The "Adwords Black Book" course


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The "Adwords Black Book" course consists of:
"Adwords Black Book" (PDF-document)
The Adwords Success Interviews: Make Your Profits Soar! (PDF-document)
How I'm Using the Google Adwords Changes to Systematically Eliminate and Dominate My Competition (PDF-document)
Online resources (scripts etc.) for marketing through Google Adwords.


The Adwords Black Book has caused a lot of stir among Internet marketers.

And for a good reason. The author, whom we'll here call 'Mr. X', has some ideas that goes counter to much of the advice you usually get on how to run effective Google Adwords campaigns. Besides, Mr. X has a rather blunt writing style which has provoked some people.

"Adwords Black Book" is not one of those books that cover Google Adwords from A to Z. Instead, the author has chosen to concentrate on a dozen or so winning tactics that he's used very successfully to market both affiliate products and his own products on the Internet.

I've read a lot of other books about Google Adwords and I already know quite a lot about the subject.

When I read this book, "Adwords Black Book", much of the information wasn't new to me. I already knew it.

But still I was surprised to discover that some of the information in "Adwords Black Book" was new to me. That's something that seldom happens when you read as many marketing related books as I do.

For example, Mr. X shows you how to use a few genius techniques to boost your Adwords profits by converting a higher percentage of your visitors into customers.

"Adwords Black Book" primarily focuses on how you can improve you customer conversion rate and how you can use Google Adwords to target exactly the customers that are most likely to become customers.

Some marketers would say that some of Mr. X's techniques shouldn't be used. They're simply too cynical, they would say.

In my opinion most of the techniques aren't cynical or un-ethical, as long as you don't misuse them. They're just very effective and enables you to compete in highly competitive markets.

However, when that's said, there is one aspect about this book that I don't like and can't condone: Mr. X's language. In fact, in some instances I will call it outright 'dirty language'.

I know that it's become quite popular in some marketing circles to use this kind of language, often motivated by the wish to position oneself as down-to-earth and different from some of the more academic marketers.

Personally I don't like this kind of language. It's totally unnecessary and downright un-ethical in my opinion to use such dirty language.

But except from that, I really found this book very useful.

The information is unique and original - something you very seldom see in marketing ebooks.

But best of all, the information is really, really useful - not only if you want to use Google Adwords, but also when you're using other of online marketing methods.

Overall assessment

In my opinion Mr. X is a genius. His marketing information is really, really good and very useful.

In "Adwords Black Book" the author - the anonymous Mr. X - takes a unique stand on how to market using Google Adwords. And his advice and methods are really good and very useful.

However, there is one thing about this book that I don't like: I don't like the dirty language in the book.

But when that's said, I can't deny that Mr. X really has included a lot of quality information in this book that you won't find elsewhere.

Buying information

Price (at the time of this writing)


(Note: Unfortunately "Adwords Black Book" is now sold out).

About Mr. X

I'm sorry, but I can't reveal who Mr. X is. He wishes to be anonymous. Of course his choice is also part of his marketing strategy. You know, everything becomes a bit more mysterious when the author holds back his name

The DVD training that accompanies the ebook :

- DVD 1 Introduction to the Way of .X. (including ebook)

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