Osprey - Elite - 001 - The Paras 1940–84

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Osprey - Elite - 001 - The Paras 1940–84



On the night of 7 February 1941 the first British parachute unit was sent into action.
Their target was the Tragino Aqueduct in Italy, and although the mission itself did not
go to plan, the effect on Italian morale of this landing in the heart of their country
was considerable. It was also a valuable achievement for the parachutists to have proved
themselves in action, even on so small a scale, at a time when Britain was reeling from
defeat to defeat. Since then, British Airborne Forces have proved themselves in action
time and time again, in a variety of different theatres from Europe to the Falklands.

Osprey - Elite - 002 - The US Marine Corps since 1945



Lee E Russell utilises his expert knowledge to guide us through the post-WWII history of
the Marines, chronicling their involvement in Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon and Grenada. The
account includes such remarkable exploits as the gruelling Chosin Reservoir campaign, which
proved a supreme test of courage and discipline with the Marines isolated and overwhelmingly
outnumbered in an unhospitable terrain where temperatures reached as low as -35F at night -
they nevertheless emerged unbeaten - and the siege of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam conflict,
providing a comprehensive overview of the history, organisation, appearance and equipment of
these famous troops.

Osprey - Elite - 003 - The Vikings



n this worthy addition to the Elite series, Ian Heath transports us to the time of the Vikings
examining their epic journeys and the ships they made them in, their methods of warfare - the
organisation of their armies and tactics employed, their appearance and equipment and the
general history of these fascinating warrior-explorers. His authoritative text is backed by
many fine illustrations and photographs including 12 stunning full colour plates by Angus
McBride, one of the world's most respected military artists.

Osprey - Elite - 004 - US Army Special Forces 1952–84



From its very inception the United States Army Special Forces has been enmeshed in controversy,
its mission misunderstood to varying degrees, and its very existence opposed by some of the
Army hierarchy. Nevertheless it continues to serve in a highly specialised role in all manner
of differing conditions. There can be few better qualified to chronicle the history of this
unique organisation than former Special Forces Group weapons specialist Gordon Rottman,
whose expert knowledge is clearly evident in this authoritative text. This volume also
contains 12 full page colour plates by one of the world's most respected military artists,
Ron Volstad.

Osprey - Elite - 005 - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces



The elite forces of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies in the mid-1980s were
undoubtedly the largest in the world, and among the least known. The Soviet elite formations
alone had a total strength comparable to that of the entire British armed forces. Besides the
conventional military elite formations such as airborne and marine forces, most Warsaw Pact
armies also possessed special, 'political' elite, which were used for internal security.
Backed by numerous photographs and illustrations, this book uncovers the history, organization
and equipment of both the conventional Soviet elite formations and the often ignored security

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Osprey - Elite - 006 - French Foreign Legion Paratroops



The decision, in Spring 1948, to form two battalions of Foreign Legion paratroopers was
prompted by the requirement for enlarged airborne forces in Indochina, and the healthy
recruitment then employed by the Legion. There were some initial doubts. The Legion were
known to be magnificent heavy infantry, but were felt by some to lack the flexibility and
agility demanded by independent airborne operations. In the Legion itself there were some
misgivings over the possible clash between the self-consciously exclusive 'para mentality',
and the Legion's own very marked ésprit de corps. Over time, however, all these doubts
evaporated with experience.

Osprey - Elite - 007 - The Ancient Greeks



The cradle of western civilisation, the ancient Greek world, consisted of a series of
independent city states some of which, such as Athens and Sparta, became major world powers.
This authoritative volume by Nicholas Sekunda covers Greek warfare in the Classical Period,
which stretches from the Greek victories over the Persian Empire to the death of Alexander
the Great at the end of the 4th century. The book includes such famous battles such as
Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis and offers a detailed account of Greek military dress
during this period, supported by 12 full colour plates by Angus McBride.

Osprey - Elite - 008 - Israeli Defence Forces since 1973



Following the devastation of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
underwent significant structural and tactical changes in their battle doctrine. In only a
few years the IDF evolved into a truly modern fighting force, much better prepared to
confront the Palestinian terrorist attacks that were to follow. Written by an ex-soldier of
the IDF, this richly illustrated book chronicles the history of the IDF from the outbreak of
the Yom Kippur War to the late 1980s, and covers the various units of the IDF including the
Paratroop and Infantry Branch, the Engineering Corps and the Armoured Corps.

Osprey - Elite - 009 - The Normans



Despite the small geographic extent of Normandy its people played a crucial role in the
history of the medieval world. Ferocity, boundless energy, cunning and a capacity for
leadership were their heritage, to which modern scholars would add supreme adaptability
and a simple piety. Their amazing military successes resulted from careful planning,
speed of movement, decisiveness, daring and sheer ruthlessness. Added to this was a strong
business sense and an appreciation of the value of money. Veteran Osprey author David Nicolle
describes the history, arms and armour of the remarkable Normans in this fascinating volume.

Osprey - Elite - 010 - Warsaw Pact Ground Forces



While much has been published on the armed forces of the USSR during the 1980s, surprisingly
little is available on the forces supplied by the other member nations of the Warsaw Pact.
Rivalling the size of the United States Army, the combined ground forces of the six non-Soviet
Warsaw Pact countries totalled over 775,000 active troops, with almost two million ground
forces reserves. This book examines the history, organization and uniforms of the often over
looked DDR, Czechoslovak, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Romanian forces at the end of the
Cold War.

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Osprey - Elite - 011 - Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny



From the earliest planning stages of the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes, Hitler was
convinced of the importance of taking the Meuse bridges. He resolved that, when his forces
broke through the US lines, one special unit should be dressed in American uniforms and issued
with American weapons and vehicles. In this guise they could take advantage of the surprise
and shock of the breakthrough, and move forward to the Meuse bridges as if they were
retreating Americans. Jean-Paul Pallud details their organisation and the fateful sequence of
events that followed.

Osprey - Elite - 012 - Inside the Soviet Army



For a young Soviet man in the 1980s, the chances were high that he would be obliged to serve
for at least two years in the Soviet Armed Forces. At this time Soviet society was far more
militarized than most other European countries; by the time they turned 18, most Soviet boys
were far more familiar with military life than their Western European and American counterparts.
Focusing on the daily experiences of a young recruit in the Soviet Army of the late 1980s,
this book examines the history, organization, appearance and equipment of the Soviet forces,
from pre-service indoctrination to uniforms and leadership.

Osprey - Elite - 013 - US Army Rangers & LRRP Units 1942–87



Ranger - the very word conjures up visions of small, highly trained units executing
lightning-fast raids on an unexpecting enemy. It is also synonymous with high esprit de corps
and excellence at arms. The US Army Rangers provide units of well-disciplined soldiers who
possess the knowledge and courage to operate on their own, deep behind enemy lines. Gordon L.
Rottman explores the history of these unique troops, starting with the original 'Rogers'
Rangers' company of 1756, whose daring operations and deep penetrations of enemy-held country
laid down the pattern for all subsequent Ranger units to follow.

Osprey - Elite - 014 - The British Army in the 1980s



The British Army currently enjoys, both at home and abroad, the reputation of being one of the
best in the world. Composed entirely of volunteers, its morale sustained by its curious and
little-understood attitudes towards tradition, the British Army attracts respect and
admiration from the military expert and the layman alike. Written and illustrated by a former
British Army infantryman with 22 years' experience, this book details the Army's history,
organization, uniforms and distinctions. The text is backed by numerous illustrations and

Osprey - Elite - 015 - The Armada Campaign 1588



In the latter part of the 16th century, Spain was the major international power and her leader,
King Phillip II, pledged to conquer the Protestant heretics in England. He envisioned a two
pronged attack. He would send his ‘Invincible Armada’ of 125 ships into the English Channel
where it would link up with the Duke of Parma. The Armada would ferry the Duke's soldiers
across the straight of Dover and these troops would march on London, seize the Queen, and
proceed to conquer the entire country. Over 400 years have passed since this momentous
expedition 'sailed and failed', but its fascination and significance remain undiminished.

Osprey - Elite - 016 - NATO Armies 1949–87



The defeat of Hitler on 8 May 1945 left Western Europe militarily vulnerable and economically
exhausted. The Soviet Union, however, had since 1940 annexed 180,000 square miles of Eastern
Europe, occupied a further 390,000 square miles, and now seemed poised to advance still
further westwards with its six-million strong forces. The increasing Soviet threat brought
forth demands for a permanent Western Military alliance, and on 4 April 1949, the North
Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington DC. This book explores the history, organization and
uniforms of NATO armies - excluding the United States and Great Britain - as they were in the
late 1980s.

Osprey - Elite - 017 - Knights at Tournament



Like all warrior classes throughout history medieval knights engaged in military games, partly
in preparation for war and partly for pure sport. From their often brutal origins in the 10th
century to the gaudy pageantry and eventual decline of the 15th and 16th centuries,
tournaments were the centre of the knightly life. The image of the armoured and surcoated
knight on his caparisoned charger remains the epitome of the chivalric ideal. Christopher
Gravett explores the history of the tournament from its chaotic beginnings to its more formal,
'civilised' incarnation, describing the various 'events' and equipment which came into use.

Osprey - Elite - 018 - Israeli Elite Units since 1948



In 1947, when the UN partitioned Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, the true war for Israel's existence began.
Throughout the War of Independence the PAL'MACH (Hebrew abbreviation for 'Strike Companies')
spearheaded Israel's forces. Disbanded in 1949, the PAL'MACH was replaced by other specialist
units, including paratroop forces, the GOLANI Infantry Brigade, the Naval Commandos, and
territorial and other reconnaissance commando formations. An acknowledged expert on the
Israeli Defence Forces, Samuel Katz presents an overview of these IDF elite units, including
the mysterious SAYERET MAT'KAL, a highly classified elite unit whose exploits involve the 1972
raid on a hijacked Belgian Sabena Boeing 707.

Osprey - Elite - 019 - The Crusades



Born of a mixture of religious fervour, military ardour and political will, the Crusades
remain a fascinating and misunderstood aspect of medieval history. Born amid immense suffering
and bloodshed the Kingdom of Jerusalem remained a battlefield for almost 200 years.
The Crusades raised to campaign for it gave rise to the Military Orders of the Templars and
Hopitallers as well as numerous smaller orders, and were a backdrop to the careers of some of
history's most famous leaders including Richard 'The Lionheart' and Saladin. David Nicolle
recounts the background and events of these fundamental campaigns that scarred the Late
Medieval period.

Osprey - Elite - 020 - Inside the US Army



When conscription was eliminated in the early 1970s, the US Army found itself with a very
different kind of soldier. While the personality of the Army remained the same,
the organization of its higher levels of command and combat formations, and the internal
structure of its units underwent major changes under the 'Army of Excellence' program of
the 1980s. This book explores the US Army of the late 80s, including the training methods,
weapon systems, Reserve Components, organization and uniforms of one of the world's most
potent fighting forces. The text is illustrated with numerous photographs and eight colour

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Osprey - Elite - 021 - The Zulus



'A very remarkable people, the Zulu', the British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said on
hearing of a fresh disaster in the war of 1879, 'They defeat our generals; they convert our
bishops; they have settled the fate of a great European dynasty'. Remarkable indeed, to have
taken on the full might of the British Empire at its height, and won, if not the war, at least
some of the battles. This book explains who the Zulus were, and how they achieved the fame as
warriors which they enjoy to this day.

Osprey - Elite - 022 - World Special Forces Insignia



There exists among the world's armies a proliferation of special forces groups. Today's
smaller armies, especially those of developing nations, demand maximum efficiency in force
structure and employment. Mountain, jungle, arctic and desert areas require special purpose
units trained, conditioned, and equipped to master these environments. This volume by
ex-weapons specialist in the US 7th Special Forces Group, Gordon L. Rottman, details the
insignia of a myriad of special forces groups from all parts of the globe, from Portugal's
Commando Regiment to the North Yemen 'Al Mithalaat' Brigade, with a wealth of illustrations
and photographs, including 12 full page colour plates by Simon McCouaig.

Osprey - Elite - 023 - The Samurai



Perhaps the greatest warriors in history, the Samurai were a product of a social system
totally geared to war. The Samurai became expert in fighting both on horseback and on the
ground. Their way of life was dictated by the code of Bushido or 'way of the warrior' and
clad in their magnificent, multi-coloured armour they were perfectly suited to the violent
clan and dynastic warfare that dominated medieval Japan as the most powerful families vied
for supremacy. In this title Anthony J Bryant presents a fascinating overview of these truly
élite warriors.

Osprey - Elite - 024 - The Old Contemptibles



On 19 August 1914 Kaiser Wilhelm II ordered General von Kluck, commanding the German First
Army, to 'exterminate the treacherous English and walk over General French's contemptible
little Army'. The 'Old Contemptibles' adopted the aspersion like a treasured regimental title,
their subsequent successes earning them a more accurate evaluation as 'the best trained, best
organised and best equipped British Army that ever went forth to war'. This book examines the
history, organization and uniforms of the British Expeditionary Force of the early 20th
century. The text is accompanied by numerous illustrations, including maps, photographs,
and colour plates.

Osprey - Elite - 025 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) - Infantry



When civil war erupted in England in 1642, it quickly involved every level of society
throughout the British Isles. On one side the King and his supporters fought for traditional
government in Church and State. On the other, the supporters of Parliament sought radical
changes in religion and economic policy, and a greater share of power at the national level.
This is the first of two volumes in the Elite series exploring the recruitment, organisation,
and tactics of the soldiers of the English Civil War. This book opens with an account of the
origins of the military theory used by both sides, before discussing the weapons, logistics
and management of the infantry throughout the Civil War campaign.

Osprey - Elite - 026 - Tank War – Central Front NATO vs. Warsaw Pact



In the late 1980s, with the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty in effect, public attention
turned to discussions of conventional weapons in Europe, particularly tanks. Though the
importance of tanks had dimished since their heyday in the Second World War, on the modern
battlefield they remained the dominant weapon.This text, enhanced by colour plates and
photographs, examines the NATO and Warsaw Pact tank forces of that era, focusing on tank
firepower and crew training, and speculates as to the possible outcome had a conventional
land war been fought between them.

Osprey - Elite - 027 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) - Cavalry



In March 1642 King Charles I, believing that Parliament had gone too far when it issued the
Grand Remonstrace, moved to arrest John Pym and four other leaders. That summer Parliament,
fearing military action, tried to seize control of the army by issuing orders for soldiers to
report to Parliamentary, rather than royal, representatives. The King countered by ordering
the bill ignored and raised his own army. Some turned out for the King, some for Parliament,
and so the war started. This book examines how the cavalry soldiers of 1642 expected to fight
the Civil Wars, and how experience changed their ideas.

Osprey - Elite - 028 - Medieval Siege Warfare



During the Middle Ages siege warfare played a vital role in military strategy. Sieges were far
more numerous than pitched battles, ranging from small-scale affairs against palisaded
earthworks to full-scale assaults on vast strongholds. Needless to say, the art of siege
warfare assumed a unique importance to both invader and defender alike. In this title
Christopher Gravett explores the different aspects of medieval siege warfare, from chivalrous
formalities to 'surprise and treachery', in a text backed by numerous illustrations including
12 full page colour plates by Richard and Christa Hook.

Osprey - Elite - 029 - Vietnam Airborne



The Airborne units that fought against the Viet Cong in Vietnam were a select brotherhood.
Their ability to respond and move rapidly by air transport or helicopter, combined with their
flexibility in ever-changing tactical situations, saved the day in many brutal fights in the
jungles, swamps, plains and mountains of Vietnam. This book looks at the history, organization
and uniforms of the airborne units in Vietnam. The troops covered include paratroopers,
reconnaissance troops and special forces soldiers from the US, Australia, New Zealand,
Thailand and the Republic of Vietnam. Contemporary photographs and full page colour artwork
support the text.

Osprey - Elite - 030 - Attila and the Nomad Hordes



Of all the conquerors who swept out of Central Asia, two names stand out in European memory –
Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan the Mongol. Both are remembered for massacres and devastation;
yet whereas Genghis is also famous for the laws he imposed on half of Asia and for the trade
which flourished under Mongol rule, Attila's notoriety seems unrelieved by positive
achievements. But what was Attila's short-lived empire really like? What happened to the Huns
afterwards, and what role did the nomads of Central Asia play in the centuries between Attila
and Genghis Khan?

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