Pepatah Petitih Harian

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Orang yang bijak bukanlah orang yang paling sedikit mengalami kegagalan, tetapi orang yang berhasil mengubah kegagalan menjadi keberhasilan.
You cant teach a person who's not willing to learn. You cant change a person who's not willing to grow up. U deserve better.
Challenge yourself to be who u know u are capable of being. Challenge yourself to follow through - to live what u preach, to walk your talk.
No matter what happens, be intentional and do your best. You won't enjoy your life if you don't enjoy your challenges.
The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find.
It's ok you can't control people. It's just not ok when you can't control your life and let people control it.
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