 2,
the Russian, or Eastern, was easily the most lucrative in terms
of targets for the experten. Marry an abundance of targets with
the Luftwaffe’s best piston-engined fighter of the war – Focke-Wulf’s
Fw 190 ‘Butcher Bird’ – and it quickly becomes apparent why so
many Jagdflieger achieved kills that passed the 100 victories mark.
Flying in variable weather on a battlefront that was constantly changing,
the Fw 190 pilots fought virtually to extinction in both the pure
fighter and the crucial Schlacht ground attack roles.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 007 - Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF



Although best remembered for its exploits with Eighth Air Force units,
the Mustang, in its various marks, actually made its combat debut
firstly with the RAF in the Army co-operation role, and then with the
USAAF's tactically-optimised Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces.
Seeing action in Western Europe and the Mediterranean,
pilots like Glenn T Eagleston, John J Voll and Samuel J Brown notched up
impressive scores flying P-51Bs and Ds with the 354th, 31st and 52nd
Fighter Groups. Rarely given the exposure enjoyed by their high-scoring
brethren in the 'Mighty Eighth', this volume at last sets the
record straight on Europe's remaining Mustang aces.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 008 - Corsair Aces of World War 2



The speed with which the Corsair was rushed into service as a land-based
fighter obliged the pilots to learn on the job. The aircraft soon proved
to be superior to the Japanese Zero and played a major part in the
destruction of Japan’s elite air forces in the South Pacific. Later,
in an effort to counter the Kamikaze threat, the Corsair was once again
hurriedly pressed into service; this time in its originally intended role
as a shipboard fighter. This versatile aircraft saw service with the
US Navy and Marines, the British Fleet Air Arm and the RNZAF. Most of the
4FU pilots who recount their experiences within these pages considered it
to be the best all-round fighter in the Pacific theatre.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 009 - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Western Front



The Fw 190 was the scourge of Fighter Command from the moment it appeared
on the Western Front at Abbeville in August 1941 with II./JG 26. A nimble,
speedy and well-armed adversary, the ‘Butcher Bird’ quickly proved superior
to all Allied fighters of the time, particularly at medium to low altitude.
Led by Experten of the calibre of 'Pips' Priller, Heinz Bar and Walter Oesau,
the handful of Fw 190-equipped Jagdgeschwader flew against overwhelming odds,
firstly on the Channel coast, and then in direct defence of the Reich when
the Jagdflieger took on the might of the USAAF’s Eighth and Ninth Air Forces.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 010 - Hellcat Aces of World War 2



Grumman's successor to the pugnacious Wildcat, the Hellcat embodied many
of the lessons learnt by F4F pilots in the opening months of the Pacific war.
Introduced to the fleet in January 1943, and blooded in combat against the
Japanese by VF-5 seven months later, the F6F served as the principal US Navy
fighter on board carrier decks until VJ-Day. Despite its lethality in the air
when ranged against the best Japanese fighters, it still retained docile
handling qualities around the carrier deck. Pilots flying the Hellcat claimed
nearly 5000 kills in the Pacific, and over 350 pilots achieved ace status on the type.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 011 - Bf 109D/E Aces 1939–41



The period covered in this volume was considered to be the 'glory years' for the
Jagdwaffe - fresh from the experience gained in the Spanish Civil War - and for
the Bf 109 in particular. Many famous pilots scored their first kills in the classic
dogfights staged over Poland, Western Europe, the Channel and finally southern England.
Some 40 Knight's Crosses were awarded in 1940 alone. However, after sweeping all before
them in support of the Blitzkrieg across continental Europe, the Bf 109E pilots were to
suffer badly during the Battle of Britain, the result of poor tactics inflicted upon them
by the Luftwaffe High Command, and their mount's less then generous range.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 012 - Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939–41



Spitfire Mk Is and IIs served only briefly in the frontline with the RAF, but their pilots
were responsible for achieving impressive scores against the Luftwaffe during 1940/41.
This volume details the RAF's first aces of World War 2 who helped stem the German tide
during Britain's struggle for survival in the bitter years between 1939 and 1941. Early-
mark Spitfires were notorious for their light armament, overheating engines and short range,
but during the dogfights over Dunkirk and south-east England, then the first tentative
sweeps across France, many pilots achieved scores of note.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 013 - Japanese Army Air Force Aces 1937–45



Little has been published in English on the Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF), let alone
its most successful fighter pilots - no less than 150 of them achieved ace status during
eight years of near-constant war, and they are all listed in this volume. From the arid
plains of the Mongolian border region to the lush jungles of New Guinea, the JAAF was more
than a match for the many opponents it fought against for control of the skies.
Indeed, even when the mighty Allied war machine proved almost overwhelming from early
1944 onwards, the elite fighter pilots of the various sentais within the JAAF fought on
with near-fanatical loyalty in defence of the Home Islands.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 014 - P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacific and CBI



The P-38 was used on virtually every front to which the USAAF were committed, but enjoyed
its greatest successes in the Pacific and China-Burma-India (CBI) theatres. The speed,
range and firepower of the P-38 made it the favourite of nearly all aircrew fighting
in the Solomons, New Guinea and the Philippines, and over 1800 Japanese aircraft fell
to its guns. From the first encounters at the end of 1942 until the Lightning scored
the final Fifth Air force victories in August 1945, these pilots made the Pacific
skies very much their own battleground.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 015 - Soviet Aces of World War 2



No single volume in English has ever appeared in the West dealing with this intriguing
subject area, but now that restrictions have relaxed in the former Soviet Union,
records of the deeds of the elite pilots of the various Soviet Air Forces are coming to light.
Although initially equipped with very poor aircraft, and robbed of effective leadership
thanks as much to Stalin's purges in the late 1930s as to the efforts of the Luftwaffe,
Soviet fighter pilots soon turned the tables through the use of both lend-lease aircraft
like the Hurricane, Spitfire, P-39 and P-40, and home-grown machines like the MiG-3,
LaGG-3/5, Lavochkin La-5/7/9 and the Yak-1/3.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 016 - Spitfire Mark V Aces 1941–45



As the first Spitfire variant to see extensive service outside of Britain, the Mk V
fought the Axis alliance over the deserts of North Africa, the waters of the Mediterranean
and the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean off the northern coast of Australia. Initially
produced in haste to combat the arrival of new German fighters (the Bf 109F and the Fw 190)
on the Channel front, the Mk V had been created simply by pairing a Mk I or II fuselage
with the new Merlin 45 engine - so successfully that some 6479 airframes were
eventually built. Although often outclassed (particularly on the Channel front by the Fw 190)
by later generation fighters, the Mk V nevertheless proved to be a worthy opponent when
flown by pilots of the calibre of Malan, Tuck, Johnson, Beurling, Caldwell and Duke,
who all enjoyed success with it thanks to its agility and increased armament.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 017 - German Jet Aces of World War 2



The Third Reich's last ditch efforts to sweep the massed Allied bomber formations from
the skies of Germany centred around the new crop of jet 'wonder weapons' that were issued
to the Jagdwaffe from mid-1944 onwards. Far in advance of anything the Allies had even in
the experimental phase, types like the Me 262, He 162, Me 163 and the Ar 234 could perform
their combat sorties with relative impunity. However, paucity in numbers and unreliable
jet engines eventually cancelled out any technological edge that these aircraft offered.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 018 - Hurricane Aces 1939–40



The Hawker Hurricane was the Raf's first monoplane fighter, and it dragged the air force
into a position where it could defend Britain in its 'hour of need'. Prior to the Battle
of Britain, a number of squadrons equipped with the fighter had seen action firstly in
the 'Phoney War', and then during the disastrous campaign in France. Pilots like 'Cobber'
Kain had achieved impressive scores in the face of overwhelming LUftwaffe forces, and
although the RAF lost no less than 386 Hurricanes during the Blitzkried, it gave many
pilots valuable experience. Hawker fighters outnumbered Spitfires during the Battle of
Britain by three to one, and downed far mor aircraft. Overseas, a handful of pilots
put up stiff resistance against Germany's Italian ally in Libya and Egypt,
and also over Malta.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 019 - P-38 Lightning Aces of the ETO/MTO



The P-38 made its combat debut in Europe in mid-1942, the first American fighters being
flown to the UK before heading further east to Twelfth Air Force units in North Africa.
Its service in this theatre, and later over the heartland of Germany itself, earned the
P-38 the nickname 'der gabelschwanzer Teufel' (the 'fork-tailed' devil). This volume
traces the careers of many previously unknown aces within the USAAF in Europe, and helps
redress the balance which has in the past seen all the 'glory' for the fighter victories
in this theatre shared between the pilots of the P-47 and P-51. Some 17 pilots
scored 7 or more kills on the P-38 in the ETO/MTO.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 020 - German Night Fighter Aces of World War 2



When the Luftwaffe entered World War 2, its nightfighter force was virtually nonexistent
thanks to its leader, Reichmarschall Hermann Göring, who boasted that bombs would never
fall on Germany. By mid-1940 his folly was evident; the first night fighter wing was
hastily formed with Bf 110s. Initially capable of detecting targets by visual acquisition
only, the force greatly improved its effectiveness with the creation of the 'Giant Würzburg'
radar chain. By the end of 1942, the night fighter force controlled some 389 fighters and
had destroyed 1,291 RAF bombers in that year alone. Complete with first-hand accounts and
detailed colour illustrations, this book profiles the many variations of night fighters,
and the men who made ace flying them.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 021 - Polish Aces of World War 2



Pilots of the Polish Air Force saw action from the first day of World War 2 until the final
victory in Europe. Flying hopelessly outmoded P.11 fighters in defence of their country in
September 1939, a handful of aviators inflicted serious losses on the Luftwaffe before
being overwhelmed. The survivors escaped to then neutral Hungary and Romania, before being
ordered to France by the new C-in-C of exiled Polish Armed Forces, General Sikorski. With
the invasion of Western Europe in May 1940, the surviving pilots were once more thrust
into desperate action in newly-formed Polish units.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 022 - Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937–45



The outcome of the Pacific War was heavily influenced by the results of naval battles between
the Imperial Japanese fleet and the US Navy. One of the key elements was Japan's large
fighter component, which had gained experience over Manchuria, China and Mongolia in
the late 1930s. Flying A5Ms, at least 21 pilots achieved 'acedom' securing air superiority
for the invaders. Manufacturer Mitsubishi derived much from these campaigns, producing one
of the best fighters of the War, the A6M Zero-Sen. Navy pilots proved to be highly skilled
when engaged by the Allied forces, Pacific. Pilots like Nishizawa, Sagita and Sakai scoring
more than 60 kills apiece.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 023 - Finnish Aces of World War 2



Always outnumbered by their Soviet counterparts, the small band of Finnish fighter pilots
who defended their Scandinavian homeland from the 'communist hordes' in three separate wars
between 1939 and 1945 amassed scores only bettered by the Luftwaffe's Jagdflieger. Initially
equipped with a motley collection of biplane and monoplane fighters garnered from sources
across the globe, the Finnish Air Force was thrust into combat in November 1939. Given little
chance against the massive Soviet force, the Finnish fighter pilots confounded the sceptics and
decimated the attacking fighter and bomber formations, prompting the Russians to call a halt
in March 1940. This scenario was repeated in 1941, and by 1943 the Finns had become uneasy
allies with the Germans. Complete with first-hand accounts and detailed colour illustrations,
this book profiles aces like Juutilainen and Wind, who proved unbeatable in the final
months of conflict.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 024 - P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force



The US aviation industry produced three great fighter designs to equip its burgeoning army
air force during World War 2, and of this trio, Republic's P-47 Thunderbolt was easily the
heaviest. Powered, crucially, by a turbocharged Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp radial
engine that produced 2000 hp, the first production fighters reached the 56th FG in June 1942,
and six months later the group joined the Eight Air Force in Britain. The arrival of the
first P-47Cs in mid-1943 addressed the problem of the aircraft's short combat radius, as this
model could be fitted with an external tank. Slowly, as combat tactics evolved in units like
the 56th and 78th FGs, pilots learnt how best to fly the Thunderbolt in order to effectively
counter the more nimble Luftwaffe fighters.

Osprey - Aircraft Of The Aces - 025 - Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zerstörer Aces of World War 2



This volume is the first of its type to be devoted exclusively to the Zerstörer day fighter aces,
spanning the war years from Poland to the defence of the Reich. Although Messerschmitt's
single-engined Bf 109 has received most of the plaudits for achieving virtual air superiority
over Europe in 1939-40, the exploits of the manufacturer's twin-engined Bf 110, the Ju 88 and
the Me 410 Zerstörer in the first year of the war also make for very impressive reading.
Indeed, on the eve of World War 2 a posting to a Bf 110 unit was considered to be the best
career move available in the Luftwaffe.
