Pepatah Petitih Harian

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Sometimes leaving someone behind means that you only want the best for them, even if it means the sad reality that the best isn't you.
If you have a bad past realize that it's over, you were strong enough to get through it and now it's time to focus on your future.
Everyone is capable of going further than they think they can. They just haven't pushed themselves past the limit they've set for themselves
Your enemies don't care about you or your life so stop listening to their opinions of you. Their job is to make you miserable.
I hope everyone having a really good day & if u r not, just know that in every new minute that passes u have an opportunity to change that.
"A big smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the mind, and the heating system of the heart."
The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone who says they love you is the moment you know they have been lying to you.
In the end you will know who truly loves you. They're the ones who respect you for who you are, and no matter what, they stand by your side.
Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others tell you it is. What's impossible to them, may not be impossible for you.
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