Sometimes you have to take short-term pain for long-term gain. It hurts, but that will be worth it.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,181 Sometimes you have to take short-term pain for long-term gain. It hurts, but that will be worth it.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,182 Life keeps going on. Let go of the things that have gone. Be prepared for the better things that will come.
Life keeps going on. Let go of the things that have gone. Be prepared for the better things that will come.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,183 Even problems do you a favor. They let you know the real friends from fake ones.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,184 People will always try to bring you down, but you have to remember that there is GOD bigger than anything in this world.
People will always try to bring you down, but you have to remember that there is GOD bigger than anything in this world.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,186 Failure keeps you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only faith and determination keeps you going.
Failure keeps you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only faith and determination keeps you going.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,187 Our eyes are in front because it is better to look ahead than to look back. Learn from them and keep moving forward.
Our eyes are in front because it is better to look ahead than to look back. Learn from them and keep moving forward.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,188 Sometimes, people never get what they deserve because they're too busy holding on to things they're supposed to let go of.
Sometimes, people never get what they deserve because they're too busy holding on to things they're supposed to let go of.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,189 Always be looking for that which you do well and that which you love doing, and when you find those two things together, you got it.
Always be looking for that which you do well and that which you love doing, and when you find those two things together, you got it.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,190 If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror.
spirit Mod Dec 31, 2016 #3,191 Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.
Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,192 Dengarkanlah pendapat orang, tapi kamu tidak harus menurutinya. Pilih dan ambil yang menurutmu benar.
Dengarkanlah pendapat orang, tapi kamu tidak harus menurutinya. Pilih dan ambil yang menurutmu benar.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,194 Jangan menyerah atas hal yang kamu anggap benar meskipun terlihat mustahil.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,197 Dari hal-hal baik, aku belajar mengucap syukur. Dari hal-hal buruk, aku belajar menjadi kuat.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,198 Tuhan tidak pernah beristirahat, dan Dia selalu ada, yang sering terjadi adalah kita sering tertidur dalam iman kita sendiri.
Tuhan tidak pernah beristirahat, dan Dia selalu ada, yang sering terjadi adalah kita sering tertidur dalam iman kita sendiri.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,199 Engkau memberiku kekuatan untuk menjalani hari ini. Semoga semua indah pada akhirnya.
spirit Mod Jan 22, 2017 #3,200 Ketika luka buatmu tak mampu berkata, sebuah pelukan akan buatmu temukan tawa. Karena pelukan mampu berkata tanpa perlu bersuara.
Ketika luka buatmu tak mampu berkata, sebuah pelukan akan buatmu temukan tawa. Karena pelukan mampu berkata tanpa perlu bersuara.