A true man doesn't promise; he commits. A true lady doesn't demand; she thanks.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,361 A true man doesn't promise; he commits. A true lady doesn't demand; she thanks.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,362 Much prayer, much power. Little prayer, little power. No prayer, no power.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,363 The best things in life are free. So wherever we see friendship, laughter, loyalty & love, there is our treasure.
The best things in life are free. So wherever we see friendship, laughter, loyalty & love, there is our treasure.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,364 Fear makes everything seem impossible. Faith makes everything seem possible.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,365 God will take things that are wrong and He will turn them around and make them right in our life.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,366 Choose your friends wisely and choose your opponents wisely. Making the wrong decision with either could be your demise.
Choose your friends wisely and choose your opponents wisely. Making the wrong decision with either could be your demise.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,367 You can't see the light not because you're in the darkness, but because you don't want to open your eyes.
You can't see the light not because you're in the darkness, but because you don't want to open your eyes.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,368 To truly believe in freedom is to allow disagreement and even support each other's right to be wrong.
To truly believe in freedom is to allow disagreement and even support each other's right to be wrong.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,369 Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. Little minds are defeated by disappointment; Great minds rise above them.
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. Little minds are defeated by disappointment; Great minds rise above them.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,370 Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you to pray more, trust more, expect more.
Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you to pray more, trust more, expect more.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,371 A proud man is always looking down on thing & people, and when u are looking down u cannot see something that is above u.
A proud man is always looking down on thing & people, and when u are looking down u cannot see something that is above u.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,372 Sometimes we expect more from other people, because we are willing to do that much for them.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,373 If people talk about you behind your back, that would mean you are in front. So stay ahead!
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,374 There are some things that money just cannot buy, like manners, morals, and intelligence.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,375 Thinking too much of what others think of you will ultimately changes what you think of yourself.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,376 We have to experience bad times to be able to really appreciate the good ones. Keep the faith, it will get better.
We have to experience bad times to be able to really appreciate the good ones. Keep the faith, it will get better.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,377 Work for a cause, not for applause. Live to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt
Work for a cause, not for applause. Live to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,378 Feelings can come without your permission, but you're still the one who decides you want to grow it or stop it.
Feelings can come without your permission, but you're still the one who decides you want to grow it or stop it.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,379 Just as God brings people into our lives, He will move some people out.
spirit Mod Feb 22, 2017 #3,380 We are a people of habits. If you can change your habits, you can change your life.