Tell us about yourself in english

Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

Hello admin and everybody

I am bob ahmed
From Jakarta. My Jobs is web developer and IT in one of the company in Jakarta.

Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

hy guys....Let me introduce my self.
My name is REsi_dj. i'm 22 years old.
I like a boy becouse i'm girl.
If i were a boy..i should love a girl.
My favorit colour is black.

I love a cat.....Let me introduce my cat too..
my cat's name is Bon2...all off you can spell ...B....O...N....B...O...N...

ok...i think that is enought
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

Dear my friends,

i wants to introduce myself. My name is Setiyo Mursidno and my family calls me Mursid. i'm from Solo, i was born on november,24,1988 in sukoharjo.
i'm 1.65 meters tall.visit my blog yah :
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

Hi all,
my name is Kristian (or you can call me arch, just like my username in this forum)...
i was born on october 20th,19xx in surabaya.
i work as a java programmer, because i am a javanese??? LOL...

nice to meet you, guys
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

nice to meet you too arch..
every one calls me popoi..
and.. every one gave me their star... so you should too!
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

heheh im not think so........i smell someone whose like a thief...a star thief..wekekek
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

there are some irresponsible people talking about me... did they talk some bad thing about me...??
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

hehhehe mr.pop...we talk aboout.......hmmm a part of yourself (wealah..bener gitu ga ya..nulisnya)
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

oh my god.....................huuuffff you always trapping me mr.pop....
okay becouse i'm happy today..i give you

(hohohohoo i hope every one knows if mr.popoi is someone like as hmm...a star thief)
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

ups...i mean thankyou....not tengkyu's my false n nothing star ahh wakakakaka (oh my so shy)
Bls: Tell us about yourself in english

My name is _ _ _
but all my friends call me Adi.
I am 3 (make it double) years old. Nice to meet you all,thank you...